

Takeshi POV

"Takkun! Takkun!"

Huh? Someone calling me? Drowsiness slowly seeping out of me as i try to open my eyes.

A mop of brown hair could be seen in front of me, oh right, Tsuna has been appointed as the student council, and start to understand that i will not and will never even try to hurt him, he has been unstopping alarm. Always waking me up for today practices. Such dedication...why hasn't he a student council on the Canon verse again? Oh right, bullies...

"Heyya Tsunaa" i drawled as i rubbed my sleepy eyes, try to stay awake and get up for real. Usually i'll ask for five more minutes that definitely will not delayed into few more hours, kidding, but i'll give a mercy to the panicked boy for now.

"Ken-senpai ask for you to come practice, the tournament would be held in one month"

I skeptically look at the young not yet boss. "He didn't do anything to you, isn't he?"

"No way! What is it with you and your suspiciousness. He just ask me, nothing else. Not everyone a bully!" Tsuna shriek in defense of Kendo captain. I tilted my head to the side.

...But he did bully you and challenge you in Kendo match in your canon timeline for kyoko's love though...

Tsuna watched me with a twitch in his eyes, before sighing helplessly.

A glow of orange hues that softly dancing in his eyes gradually sharpening as his gaze fall on me "I'm not a kid anymore Takeshi, you shouldn't beat up everyone 'suspicious' on my stead"

...Yikes that tone...

"I'm sorry" i muttered while looking away.

"You are not sorry" he hummed instantly. Damn Tsuna's broken Hyper Intuition. "Anyway, just go on your way and win more medal for our school. It'll be more productive that way."

Tsuna pushed me in the direction to the gym hall. Before making his way to His own office. Yes, he now has his own room as the president, a gift from the principal for 'reigning in' the destructive and wild Hibari.

Oh, how that sound so much like a pokemon,...i think placing him into the prefect hand do so so much to Tsuna's own self confidence. Even if it condemn me into more works as what he order me, yet again.

No regrets.

As i picked up my jacket and go on my way to stretching my old but technically young bones to work.

Tsuna POV

I sighed as i signed again another paperworks. Who said adults can be responsible? Sic Hibari on them, they'll run away to save their life, and make me, a primary school kid like me do their jobs.

Me, who is just a dame in few months ago!

I'll be righfully go mad if only things aren't so hilariously funny, and after those magic fire 'theraphy' Takkun suggest me to take, that actually helping my case, to assimilate my flames with my - what takkun call- Guardians flames to break through the invisible seal that somehow we found on my forehead, that horrid things that now i know making me feel so cold and make me lose all my semblance and ability, those sealed the pretty warm fire i have. Now, that it was broken, i feel calm and more in control, i think.

He still tease me about my dream about being a giant robot though, the jerk.

Onii-san also helped me recover, since Takkun also teach the same techniques to Onii-san that have a giddy yellow fire and Hibari who get an untameable purple one, those two has been willingly help me broke out of the seal along with Takkun the refreshing blue flames, and oh how i like to laugh remembering how fast takkun smile stiffened at the rise of magical fire Hibari blood thirst to seek the nearest durable living body sack after our 'theraphy'.

Even if that mean Hibari-senpai ask me to spar also.


They'll be death of me, i swear...

But....i'll never trade them over anything...

Maybe i am also becoming weird, haha...i am not weird, am i?! ╥﹏╥