
chapter 4

**Next day...**

Fara arrived at the university and spotted Ahad and Zain engaged in conversation with a girl. She hurried towards them, her expression a mix of surprise and irritation, and began beating both of them with her books in anger.

"Hey, what's going on?" Zain asked, attempting to defend himself.

"What were you guys doing at the mall? And you, Ahad, what were you talking to Zoha about?" Fara demanded, quoting Ahad's last words.

"I wasn't doing anything important for your sister to accompany me to the mall... I went shopping, not to follow her around," Ahad retorted with an attitude.

"Really, Mr. Ahad Malik?" Fara shot back, placing her hand on her waist.

"Oh, yes, Miss Fara Tiwana," Ahad mimicked her tone.

"Guys, calm down, please... peace," Zain intervened, trying to diffuse the tension.

"By the way, I really didn't know she was your sister at that time... Zain told me afterward when we got home," Ahad explained.

"Yeah, that was Zoha..." Fara sighed and sat down.

"By the way, I don't think she'll fit into our group," Ahad remarked, joining them on the ground.

"What do you mean?" Fara asked, clearly annoyed.

"You know what I mean... we're best friends from school, our families don't know about it, but the three of us share a unique bond. But your sister's nature is different... I don't think she'll be able to adjust," Ahad explained his point.

"And besides... a triangle is stronger than a rectangle, right?" Zain added, looking at Fara with a grim expression.

"Really, Zain? But let me tell you something... my sister is a unique individual, she has a heart of gold. Once you meet her, then decide whether you want her with us or not," Fara said, her voice tinged with anger as she prepared to leave, but Ahad started laughing.

"Haha, Fara, we were just kidding... she's your sister, and she's always welcome," Ahad reassured her with a smile.

"You both were pulling my leg?" Fara asked, surprised.

"Yes, beautiful... she's your sister, and whatever belongs to you is close to our hearts," Zain added.

"Because..." Fara started, smiling.

"Because friendship is always above love, family, and money. We're not just friends... we're everything to each other," they all chimed in with smiles.

"Okay... we're getting late for class, let's go," Zain suggested, and they headed to their classes.

**Next day...**

Zain and Ahad waited for Fara at the university gate.

"Call her," Ahad suggested.

"Her phone is off," Zain replied.

"Okay, see you at the canteen... I have a class," Ahad said, heading towards his class.

Fara woke up and got ready for university. She reached Zoha's room and found her sitting on the bed.

"Zoha, what are you doing? You're not ready yet?" Fara asked.

"I'm ready, Fara... let's go. I've been waiting for you," Zoha replied, standing up.

"Okay, let's go then," Fara said, pressing her lips together, and they went downstairs. Their father, Kamaal Sahab, was also having breakfast.

"Come, sit, have some breakfast," Kamaal Sahab invited them with a smile.

"Actually, Mr. Kamaal, we're getting late, right Fara?" Zoha said, confirming with her.

"Really?" Fara asked, shocked, and Zoha glared at her.

"Yes, actually, I have a class a bit early today... okay, dad, see you in the evening," Fara hugged Kamaal Sahab and went outside with Zoha.

They got into the car.

"Are you serious? You didn't even tell me, and you said it right in front of dad?" Fara exclaimed, taking a deep breath.

"Just chill... and one more thing, I won't tolerate those guards, I'm telling you," Zoha said, starting the car.

"Yeah, right... you want mom to kill me... first, you're driving, and now the guards. Zoha, please, be kind to your little, dear sister," Fara pleaded with her.

"You're too much, Fara... drama queen," Zoha chuckled, and Fara looked at her with a smile, silently praying for her to keep smiling like this.

They reached the university.

"Okay... you can go to your class, I'll manage... actually, Bhai asked me to meet Uncle Asad," Zoha said.

"Are you sure?" Fara asked, seeking confirmation, and Zoha nodded.

"Yep, I am," Zoha affirmed, and Fara went on her way.

Meanwhile, Ahad was sitting in class, engrossed in his phone. After some time, a boy approached Ahad and informed him that the principal was waiting for him. Ahad made his way to the principal's office, where two guards stood outside.

"May I come in, Uncle?" Ahad asked, and Asad nodded. Another girl was also present there, and when Ahad saw her, he couldn't help but be captivated. She looked stunning in her blue jeans and white shirt, with her eyes being the most beautiful feature of her face. As he admired her, he suddenly remembered...

"Oh, it's the girl from the mall... interesting," he muttered to himself.

Ahad snapped out of his reverie as Asad interrupted him. Looking around, Ahad noticed the two guards and raised an eyebrow.

"Is there a VIP here that I don't know about, Uncle?" Ahad inquired, but Asad glared at him.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to call me uncle in the university?" Asad scolded him, flashing a smile.

"Is there something special? You called me," Ahad asked.

"Hmm... she is a new student in your class," Asad informed him.

"Uncle," she addressed Asad.

"he said not to call her uncle... and by the way, who are you to be calling him uncle?" Ahad interjected, trying to strike up a conversation with her.

"It's none of your business," she retorted, rolling her eyes.

"So much attitude... this is going to be fun," Ahad remarked. Before he could continue, the guards intervened.

"Whoa, relax, bro... I'm not planning to kidnap her. You're not that cute to need guards," Ahad teased, earning a death glare from her.

"Uncle, how cheap is he... and you want me to stay with him... never ever," she complained to Asad.

"Oh, Miss Drama Queen! I'm not some monster... Uncle, is 'idiot' written on my face that I would want to be with her?" Ahad retorted, addressing Asad.

"There's no need for it to be written; it's already there," the girl remarked.

"Enough, you two," Asad intervened, irritated.

"Ahad, meet Miss Zoha Kamal Tiwana," Asad introduced, grinning.

"Oh, so this is her," Ahad thought to himself. "Hello, Miss Zoha, I'm Ahad Malik," he greeted, but she simply ignored him.

"Ahad, I know you very well... so stop pretending, okay?" Asad said, raising an eyebrow. Ahad smiled and nodded.

"Zoha, Ahad is the most brilliant student in our university, a topper. You won't have any problems with him. If you have any issues, just let him know. And, Ahad, make sure she joins the drama club and helps her with her studies; it's her semester," Asad instructed, and both nodded.

"Now, go to class," Asad dismissed them, and they made their way to their respective classes.

Asad made a call.

"Hello... yes, as you said, I've done it... but do you think this will work?" Asad inquired.

"This might be the thing that brings their families together," the second person replied.

"But Ahad is an emotional person... there might be misunderstandings, and if that happens, it could ruin the lives of both kids," Asad expressed his concern.

"That won't happen... just do as I say," the second person instructed before ending the call.

Both Ahad and Zoha attended their class, sitting next to each other, with guards hovering over them.

"Uff, Allah... why me? Why does this torture have to happen to me?" Zoha sighed, looking upward.

"Ma'am, is there a problem up there? Tell me, I'll fix it," one of the guards offered, and she forced a fake smile.

"No, please, don't worry," Zoha replied before glaring at Ahad, who chuckled at her situation.

"Mister Guards, if you'll allow me, I'll speak to your ma'am," Ahad suggested in a childish manner.

"Mister Ahad Malik... I'm not interested in talking to you, so please don't," Zoha dismissed him, remaining quiet for the rest of the day.

After some time, Ahad asked Zain and Fara to meet him at the canteen.

"Zoha... you with Ahad?" Fara asked, and Zoha made a weird face.

"Hello, sis, I'm Zain Malik," Zain introduced himself, and Zoha reciprocated.

"Okay... introductions are done. Zoha, these two are my best friends, and you'll soon become friends with them too," Fara said happily.

"I hope so," Ahad added with a smile.

"Let's go now .... I feel suffocation here with these gaurds," Zoha said, looking around, as the guards were hovering around them.

**Next day...**

They arrived at the university. Zoha walked, with the guards trailing behind her, while Fara went to her class. All the students looked at Zoha in shock.

"Who is she? Is she some VIP?" one student whispered.

"I think she's a minister's daughter... that's why there's so much security," another speculated.

"She's so beautiful," a boy remarked.

"Oh, she's the eldest daughter of the Tiwana family... she came from London... probably studying there... Zoha Tiwana," another informed.

She entered the class, where the teacher was already present. She asked the teacher, "May I come in?" The teacher looked at her sternly.

"Who are you? Don't you know that you shouldn't be late for my class?" the teacher reprimanded.

"I'm sorry, but I'm only 10 minutes late... you could be late too," Zoha retorted, while the guards glared at the teacher.

"And I won't allow guards in the class... if you're late again, you're out," the teacher declared, and Zoha remained quiet, satisfied with the outcome. The guards stood outside.

"Professor Zadi... actually, the principal allowed the guards..." Ahad intervened, and Zoha glared at him.

"But Ahad..." the teacher started to say.

"No, no... Mister Ahad, if the sir is saying so, then it's okay. The guards will stand outside," Zoha insisted, grinding her teeth with each word.

"Okay... if the principal said so, then fine," the teacher acquiesced, and Zoha sat with Ahad.

"Did you call the guards inside?" Zoha whispered to Ahad.

"Are you talking to me?" Ahad asked in a dramatic tone.

"Y-y-yes, you," she stuttered in anger.

"What do you think you are? I'm not your friend, and I don't quickly become friends with anyone," Ahad said, becoming cool.

"I'll make you a friend, and it's not like I've fallen on hard times yet," Zoha rolled her eyes.

"Mister Ahad, what are you doing?" the professor asked, annoyed.

"Actually, sir, I was telling Zoha about how senior a teacher you are, and how attentively she should listen to your lecture," Ahad quickly stood up.

"And maybe he forgot to mention that if he keeps talking during the lecture, he won't be able to hear it either," Professor Zadi added, and the class burst into laughter.

"Yes, sir," Ahad said with a smile.

After the lecture, Zoha went to the canteen, followed by Ahad. Fara and Zain were already there.

"Fara, tell your friend not to unnecessarily bother me... I'm already troubled because of the guards," Zoha said angrily as she sat down.

"Fara, you also tell your sister to stop getting involved in misunderstandings... this canteen is for all students," Ahad said in the same tone.

"Can't you two become friends?" Fara exclaimed, grabbing her head.

"Never," Zoha and Ahad both said simultaneously, then glared at each other.

Suddenly, a girl approached them, and Fara and Zain rolled their eyes. She wore tight black jeans and a red T-shirt, her face heavily made up but still looking beautiful, and she wore sunglasses.

"Oh, just what we needed," Zain remarked.

"Ahad baby, where have you been since morning? I've been looking for you everywhere," she said dramatically.

"Soniya, when did you arrive?" Ahad asked with a smile, and she sat with Ahad.

"Just now," Soniya replied.

"Hmm," Ahad nodded. Zain and Fara talked about random things as they didn't like Ahad's girlfriend, Soniya, and Zoha wasn't interested either, so she used her phone.

"Baby, who is she?" Soniya asked, and everyone looked at her. Fara knew that if Zoha got angry, Allah knows what would happen.

"She's Fara's sister, baby," Ahad informed her. Nobody knew that Fara and Ahad were cousins.

"Why are there guards? Is there a problem?" Soniya asked dramatically.

"They are here to protect dramatic people like you," Zoha retorted with a smirk, and Soniya rolled her eyes.

"Baby, I'm having a party at my place tonight... you have to come. If you want to invite your friends, ask them," Soniya invited.

"We're not interested in your useless parties, Soniya," Fara said with a fake smile.

"Whatever," Soniya rolled her eyes.

"Girls, relax... Soniya, baby, I'll meet you at the party, okay?" Ahad said, and Soniya walked towards the parking area.

"Faraaa," Ahad glared.

"What, Farah?" Fara put her hands on her hips.

"Why are you glaring at my sister? Your ugly girlfriend has too much attitude," Zoha joined the fray.

"Ugh! You both..." Ahad couldn't find words to continue.

"What?" Zoha asked.

"Nothing, miss... Zain, drop them home," Ahad said, and Zain nodded.

The next day, they were sitting in the canteen.

"Your girlfriend's party is today, right? What are you doing here?" Fara asked with a smile.

"I'll go... and for your kind information, Soniya isn't my only girlfriend," Ahad said defiantly.

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