


Benjamin's POV.

It's been a week since Sofia went into a coma, and every day I prayed she would be alright. I asked Jacob to get me a picture of where I saw Elijah and he haven't yet got any information for me.

I hope his not who I think he is.

Tonight is the first night since that week that I'm at my own house. The doctors said I'm not helping Sofia by just being there day and night and not eating, but I promised her I would be there when she wakes up, and I will keep that promise. I broke the first promise and I don't plan on breaking this promise. Just a few hours of rest and I will go see her.

The minute I lay on my bed I felt asleep.

/"Benjamin you hurting me. Please Benjamin./" I heard Sofia cry but I couldn't see her face right.

/"Sofia where are you ?/" I kept calling her but I couldn't find her.