
Fallen for the kim brothers

In the world where everything in a gold plate, the only thing I couldn't have? Love the only thing that I hope to have and I'll gladly trade for a chance of love. So what happens when I found them in two complete opposite.

Ephipanians · セレブリティ
9 Chs


I ran after Seokjin after his outburst, and he was acting defensive, I didn't think he didn't like his brother that much, it was just a blind date, it's not like something is going to happen between Jinseol and me.

Running around the place, I look over to see a sign where Seokjin might run too. I look over to see one of Seokjin's friends he had told me about, Jung Hoseok. I guess being handsome and smart does come in handy, and it was not a coincidence that Seokjin had landed himself in the Bangtanboys privilege.

I ran to him as I bow down,' Hello, you must be Jung Hoseok.'

He looks over to me and gives me the brightest smile,' Hello! You must be Yoo Soojin, Seokjin had told me a lot about –'

'Yes, well, did you see him?' he looks confused and then smile.

'Oh? Did something happened I saw him running to the flower garden and –'

'Flower garden got it thanks Hoseok!' I run to the back, trying to find Seokjin.

Hoseok was right; he was sitting in one of the benches, looking ahead of the place. I was debating on leaving him there, but I have a gut that something is wrong.

'Seokjin… what are you doing here,' seeing him looking ahead of the flowers, 'Seokjin… come on let's go back why are you like this.'

'I can't believe it, out of all the people in this world it was you,' he spoke, he was sitting in the bench and was looking at the garden full of flowers, 'I can't even believe he even went, that asshole.'

Looking at him who was grumbling and pouting, you realize he must be thinking about your date, and I search inside my bag I huff as I try searching something inside the bag and pulled out two banana milk. Before coming here, thinking it would be a good idea to get some banana milk. Walking to him, you sat down as you hand him the banana milk.

'Here… I don't know why your sulking I hope it makes your day better,' he took the banana milk, and he hums happily, I scoff at his sudden mood, 'usually, the guy comforts the girl, I didn't think it would be the other way around,' muttering the words as I sip my banana milk.

But I didn't realize that Seokjin had heard my mumbling thought when suddenly he taps on my shoulders. I look at him, and I was surprised when his face was so close to mine, instinctively I retract back, and a hand suddenly grabs behind my back.

'You just need to tell me that baby, I'll buy you a dozen more banana milk to make you happy,' he looks at me deep in the eyes, expecting some reaction, and I sure did give one.

'Really… Do I look that easy for you…?' I asked him as I scoff at him. He looks taken aback, and I stood up, 'never mind, you look like your fine… so much for finding you.'

He was speechless, and he was not someone who dwells on things too long, sure it did piss him off that his brother had a date with you. Still, it was his fault, he was acting and was ready to head back, he didn't realize that Soojin would search for him let alone find him, it was his actor instinct that took over and wanted to joke around a bit. He was expecting Soojin to blush like the other girls he had seen so far, but he was taken aback by her.

'Wait!' he grabs my hand as he looks at me –'I'm sorry, I was joking around, I just thought that you hate me or something I was trying to cool things down.'

'Me –'pointing at myself –'hating you?' pointing at him.

I cross my arms in disinterest, 'you should say that for yourself, you were the one who ran away.'

'I –'

'You should be the one who is sorry –'glaring at him as he looks down and sighs as he nods and he looks at me pouting.

"I'm sorry for being unreasonable, I was bothered by something and knowing that you just went on a date with a brother is out of the question," He said slouching and was pouting even more.

Gosh, what am I supposed to do with this man?

As I sat down beside him, he was quiet and could feel the cool breeze brushing my hands as strands of my hair was fluttering. Despite the calm atmosphere, I enjoy doing this the most. It was peaceful, and I like how that time stops when I'm sitting in this place. My mind couldn't help to wonder over Seokjin who was as equally quite like me.

I like how his presence doesn't bother me at all. After sitting countless silent dinner date, he was the only person I was comfortable with at the moment.

"Why are you bothered Seokjin? After the few days, we've spent you never mention you had a brother and you should know it was only for a business date, there's-"I try reasoning with him when suddenly he looks at me and by the time I understand what situation I had.

His face a few inches close to me, and I could feel his breathing close to me. I had moved back when he had slipped his hands in my waist, and I look up as our eyes connect.

"Yoo Soojin I need to ask you a question, and I want you to answer a yes or no to the question," He asked me ever so seriously, and somehow in my head, I couldn't function properly as I only nod at him.

"Do you have an interest for my brother?" He asked suddenly, and I raise my eyebrows not moving at all, as his hands are still wrapped around my waist.

"What? What do you – "he shakes his head as he put his fingers on my lips.

"It was a no or yes question," he said.

"No, Seokjin, of course, I don't have an interest it was a one-time thing," He looks at my eyes and he was smiling.

"That's all I need," he suddenly let go of me, and he stood up as he slung his bag onto his shoulders as he walks away.