
Fairytales doesn't exist

Leah is a normal high school student that have an obssessive tendencies with reading romance novel, One day one of her favorite novels- "Facade" uploaded the last chapter of the story and guess what?! Her favorite character dies! At first she tried to shake it off and go on with her day but she saw a mysterious man that looks like her favorite character! This leads to her death but she eventually wake up as Duke Ansley's daughter! "...Duke Ansley? Isn't that the crazy duke in novel "Facade"?! I thought he doesn't have any children?! But what is this?!" "...This is just a dream" "This is..." "Just..." "This is not a dream?!" Leah really became the Duke's daughter. That's when she decided, She will escape from the Duke, Survive and meet Cain- the villain of the story. "I might not be useful for him but having an background and unknown character by his side might change this in the story and might as well his fate...I will save him!"

PureLmnde · ファンタジー
6 Chs

Chapter 1 - Just like any other day (1)

"Ugh", A loud groan echoed through the sun deprived room. A tired and weary girl crawled out of the thick messy blankets. Her body twisted and turned as she tried to reach her phone.

"My head hurts so bad-" she said as she gives up reaching for her phone and buried her face to the tear-sweat coated pillow that she have. Letting the comfortable bed eat her small pale and fragile looking body. The girl sighed as she remember how she cried so hard until 5 am in the morning because of a novel. She was so invested in it, that the ending of that said novel shocked her too much that she ended up overthinking and cried too much. Her puffy eyes and swollen face is the clear evidence of the mess that she made last night.

The novel's name is "Facade" - She picked it up because it was recommended to her by an internet friend.

At first it is like one of those third rate romance novel. It's about a young illegitimate prince that was casted aside but as he grows, he showcase a huge amount of talent and potential which peeked the emperor's interest- that made the crown prince and the aristocrat fraction became weary of him but despite of the harassments that he recieve, he achieved everything- power, wealth, influence, the throne, and of course that includes a successful love life. Both the Female and Male MC were deeply in love with each other but many obstacles came on their way.

They portrayed these "obstacles" as "Male supporting characters" and "Male Rivals". The love of the both MC became the destruction of the other characters and that includes this weary and unmotivated girl's favorite character- The final "villain" of the story.

At first, she hated this villain because as a person who believes in the grace of God and justice, she can ever stomach violence but as the story progressed she instinctively and gradually liked the character because she sympathize with him

In the novel it said that this man is peevish and malicious- he was considered to be evil in nature, that he is meant to ruined the entire kingdom but as she reads his past this showed her that no one in this world is born to be evil. That everyone is molded by the environment, circumstance and surrounding that they grew up in.

She's not justifying the bad things that he did but...He was just starved for love and affection and he will do everything to get that warmth that he longed for.

In the end, that villain was slayed not by the Male protagonist but he was betrayed and manipulated by his one and only salvation- His friend and his confidant, The female protagonist's warrior, a supporting character. The achievement was graced upon the MC and everyone celebrated the villain's death.

In the comments, many people were outrage by the ending because everyone expected that the greatest villain in the novel will be slayed by the Male Protagonist.

This is nothing to this girl though because for her, Being stabbed by the only person you care for and manipulated by the only existence that's making you feel hopeful is the worst death they could grace upon the said villain. The pitiful villain died in the hands of the malicious soldier that whispered him hopeful words and unreplaceable warmth.

Another sigh left her lips and shook her head.

"There's nothing i can do about it- It's just a novel. Get over it, dumbass." She said as she aggressively rub her palms on her face then did her best to sit up to reach to her phone.

*Time - 8:55 am*

*Date - September 19, 20xx, Monday*

*Note - September 19, 20xx - 9:00 am (Final Exams)*

*Alarm missed - 7:00 am*

*Alarm missed - 7:15 am*

*Alarm missed - 7:30 am*

*Alarm missed - 7:45 am*

*Alarm missed - 8:00 am*

*25 unread messages from: Maiko best girl*

*5 missed calls from: Maiko best girl*

*40 unread messages from: Takeru the Ass*

*15 missed cals from: Takeru the Ass*

*18 unread messages from: Anna my angel*

*5 missed calls from: Anna my angel*

"Ah-" She froze as she stares at her phone blankly.

"Im gonna fail, am i?" She sigh and released a defeated chuckle. She slap her face and let out a frustrating groan.

"Sike, My mom's gonna kill me."

She jump out of the bed and hurriedly put her uniform on without washing her face nor brushing her teeth. While she was rushing she noticed that the buttons on her blouse is ripped and missing.

She forgot to sew it yesterday because she was so excited reading the web novel that she love so much. She bit her lip out of frustration and looked for a decent sweater. She throw the crinkled sweater on top of her uniform and run towards the living room.

She rushed as she gets her bag and get out of her apartment.

The clumsy girl flimsy unlocked her bike and dashed her way to school.

"Lets just hope the old hag is in good spirits today and let me pass the gates- Or else im seriously gonna get killed. Ahhhhhhh!" she shouted as she paddled her bike like she was chasing by a vicious monster.

"Leah! Shut the f&ck up!" Her neighbor shouted in frustration as they look through the window and frowned at the rushing girl.

"Hahahahaha! Good morning, Granny!" She laughed loudly and smiled as she waved her hands to the pissed old lady then she continue to paddle her way to school.

She immediately arrived as school and looked at the gates.

Close as expected.

She forcefully smiled as she curse under her breath. "I guess i'll be climbing over the walls. Hope my skirt doesn't get wreck this time." She run at the back of the school and look for her usual loyal and forever best friend- The school wooden chair that always help her commit her crimes.

She was about to go over the walls when her phone rang.

*New notification*

*New Message from: Maiko*

Title: Crisis Averted...for now.


I told the old hag that Mr. Takahashi is looking for her. Better treat me lunch and get your ass here.

Leah smiled, and replied.


Title: All the banana pudding is yours!


At the back of the school. On my way. Love ya!

Leah hurriedly ran through the corridor and barely got to the door.

"Ayeeeeee! You manage to get in time! Hahahaha!" Anna, Leah's friend, mischievously said teasing the lifeless huffing girl infront of her.

"I really can't believe you're a scholar and the top student in our year. You barely made it on time" Maiko said as she looked at Leah, disappointed.

"It's not my fault the last chapter of novel that i am reading was uploaded yesterday, of course i would read it!" Leah frowned as she said those statements like it was the most obvious thing to do.

Takeru, Leah's friend that is sitting infront of her, frowned and stared at the sweaty girl. "Did you even study? Let me remind you, today is our final exams, you know?"

Leah averted her eyes and smiled "Of course! of course i did!"

"Looking at the bags under your eyes, blood shot eyes and oily face it seems like you didn't spend a single minute studying so i'll take that as a no- goodluck handling your mother, dumbass." He said the turned his head infront and look at his book and continue reviewing his lessons.

Leah gasp as she touched her face.

(Im- My face is not that oily! Maybe a little oily- but not THAT oily! This jerk!)

Before she can even respond to her friend, The substitute professor enter the room and the whole class went silent and greeted the old strict woman.

"The exam will begin, Hide your books and study materials." and with that the final exams started.


PureLmndecreators' thoughts