
Chapter One:A New Beginning

Genji slammed into the wall as the thugs laughed at him. They attempted to rob Genji and Genji put up a strong resistance which resulted in him getting beaten up. Genji staggered up and sprinted past the thug's leader to his apartment building. "For now, I am safe". Genji climbed the stairs with difficulty and limped the rest of his way into his room. He fell on his bed completely exhausted. He then unknowingly entered his subconscious where a holographic message appeared in front of him which said "Welcome to Fall Online".

  Genji opened his eyes to find himself in a hospital. Apparently, his landlord came to his room for the monthly rent but found him unconscious. He was immediately rushed to the hospital. Genji thanked the landlord for saving his life. As the doctor and landlord left Genji to rest, Genji pondered over the message in his head. It was similar to the current game everyone was playing which was popularly called Fall. Only one in a hundred people are chosen which makes it exclusive. "Ha! Now I have a chance to a second life! Genji screamed. Then he heard his doctor say " this guy is crazy "." That's what you think "said Genji.