
falling in love (secret billionaire)

she was taking a sip of her coffee and was enjoying her playlist when some jackass as she likes to call bad driver made her spill coffee on herself. jackass she yelled while horn. she speed off and followed the driver and the horn again when she got slow to the car. "hey, jack ass" she wasn't going to let this go not today. she wanted to talk to the driver but the back sit window open "hi, am.." the stranger want to introduce himself but was interrupted by her. "a jackass" she interrupted him and drew the remaining coffee at his car and zoom off while her middle finger up telling him fuck you. feisty, a smile formed on his lips, I like that" ringing his phone was ringing, he look at the caller's ID, it was Jimin, he picked up the call "Hello" sir, we have a clear aim at the driver with your order we can make it an accident, right now. Jimin said "why so serious, boy," he said and hang up. Jimin look at his phone to be sure he just spoke to his boss.is he joking

queenpink5 · ファンタジー
52 Chs

Chapter 25

Lord of the Sea

"Boss what do you think will happen to lord of the sea". Jimin asked curiously

"since when did you become so stupid jimin"

"sorry sir" Jimin felt disappointed by his question.

somewhere in the lord of Sea House

"Quickly, pack all your thing," Mrs light said

"We don't have time for this pack few things"

"Dad, all our accounts have been frozen." young master light spoke

"Yes expect this account. it is not registered in any of our names. we have up to 500 million in here" he handed it to his son.

"let's go," his son told

"no, if I go with you people we will all die".

"what should we do"

"Take this card use it wisely and take this document. an airplane will be landing in 30 minutes in the eastern yard go there all of you. In 24 hours you don't see me turn on the news to listen to how I die"

"no, pls Daddy no" his little daughter pleaded

*stop it, son, take care when am gone"

he nodded.

After his family left me light began to lay trap. I won't go down without a fight. after the trap was laid he waited for the bounty hunters to arrive so he could blow them up with himself.

he waited for them when he heard footsteps close to him he click the bomb button

"Son what are you doing here"

"quickly let's get out of here"

"get out"

"Trust me, dad"

"you useless fool, get out before it's too late, bastard there is a bomb here go"

"what do plan to do"

"I set it myself I plan to kill myself instead of dying g in the hands of another".

"let me"

a slap landed on the young master's face." leave you fool".


the fire was everywhere in the light resident

in the Williams group of company

I rush over to work. Close to my office, I could smell her favorite perfume of

Sia was talking to B on the phone, I guessed. when she saw Williams walk past her office

'shouldn't he be at his Dubai' she thought. a few minutes later Luke walked in

"Madam Mr. Williams is want to see

I arrived at his office

"Good day sir"

"thank you sia" I honestly wish she could call my name

"I didn't know you will be back so early"

he stared at her, there was no change in her facial expression, nor could he see a sad eye, even on her face. this is the old Sia

"you called me, sir"Sia bought him out of the world he was

"I heard that you are in charge when I was away"

"yes, sir Madam Mary left and put me in charge while you were gone I was acting president. Although I was informed about the one-week break"

"was it too much," he asked with a charming smile

"yes, but it didn't affect us much*.

"next time I will think about the company"

"Would that be all sir"?

"yes" he stared into to has he replied her

I wonder what Williams warrants to say and where all the bounty hunters go to. what happens to Mr light and his son and what happens to his family find out more in this novel.

I know it's been a while so I sincerely apologize. Please keep reading

yes, thank you, sir