
Chapter 19




"Day 1 of trying not to hurt these people", Luca said seeing everyone else half asleep or even fully awake.

"Shut up Luca, now I found something Interesting on the database, when we were little she used to sing in this exact room", Lynn said pointing to the table that I am sitting in.

"She always pulled out an object from under the table, I don't know how but I remember that it had her names engraved into it", my sister said crouching on the floor.

"So you think she left clues around the house?"? I asked her not believing that Andrea expecting something like this to happen.

"I do believe it because her motto was if something happens just believe I am prepared", rolling my eyes I push my chair back letting her check for this so-called secret drawer.

"She would sing a nice melody that had a heart of four, for example, beat it by Michel Jackson or maybe a song she made up", she said tapping her knuckles on the beat.

"Now let's see if it is still there", hearing her tapping to the beat I sit back and watch her. Going through my pictures I see a picture of under the table, confused when I took this picture I see her name engraved.

"Lynn can you lay under the table for me?", I said in a suggested tone, looking at the photo I try to get a closer look.

"I found it! plus a note", she shouted excitedly, coming out from under the table a key is in her hand. Placing the note on the table, I reach to grab it and see who it's for. Looking at it front to back I see that it's addressed to nothing, opening it with a pen a small letter is inside.

Dear everyone,

I see that you found the letter, isn't this fun and exciting, it's like a true mystery story or maybe it's boring but anyway you can have opinions. So now that you found this letter the key has a way bigger importance but I can't tell you what.

Love, Andrea it should I say mystery

Once I finish reading the letter in my head I place it in Luca's hands so everyone can know read it, "so that key needs to be put in a safe place and can you track this phone". I said handing the phone to someone and never lifted my eyes from my lap, hearing chatting and receding footsteps. I look up I look at a picture of her when she was little, "oh Andrea what are you planning". Placing my hand on the middle of the painting I feel its fabric, very soft and doesn't make much of a dent.

"Don't you ever wonder where she gets the canvas because when I ask her all she said was at a store", Luca said seeing me admiring the painting?

"She always told me that it was a secret", I replied remembering the first time I ever saw her paint something.

She said that it was none of my business and used her favorite word bye, that was her favorite back when she was little.

"Well I heard that each of her paintings has a secret in every one of them, looking siting for you to find them", Luca said patting my back.

Opening my mouth I see that he is already gone, taking a closer look I see that the painting has two dates. Stepping to get a closer look but I was interrupted by Lynn, with popcorn in one arm and a movie in the other.

"Come on let's go watch this movie before you sulk about how she's not here", Lynn said grabbing my arm. Pulling me out of the room I continue to look at the painting what secret lies in that painting and why is that the only one not covered?

"Hey boss", people greet me and I nod acknowledging them.

"Also did you guys hear the news yet", they started whispering to each other as I pass them.

"Yes we did now let's go", Lynn rushed us to the living spilling the popcorn and almost dropping the movie DVD.

"Hold up what news?", I said stopping Lynn and turning around to see what they are whispering and gossiping about.

"Well, apparently you are engaged", they said pointing to the girl who tried to jump in my arms.

"Well I tried, here is the knife, and go have fun", Lynn said handing me the knife and goes to the crooner of the room.

"When did I  agree to this", turning to little miss nosey she just looks at me with a smirk.

"You haven't but you will next week but bay I was doing this for us, I know you love me", she said reaching to touch my chin. Slapping her hand away I give her the coldest look, not swaying even after she tries to seduce me.

"We will see and by that way you look awful in red", I said pushing her away and stormed towards the living room.

"I warned you would get him angry but you didn't listen, now I can't wait for Andrea's reaction", I heard Lynn say. I imagine giving her having fake tears expecting me to come back but I stay exactly where I am.

"Oh Andrea what is your plan", I heard a whisper say but when I turn around it's nobody but an empty table behind me.


What is her plan?

Wow, what drama