

The night was quite foggy with the air quite cold when he opened his bedroom window. It wasn't by accident that he opened the window, but he did open it on purpose. She wished that one of the men who now filled her heart would come to her on a night like this.

Incidentally he missed his lover, but he also wanted a second man who was with him recently. The man who claims to be his mate.

Jade felt the chill of the night wind pierce his human body. Not so cold, but enough he could feel the cold.

While reading his reading book by lying on the bed and under the blanket, he waited. The book he was reading had not yet reached the next page stage, so he immediately turned his head towards the window, where his lover was sitting quietly with his hands in the pockets of his jeans.

"Hello, beautiful," said Max.

"Hey. Join here. I've locked the door," Jade said offering him to join her by his side.