
Fallen God: Evolved from a dual-cultivation ogre into a titan giant

In a world where a game universe replaces reality, Alexander, out of curiosity, transforms into an ogre with dual cultivation talent. The ogre tribe has beautiful slaves, and these female slaves have many ways of pleasing him, but should he settle for mere pleasure? No! This barren desert is not his destiny. What exactly is his identity? He is a descendant of the Titans! He is the king of the ogres! He is the only ogre with dual cultivation talent! He intends to build the most powerful ogre empire. His ogre empire is not only home to clever and powerful ogre warriors, but also to the Red Dragon Queen, the Succubus Queen, the Medusa Queen, the Elf Queen and more. Capable of instilling fear in countless organisms, these queens behave like gentle kittens in Alexander's presence.

RedBull · ファンタジー
43 Chs

Please, that's enough, don’t continue pushing in, it will kill someone

Alexander had not been back at his tribe for long when the door to his dwelling began to be pounded on loudly. This "door" was actually made of thick, sturdy vines, and there were so many of them that it appeared quite hefty. 

Alexander opened his eyes and looked outside.

"Enemy! Oasis!" came the honest voice of Foreskin from outside.

Alexander walked outside, picking up a huge club on the way, "Blow the horn!"

Foreskin nodded, took the cow horn from his waist, and blew into it with all his might.


The desolate and deep sound of the horn echoed in the sunset, and the ogres quickly gathered towards the oasis. Foreskin was not only the tribe's top enforcer but also held the role of the horn-blower, even though he did not understand what that meant.

Alexander didn't ask him how many enemies had attacked the oasis, mainly because ordinary ogres could not express it clearly anyway, and asking would be futile.

But it didn't matter who it was, if they dared to seize the oasis, then fighting was the only option.

This was the basic rule of survival.

Even if the Red Dragon Queen herself came, they would have to fight; there wasn't much difference between dying in battle and dying of thirst, though the former was somewhat more satisfying.

The ogres then each picked up their weapons, and with their ferocious faces and large stature, they looked ready to kill.

Star also came out, standing behind Alexander.

She held up a somewhat tattered battle flag and shouted, "Defend the oasis! WAAAGH!"



The other ogres, though they did not understand the meaning, felt invigorated by shouting along. After a loud rallying cry, Alexander and about twenty ogres charged towards the oasis.

Upon arriving at the oasis, Alexander and his tribe discovered a group of barbarian cavalrymen mounted on centaurs, neatly arrayed before them. 

A barbarian leader, astride a massive kodo beast, drew his longsword and pointed it at Alexander: "Foolish ogres, your existence desecrates the water of the oasis. I will kill you all, turn your penises into sausages, and offer them to the great Lamia Queen!"

Alexander ignored the arrogant fool, focusing instead on assessing the enemy.

[Kodo Beast Rider]

[Name: Roder]

[Title: Follower of the Lamia Queen]

[Talent: Rapid Slash]

[Combat Power: 1200]

These humans were clearly well-prepared, with fine equipment and cruel smiles on their faces. Apart from Roder, the combat power of the other centaur knights also reached 800.

Without the dual cultivation to increase his combat power, Alexander would have stood no chance. But now, victory would surely be the ogres'.

[Skill: Bloodthirst]

Description: Through dual cultivation with a two-headed ogre, you've acquired the talent for bloodthirst, greatly amplified.

Effect 1, Bloodthirsty Frenzy: Increases the target's size and strength by 50%, combat power by 50%.

Effect 2, Bloodthirsty Pursuit: Decreases the target's size and increases speed by 50%, combat power by 50%.

With a gesture from Alexander, the ogres by his side were imbued with the power of bloodthirsty frenzy, their bodies growing larger and muscles bulging.

Roder realized something was wrong when he saw the ogres' size increase instantly. But having sworn an oath before the Lamia Queen, he could not flee without facing eternal disgrace.

For the sake of knightly honor, Roder did not retreat but raised his longsword high, ready to charge.

"Do not be fooled by their ferocious appearance. These ogres are of low intelligence, they only understand brute force, we must—"

However, before he could finish, a huge exploding fireball smashed right behind Roder.

A centaur screamed in agony: "Damn it, my testicles are gone!"


Under the cover of the exploding fireball, Alexander and the other ogres charged with their massive clubs. The centaur knights at the forefront regretted their position immediately; these ogres looked too powerful to confront, and retreat was necessary.

Yet before they could fall back, Alexander's club came crashing down, turning one into a pile of flesh in the desert sand.

The centaur-mounted barbarian knights were generally four meters tall, but the ogres, in their bloodthirsty frenzy, averaged seven meters in height, completely overpowering them in size.

The ogres wore no armor, and except for Alexander and Star, all fought bare. Yet, under the influence of bloodthirst, their defensive capabilities were enhanced.

The barbarian knights' weapons could not penetrate the ogres' thick layers of fat, and the ogres did not bleed.

The battle was one-sided, and had Alexander not intervened, none of the cavalry would have survived.

Star's left head shook: "I've not had my fun yet!"

The right head nodded: "Right, let me roast one to eat! WAAAGH!"

Foreskin: "Die!"

Alexander kicked Foreskin aside: "Do not kill all the centaurs and kodo beasts, these are very rare mounts!"

The left head of Star said: "If Alexander says so, then we'll stop,"

The right head shouted: "Stupid barbarian knights! WAAAGH!"

Foreskin: "No die???"

The left head of Star: "Yes!"

The right head: "Get lost! WAAAGH!"

Foreskin: "Oh!"

Roder did not submit; he let out a cold laugh at Alexander. As long as he was alive, the Lamia Queen would not ignore him; she would surely send someone to rescue him. By then, these foolish ogres would be utterly annihilated!

Alexander approached Roder and said with an extremely threatening tone, "Hand over the control of the kodo beast, or I will show you what cruelty and pain are."

The head on the left of the Star said: "Bring out the horn that controls the kodo beast!"

The head on the right of the Star said: "Hurry up, don't think I don't know!"

Faced with the threats from Alexander and Star, Roder still did not yield. He scoffed: "Do you know who I am? By capturing me, the Lamia Queen will not let you off. What do you want with my mount so badly? Could it be that you know reinforcements are coming and you're so scared that you want to run away?"

Alexander couldn't be bothered to talk nonsense with him. He pointed to the smallest ogre with his finger. "Shrimp, show Roder how formidable you are. If he refuses to submit, then let Foreskin take over."

Shrimp, very obedient, walked over and directly take off Roder's trousers. 

After trying a few times, Shrimp scratched his head and stood there blankly; the hole was a bit small, and he really couldn't get in!

"There was originally no path in this world, but as more people walk on it, it becomes a path," Alexander gave Shrimp an encouraging look.


Guided by Alexander, Shrimp seemed to have an epiphany. He aimed at the target, pushed hard, and forcibly opened a wide path with brute force.


Roder rolled his eyes back, issuing a painful groan. He quickly pleaded, "Please, that's enough, don't continue pushing in, it will kill someone. I am willing to hand over the horn that controls the kodo beast."

He took out a horn, and once this horn was handed over, the kodo beast would no longer belong to him.

Star saw his hesitation, and the head on the right opened its huge mouth. "Are you thinking of reneging? Or do you want something more thrilling?"

After speaking, Star raised its head and cast a bloodthirsty spell on Shrimp, who immediately became a giant Shrimp.

"No, I am completely willing," Roder hastily said, and he threw the horn into Alexander's hands.