
Fallen For One Guy

"Not again"mumbled Camella as she took the shattered phone on the floor. Alex who was straightening his crumpled suit saw his shattered phone on the floor and smirked which Camella failed to notice before muttering"This was the new one I got when you destroyed the first one ". 'Oh no!' Camella thought clutching the sides of her evening gown. "I'm sorry but I can't afford to get you a new one because I'm penniless" Camella said. 'Well not actually penniless but not enough to even get it fixed'she thought pleading with her eyes. Camella is a girl who was brought from the village to the city by her best friend's rich parents. Whiles staying with them a pair of eyes falls on her and decides she is his future wife, what would happen if her best friend also the only child of the rich family falls in love with the same guy. Dear readers pleas join me as I unravel to you the beautiful love story of Camella and Alex

Reese_Nova17 · 都市
23 Chs

Jealous I

Camella was so shocked that she stood frozen , she only came back to her senses when she started to suffocate from the passionate kiss. Alex pulled back and he smirked when he saw how red her face was whiles she was trying to catch her breath . He took a step away from her before turning around and walking away with a smirk on his face . Camella stared at him until he was out if sight and when he was , she touched her lips and whined "Ah! why can't I live a peaceful life , just like that he stole my first kiss". Camella glared at the place Alex had left to and her urge to leave the party grew stronger. Turning around she strode back to the party not catching a whim on the other person in the hallway who had witnessed the whole thing.

After Camella had left Alicia managed to end the conversation between herself and Markus and strode to the direction she had seen both Camella and Alex take. Just when she got there she could see Alex and Camella talking to each other. She saw how stunned and speechless Camella was and decided to approach them . She walked in slow steps trying to catch up on what they were saying, not able to hear a thing she opened her mouth ready to call her name when Alex pulled camella in for a kiss. She was so shocked that she didn't even realize that her mouth was still opened from trying to call Camella. Clamping her mouth shut , she felt her mouth turn bitter as she chuckled painfully. Alicia stood there staring at them the whole time until Alex pulled back and walked out in her direction. She quickly hid behind a pillar as he made his way out with a smirk on his lips . She turned to glare at Camella for the last time before turning around and storming out of the place. 'I should've known from the very beginning that this bitch had ulterior motives for staying at our house but mom said she was too dumb to do such a thing' Alicia thought exiting the banquet through the other exit .

"I think it's been long since we had a family dinner together , what do you think about it "Xiang Niang Alex's mother suggested. Amelia smiled ear to ear and said "I think it's a good idea because it would give the young generation the opportunity to know themselves".Liang Suyin also nodded in agreement and turned her head in to time to spot Alicia who was walking hastily through the crowd , even bumping into servants and spilling drinks without looking back . "Is that not Alicia"She asked pointing at the figure who was brushing through the crowd . Amelia too turned and spotted how her daughter was behaving. She smiled awkwardly and cleared her throat . "I don't think she's alright" Xiang Niang muttered frowning . Amelia excused herself and tried catching up to her daughter but she couldn't , sighing she pulled out her phone and called Camella but she didn't pick up.

Camella on the other hand managed to drag her feet through the hallway when she almost bumped into an old man , she cursed her luck and quickly apologized but for some unknown reason ended up staring at him . The old man had the same eye color as herself and also hair . "Are you alright "he asked also surprised by her appearance. Camella just nodded as she thought 'Alright , she was far from it '. Reaching the banquet she scanned through the crowd trying to find Alicia when Amelia approached her and questioned in a sharp voice"What did you do to my daughter!". "What!"Camella asked confused as to why she was being accused . "Stop pretending and tell me what you did to Alicia to make her so pissed "she glared trying to control herself from drawing the attention of the other people at the hall. "I haven't done anything to her"Camella replied. Amelia didn't trust her but decided to let everything go for now before saying " I'm sure she'll go home , find her and make sure she doesn't do anything crazy , I'll let one of our men drop you ". Camella just nodded and left the hall through the same exit Alicia had used .

When she walked out she saw one of Elius men approaching her ."Young miss please this way "a well built bodied man gestured and she followed . When they got to the place she was supposed to take the car , there was no car in sight so she turned to look at the guard questionly when a screech sound made it's way to her ears . Turning around she spotted a black Maybach parked in front of her . Another man dressed in a different attire opened the door and out came Alex with a mischievous smirk on his lips. Camella's heart picked a pace as her heart started to drum erratically in her chest .