
falling in love (secret billionaire)

she was taking a sip of her coffee and was enjoying her playlist when some jackass as she likes to call bad driver made her spill coffee on herself. jackass she yelled while horn. she speed off and followed the driver and the horn again when she got slow to the car. "hey, jack ass" she wasn't going to let this go not today. she wanted to talk to the driver but the back sit window open "hi, am.." the stranger want to introduce himself but was interrupted by her. "a jackass" she interrupted him and drew the remaining coffee at his car and zoom off while her middle finger up telling him fuck you. feisty, a smile formed on his lips, I like that" ringing his phone was ringing, he look at the caller's ID, it was Jimin, he picked up the call "Hello" sir, we have a clear aim at the driver with your order we can make it an accident, right now. Jimin said "why so serious, boy," he said and hang up. Jimin look at his phone to be sure he just spoke to his boss.is he joking

queenpink5 · ファンタジー
52 Chs

chapter 37

The phone call of B

it was really late in the night. couldn't tell what was keeping that girl from coming home. I had already dunk the girls.

was she planning a sleepover there? I had the urge to call Williams but I shook off the idea. maybe I should wait awhile. To avoid snoozing off, I turned on the TV sat down, and enjoyed the movie with my popcorn..

. a few minutes later my phone rang, I checked the caller ID and it was Sia. I quickly pick up the call without wasting a second.

"Hello, sia where are you".

"she is at the bar getting drunk"

"which bar"


I got up took my hoodie and was about to leave when the guy who called me with a phone sent a text, telling me her at the bar,then my phone rang again


"Hello, you call"

"How are you" a female voice was heard at the other end

"am pretty sure that you did not call me to ask me that."

"Sure, what a smart boy you are".

"go straight to the point, I have somewhere to be." B sounds so irritated

"I asked you to watch her, so tell me any new thing"


"Benson, you listen to me and listen carefully, You are in her life for only one purpose and that is to know her very move. and prevent her from meeting don

if you can't do that then just let me know so I can end her"

"she wouldn't meet him".

"I will make sure of that, good boy" The voice at the other end could no longer be heard. the call had ended.

B grinded his teeth in annoyance, what does this woman want me to do? he sighed and rushed off to the bar. he saw Sia at the exact spot. he looked around and asked the var attendant about the guy. but no one seemed to know where he was. he then decided to take her home.


Hi, this is your author Queen Pink and you are reading Falling in Love (Secret Billionaire)

before anything, I would like to wish you all a happy new month. (welcome to December) be blessed

volume one of this book contains a total of 70chapter and they all will be uploaded before or during the end of the month.

the 20th of this month marks my one-year plus

keep reading

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