

Alina, a simply beautiful & very independent woman who loves her profession and her family. She is an Event planner and loves to plan everything. She just wants to increase her branches with her best friend and live a simple life. Only one thing that bothers her is, her insecurities with men. Everything is normal until she crosses paths with Shane Vincent King who is a most powerful gang leader in New York. He’s hot, mysterious, sexy yet dangerous who loves his family more than himself.. If you ever dare to come in their way then you’ll no longer be in this world.. Every woman wants to be with him but he has his eyes only for one woman. What if Alina is that woman who he wants for all his life? Can she be able to put her insecurities aside for him? What if she got dragged into a dangerous life after entering his life? Or is her life already dangerous because of her unknown past? Will Shane help her to know her past leading her to a new life and fall in love with each other or fate has some other plans for them?

HoneySa_na27 · 都市
35 Chs

Unknown feelings!



Rolling to my left side of the bed getting comfortable after a long and deep sleep. I slept like a baby, after a very long time which is really rare. No nightmares, no screaming and no waking up in the middle of the night with cold sweat, just a comfortable sleep.

I opened my eyes slowly as a soft smile formed on my lips after a refreshing sleep but something caught my eyes next to me, I got confused and rubbed my eyes to see clearly and when I saw it, my smile faded immediately and my eyes were wide open in shock.

No, it's not something, but someone sleeping so peacefully without a shirt on and messy hair covering his face. 'What the f*ck?' I got up with a quick thud and looked around to see my surroundings.

No, this is not my bedroom. Where the hell am I? My lips began to tremble as my heartbeat started racing like it was going to explode, any minute. I checked under the covers to see whether I'm in last night's dress or not.

"Noooo…." I screamed after seeing that my dress was changed and I'm in nothing but a freaking shirt. What the hell happened last night? Did I sleep with him? Oh god please no…

My eyes almost teared up with that thought. "No.. no way.." I screamed again loud enough which made him wake up from his sleep.

He opened his eyes, brushing his hair back with his fingers which covers his face. That's when I saw his face clearly. My eyes got even wider than before. My heart started pounding faster. "What the hell are you doing here?" I shouted furiously.

He stood up yawning and started stretching his arms like he was tired after a long night. This made me even more scared than before. I'm staring at him waiting for his answer. "Like what you see?" he asked me with a smirk. That stupid smirk.

"You wish," I grunted in anger and asked again. "What the hell happened last night?" he smirked hard after hearing my question.

"You don't remember?" He asked with a grinning face.

"Of-of course I do." I stuttered at first but controlled myself not to give him any satisfaction but I want to know what happened last night.

"Of course you do… After all, How can you forget such a looooong and memorable night." He said while coming close to me and I instantly got off the bed. He chuckled seeing me.

My heart beat increased tremendously and tears welled up in my eyes but I tried to control them, not to cry in front of him. I would never show my emotions in front of anyone. I'll always stay strong.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I shouted in anger.

He chuckled getting off the bed and started walking in my direction with that stupid smirk again. He walked towards me until there was no space between us…

I instantly moved backwards hitting the cold wall but he filled the gap again. When I tried to move away from him, he blocked my way by placing both of his hands on either side of the walls caging me in between. I frowned, "Move away."

"That's not what you asked me last night." He said not giving any gap between us. "You told me to do so many things last night." his smirk began to spread across his face.

I looked away from embarrassment and anger, because of my drunken self.

He holds my chin, forcing me to look him in the eyes, "Look at me." He started caressing my cheeks with the pad of his thumb, which is relaxing for the first time when a man touched me. I never felt this way, which is really surprising. Honestly, I don't know why I like his touch. "Do you really think, I would take advantage of you when you are drunk and not yourself?" He asked me, looking straight into my eyes and I automatically shook my head saying No. "Then, why are you worrying about something that didn't even happen? I'm teasing you. Don't worry." He said moving away from me.

I took a deep breath which I forgot to take breaths for a minute. 'Thank god nothing happened.' But why does it feel like I'm disappointed after hearing that? Is it because nothing happened or he moved away from me?

"But," he came closer again. This time there is no gap at all, our bodies are almost touched. He came closer to my face staring into my eyes, "If you do what you did again like last night", he comes very close to my ear. His hot breath touched my earlobe which makes it harder for me. "I can't say I can control myself again around you. You don't even know how hard it is to control myself last night. I don't want to do anything which you regret later." He said which makes my whole body weak as his hot breath fanned my neck.

"What happened last night?" I asked him.

"Oh, you don't remember anything at all, right?" he asked me grinning widely. I nodded saying yes. He chuckled and said, "As I said before, you don't want me to leave you. You don't even want to wear this shirt and started dancing, half-naked." he smirked when he said the last word.

"WHAT?" I asked in disbelief. What the hell? Did I really do that? Damn, it's so embarrassing. How the hell did I get into this?

He laughed seeing my embarrassed face. "By the way, you look cute when you're drunk." He winked before moving away from me and walking to his bathroom. "And that shirt looks better on you than me." With that, he left going into his bathroom. I blushed without even knowing the effect. In a second he came back saying, "But I like it more when it is on the floor showing what's underneath." He smirked saying that.

That stupid smirk again, I want to smack his face to remove that smirk off his face. I picked the pillow and threw it at him but he dodged catching it in mid-air. "Oops, you missed it. Better luck next time," He said grinning wider and went to his bathroom and this time for real.

"Just wait until I get my revenge on you," I said seeing the closed bathroom door. Stomping my foot angrily, I left the room cursing him.

"Arrogant Jerk," I said loudly and closed his damn room door making a loud bang sound.

"Who are you calling Jerk?" a voice was heard behind, startling me, so I turned to see the person. I have never seen him before in this penthouse. Who is he?

"Who are you?" I asked him while walking in his direction.

He checked me from top to bottom and chuckled saying, "Don't you think, I'm the one who should ask that question?"

"Well, I asked you first. So tell me who you are? And what are you doing here?" I asked him.

"You are an interesting one…" He chuckled and continued saying, "Anyways, I'm Vladimir and I live here."

"You also live here? Just how many people are living here?" I asked in disbelief. Seriously, how many people will live in a house? Yes, this is a huge penthouse but isn't it too much?

He chuckled and said, "Thirteen members and sometimes even more."


"Yes. We all live here and it's quite spacious enough to fit a few more people too." He smirked.

"Okay, whatever," I just shrugged and started walking so that I could leave that place.

"You forgot to tell me your name." He asked me, stopping me in the middle of my path.

"Alina," I said and turned to face him.

"Beautiful name for a beautiful lady. But are you really going to leave like that?" he asked while looking at me with a puzzled expression.

"What's wrong?" I asked and checked my dress and immediately went behind a couch to cover myself.

What the hell? Did I seriously walk like this all this time? What happened to you, Alina? That man seriously got on your nerves. It's all because of him.

Vladimir chuckled, "You don't have to hide like that. You look good but it might be a bit inappropriate to walk out like this, looking all messy. Don't you think?" he asked, while trying control his laughter.

"Don't think much. Nothing happened," I grunted glaring at him angrily.

"I never asked you though." He shrugged his shoulders and chuckled.

Damn these people, are all of them the same? F*cking arrogance.

"CLOSE YOUR F*CKING EYES VLAD", I heard him shouting while coming out of his room.

"Oops, someone is angry," Vlad said, chuckling.

"I SAID CLOSE. YOUR. F*CKING. EYES, VLAD," Shane shouted again saying word by word all while walking closer to us. There he is again, shouting and commanding everyone.

"Who is yelling so damn in the morning?", I saw someone coming in our direction closing his ears. I remember him, I saw him with Shane, the first time we met at the club. "What's going on here?" That blue-haired man asked.

"GET LOST TYLER," Shane shouted which startled him. That blue-haired man flinched and ran in an instant. Damn, he scared the shit out of him. So, his name is Tyler.

"Calm down man, I'm already taken. You don't have to worry about anything." Vlad said, but that doesn't make him look any less angry.

"Doesn't mean you can see her like this," Shane argued. What is his problem? He is behaving like he owns me. Well, I'm not anyone's property.

"What's your problem?" I said going closer to him.

His eyes widened and immediately came closer to me covering my lower body with his jacket which surprised me with his sudden gesture.

"What's my problem huh? It's you. You are my problem. Why did you come out of the room like this?" he asked me, glaring at me.

"I can do whatever I want. You are not my boss." I argued, glaring back at him. Who is he trying to scare? I'm not someone who he can scare easily. If he thinks he can command me as he does with everyone else then he is wrong.

Vlad chuckled at my answer. I don't know what made him laugh but it made Shane furious. "Shut up Vlad," Shane shouted.

"Sorry," Vlad said holding his laughter.

"Alina Green, you are coming with me," Shane said, no scratch that, he commanded. So, of course, I won't oblige.

"I'm not going anywhere with you," I said crossing my arms over my chest.

"Oh Yes, you are." He said and lifted me from the ground placing me on his shoulder like I'm a feather which weighed nothing to him.

"What the f*ck Shane? Put me down right now." I shouted hitting him on his back. He didn't budge at all. Well, he won't because I'm not using all my strength.

Because I don't know why, but I like this. I like fighting with him for silly reasons. I like to be around him. I like to get on his nerves. I like to tease him and push his ego. Mostly, I like to be in his arms, which I have never felt with any man. He puts my insecurities aside without even knowing what he is doing to me.

I don't know what this is. But I like this confusion. So, so I just let it be. Only time tells us.


I took her to my room again and closed the door shut. Walking to my bedside, I placed her on the bed and glared at her which she replied with her own glare.

"What the hell Alina? Do you f*cking know how you look in that freaking shirt? That thing barely covers your body. Do you want me to kill every f*cking man who dares to see you like this. Just don't ever walk like this." I couldn't control my anger when Vlad saw her wearing nothing but a shirt. Though they are my men, I can't control their thoughts. I don't want anyone to look at her like this but me.

I don't know this feeling but I couldn't even think about a man seeing her like this. Call it jealousy or whatever, I don't care when it comes to her. It's just a few days since I have known her but she is making me feel things which no one does.

"Who are you to tell me what I can wear? I can wear whatever I want and I will do whatever I like." She said and stood up walking away from me.

I clutched her arm and pulled her to my side pinning her on the wall in an instant, caging her in between me and the cold wall.

"What the hell Shane?" She shouted but I pressed her lips with my finger to shut her up.

Damn, how I want to kiss those soft lips. Her full heart lips are like soft petals. I want to know how it tastes and how it feels when I kiss her. Her cool grey eyes are piercing my soul. F*ck, stop your thoughts Shane or else you can't control yourself.

"Don't ever walk away like that from me. Do you understand?" I shouted at her. I know how much she hates commands or orders from anyone. But I like to tease her.

"What if I don't understand? What if I walk away again? What will you do, Shane? I already told you once, YOU. ARE. NOT. MY. BOSS. Get that in your thick head." She said by pressing every word. I guess I hit a nerve there.

"If you walk away again, then trust me, Alina, the consequences won't be in your favour," I warned.

"Oh really, I'm very scared", she said sarcastically and rolled her eyes. "Why don't you tell me the consequences?"

"Oh, you will actually like it," I said smirking at her. Moving closer to her, I pulled her by her waist so close to me. There is no space left between us, I traced her soft lips with the pad of my thumb, "I will kiss you very hard, biting those soft lips, hard enough to shut your feisty mouth."

Her lips quivered a little which makes it very hard to control myself. So I moved back from her and gave her one of my tracks. "Wear this and go to the girls' room to change." I know it'll be too big for her, but she can change it once she goes to Camilla's or any other girl's room. But for now, I don't want anyone to see her like this.

She did as I told her without arguing anymore. I don't know what got into her but for the first time, she did as I told her except when she was drunk though.

She left the room without saying a word which surprised me. Did I really scare her? I don't think so, because as far as I know, I have never seen her scared. She didn't even flinch. Then What's the reason behind her sudden change? I'll make sure to know everything about you Alina, you just wait.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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