
Fallen Prey to the King of Hell

Micheal is the most perfect guy you could ever see. He's fun, charming, kind to everyone and he's loyal, many people like him and call him a blessing from Heaven. He never tells lies, Micheal was raised in a religious orphanage as he was abandoned when he was young. He never knew who his parents were, or how they look like. His orphanage raised orphans to learn how to pray to God and be good, Micheal always dreamed of being a priest. Once he turned 18, he moved out of the orphanage and lived among other priest in a Church, but he never expect what happened next..... "あなたは本当に何を望んでいますか?" "What do you truly desire?......"

Kaname_Tako · ファンタジー
8 Chs

My Choice - Chapter 6

I choose to.... BOOM! I hear a loud bang, the emergency siren goes off, that means a huge hord of demons were there. I hop out of bed immediately and ran downstairs. I see the biggest demon in my life standing in front of the Church and grabbing priests and priestess left and right, throwing them. Everyone assembles into order to try to stop the out of control beast but to no avail, everytime we go into formation the demon would throw anything it can at us.

"Lucifer! Please help me! A demon is destroying the Church!" I thought to myself as I dodge pieces of flying rocks and debris. I see a huge flying towards me and I run to dodge it but it landed on my leg.


I hear a horrifying sound and I see pools of blood gushing out, I scream in agony as it hurt so badly. I see smaller demons left and right devoring the injured, I see my leg was trapped under debris and I see more demons surrounding me. I felt my mark appear and they all stare in horror to their realization, I felt my body float and I fell into a warm pair of arms. My eyes were barely open at that point and my consciousness slowly faded, I looked up and saw Lucifer, his eyes were bloodshot red and raging with anger.

I use the last of my strength and put my hand on his shoulder, I reassure him with a smile and fell unconscious, my arms loses its strength and falls down.

Cold...Dark... I felt alone and scared..... I open my eyes and see light getting farther and farther away as I drift deeper and deeper. I reach out my hand and pray to God, he didn't answer me, why? Was it because of Lucifer? Did God abandon me? I prayed and prayed, I was about to give up as the lights faded slowly in the distance, then a warm pair of arms eloped me. It felt so fimiliar...


He saved me from the eternal darkness, I'm so happy to be in his arms. I smile to myself then....


I wake up screaming as I felt my bone pushed into place, I couldn't move and I just screamed my lungs out. The pain slowly but surely went away and I pant, I look around and saw Lucifer holding my leg with a dark red glow on it. My leg fully healed and he looked at me, my eyes widened.

He was covered in blood, head to toe soaked, I shot up, "Lucifer! Are you okay?! You're covered in blood!" I shouted, worry filled my eyes. He smiled, "Don't worry, its not mine!" He said with his usual cherry tone. My heart skipped a beat, not his? That means.....

He just smiled again and tapped me on the head with his finger, a bright light appeared and both of us are standing in the past, I look at myself passes out and saw Lucifer gripping onto my arm, that explained the bruises, I shiver as I saw my bone sticking out of my leg. He sets me down and the atmosphere changed immediately, the large demon stopped throwing things and shivered in fear immediately as soon as he saw Lucifer. He slaughtered the demons one by one out of rage as everyone watched.

I get goosebumps and looked at Lucifer, he looked at me while smiling, "They got what they deserved for hurting you," he said coldly. I blink and we were back in the room, his face changes to worry as he asked me if I was okay. So much for mood swings.

I put my hand on his and said "I'm fine because you healed me," he smiled back at me. "Micheal, I'm sorry to ask you so quickly as especially after you just recovered but....I have to attend a little something with the councils and I want you to come! Mona will be there too!" Lucifer exclaimed, he used his effective puppy eyes on me.

I sighed and nodded my head yes, he jumped in happiness and hugged me. He went to his closet and opened it, my jaw drops at the amount of clothes he has, he traces his fingers across his clothes and brings one out. It was absolutely long, "How do even wear that?" I asked him out og curiousity. He gave me a sly grin and then.... HE GREW TALLER ALL OF A SUDDEN, so that was his true height. I craned my neck up to look at him, he had more muscular features and he revealed his hidden horns. His horns were black with a deep neon blue flame, he started taking off his shirt and I blushed immediately, I turned around and covered my face. He let out a chuckle and I blush even harder, I felt a pair of arms hugging me.

"I'm done kitten, you can open your eyes," he said, I can almost hear that cheeky grin he has on his face. He tossed me some clothes and asked me to change, I quickly run to the bathroom to change and came out. I was wearing a black suit that was clearly meant for royal, I could see his eyes change and the mood drop as I opened the door. He smirked and came closer to me, I got nervous and started backing off, he hugged my waist and pulled me close to him. I shiver as I felt his hot breath hit my skin, he chuckled and said in an intimidating voice "Tempting tempting Micheal, you make me want to just devour you whole right here and now."

I blushed furiously, covering my face, he lift his head back to my face and I stuck my tongue out. He smirked and took my tongue whole, I was shocked but soon melted into the kiss, we fought for dominance but he obviously won. I wrap my arms around his neck as he pulled me closer, the only sounds that were heard were the sound of our breaths and the soft breeze outside. I felt bad since he had to bend down to kiss me, it must be tiring

We parted for air, he smirked as I blushed again, "You are quite a needy one, you're a reslly good kisser too though," Lucifer teased. "Y-you complaining?" I said back stuttering, "Nope!" He said, popping the "p". Lucifer gives me a kiss on the forehead before reluctantly letting me go.

Lucifer takes out something shiny, a black collar? I tilt my head in confusion but he jusy grinned, "We're gonna have to put you in this, bunny!" Lucifer exclaimed. My eyes widened, "No way! I am not wearing a collar!" I shouted.

Lucifer approuched me, his grin never leaving his face, he pulls me by my arm and puts the collar on me. I tackle him and demanded him to remove it, he just chuckled and shook his head no.

I hear a knock on the door, "Your highness, the Councils await you," a soft voice said. He gets up and helps me up, we walk side by side as we slowly approuchrd the meeting room. Lucifer gives me a reassuring smile before the maids open the door.

The atmosphere became heavy, everyone stared at him as Lucifer walked with pride. I was sweating from the intense atmosphere, it felt a Hundered degrees colder. Lucifer sat down in a throne like chair and pulled me to sit on his lap, I see Cain sitting beside me and Lucifer, he was holding onto Mona too.

He was clearly holding back a scream, I felt back but I felt a giggle come, I didn't dare to let it out since it was so intense. "Let the meeting begin," Lucifer stated coldly, I even saw some of thr councils shiver from the intensity of his tone. This will be a long day.