
Fallout 3: Seven Tens

A young man, in his early twenties, is a huge Fallout fan. Their room is covered in Fallout memorabilia, merchandise and they have played each game in the franchise a multitude of times. After a very challenging Fallout 4 run with self imposed rules, he decided to play a relaxed play-through of Fallout 3; giving his character maxed special stats through console commands. Somehow though, after he decided his tag skills during the Goat scene, he mysteriously passed out. After awhile, he wakes up into Vault 101, as the character he created. Maxed SPECIALs and all.

owie108 · ゲーム
9 Chs


Hey all~

I'm sorry to say this, but I'll be dropping this story.

My heart and passion for this story has been fizzling out, and after another 2-3 months of barely getting anywhere on writing a chapter and a long time of debating with myself, I've finally decided to let this story go.

There might be a possibility I'll pick this story up again in the future, but that's up to future me. So think of this story on "Permanent Hiatus" until then.

Even though I won't be writing this story anymore for now, I still loved posting chapters for you all. So I'm thinking of starting a new story, but I haven't really settled on anything so far.

Should I do another Fanfic? Or attempt something more Original?

What do you all think? I have some ideas for multiple different fanfics (Harry Potter, Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum, Sims 3, Doom, Fairy Tail, etc.) and two more original stories (A dungeon building/kingdom slice of life; and a Pokemon inspired, but not Pokemon, story).

I would love hear what you all think.

(Again, sorry about the 2-3 month gap without any chapters/news.)

Thanks for your time <3