
Chapter 148: It was a mistake.

It was finally the day for the party and the guests begun arriving at 6pm. The place had been fully organized and very well decorated with everything that was needed.

The main gate of the mansion had a banner saying Wong Co. at 100.

There were lots of different drinks and foods that the guests were free to access and music played in the background.

Alyssa and her company were very busy with welcoming the visitors and all that.

David, Calcel and May joined the guests at 7pm sharp when it was dawn. The wore very nice party suits and May was in a blue free dress but she still looked very beautiful.

They were talking with other guests when May saw Cynthia and went to gibe her a hug. After the hug they went back to David who was with his fellow ministers. Ofcourse they all knew Cynthia.

" Like mother like daughter. David, How did you manage t add these beauties into your family ? " One of his mates asked.

" I don't know but it's just a blessing from God. " David answered making all of them to laugh.

" I heard you are having a son. Congratulations dear. " The other one said to May.

" Thank you sir. " May answered.

" My friends, Please enjoy..." David said when he saw his other friends that he had to go and greet.

The place was getting more and more guests and it was soon full.

As everything was going on smoothly Calcel walked onto the platform to talk to them. They all gave him their attention.

"Hello everyone, Thank you for attending this party. I invited all of you my friends, relatives and business partners to celebrate this day as Wong Cosmetics makes 100 years of existence. I wanna thank everyone who has put in their effort and the support. " Calcel said as people listened to him.

"As the CEO of the company, I would like to appreciate the following people..." He said and started reading out their names as they walked to him to get their presents.

"And lastly...I want to thank my father, Who kept the spirit of the company until I took over. Thank you so much Father. Will you please come and say something to us ? " Calcel requested.

David smiled as he walked over to Calcel and when he was there he got the microphone.

" Ladies and gentlemen, There's nothing much I can add on what he just said. I just wanna say thank you to all of you here today....and....I want to appreciate Calcel my son for running the company very well. " When he said this people clapped.

" And Calcel...." David said then looked t the guests where May where.

" May come here..." David called

May smiled feeling happy about this and walked to them gently. Everyone knew that she was Calculating wife and they saw clearly that she was pregnant.

May stood besides Calcel with a big smile.

" I want to thank this beautiful couple that is soon bringing us the next heir of Wong Cosmetics. " David declared making the people to clap again loudly.

" When the baby boy is born, I want him to be named Uriah Wong. That was the name of our grandfather who started this company 100 years ago. Will you please do that ? " David asked.

" Of course father. " May answered immediately.

" Yes Father. " Calcel replied too.

David smiled and then looked at the guests again.

" So everyone, Lets drink , eat and dance for Wong Cosmetics.." David declared in conclusion and they finally left the platform.

May walked back to Cynthia who was so happy that she was going to have a heir to the company .

David went back t his friends too.

Calcel was aslo busy chatting with his few mates when he saw Gladys from a distance. He is the one who had invited her so it would be polite to go and welcome her since she had arrived alone and she looked stuck.

" Guys...a moment..." Calcel said yto excuse himself from them and then went to talk to Gladys.

Alyssa was also busy working on the guests when she turned and saw Gladys from a distance.

' That's Alyssa's mother ? What isshe doing here ? '

She asked herself innery and then remembered that she had lied that she was staying at her parents' house yet she was here.

' Oh my God ! she doesn't have to see me here ! '

Alyssa thought and turned immediately to walk back when she bumped into Calcel and because of the unexpected she lost balance and felt her body move to the ground into a fall but before she could fall Calcel immediately grabbed her by the waist to save her. In the long run Calcel also lost balance and moved to the ground with her.

All this happened in a swift motion before the two would control their movements and just like that Calcel found himself on top of Alyssa and their lips touched as soon as they reached onto the ground.

Both opened their eyes wide in shock on realizing what just happened to them.

People who were near gathered to look at them as their was some weird laughter and noise from them.

This pulled May and David's attention who rushed to see what was happening. Cynthia also came plus more people.

As for Gladys she saw this happen with her own two eyes.

May, David and Cynthia saw this scene. Calcel was on top of a maid right now with their lips together.

Calcel immediately got off her when he was back to reality and stood up in embarrassment and the first person his eyes landed onto was May.

Alyssa also managed to get up and all eyes were on her.

"...I..." Before Calcel could say anything May burst into tears and walked away.

Calcel looked around at everyone who was looking at him at that time.

" ..i am sorry everyone. As you have seen, It was a mistake..." He said to them and ran to May's direction.