
A Dragon Slayer is Born

In a land far far away lies the kingdom of Fiore population 17 million in a place filled with magic in this place magic is a art and the people devote their lives to learning it.

In the year x773 close to the sun village in a forest we can see a mother running through the forest in the middle of a rainstorm with a child in her hands the child has red eyes with red hair no older than 1 sleeping. This child's name is Cyrus Adler.(A/N in the the future when he grows up he will look like Eijiro Kirishma)

Now back to the mother she is currently running from a group of bandits who have been chasing after her since they attacked her cart she was on a long journey after she went to go see her mother in another town her husband was with her but stayed back to hold them off. She ran and ran and soon exited the forest only to stop in front of a mountain she looked around then stopped to catch her breath and check on her child

after a few minutes of catching her breath she noticed that in all the confusion when she was escaping she did not notice that she was injured and that she was bleeding quite a bit after she noticed it she tried to apply pressure to it but then she heard a noise coming from the forest it sounded like it was heading right for her and she began to freak out a little bit but then she looked at her baby who was still sleeping in her arms and made a choice

She started to climb up the the mountain but a bit slow because she could only use one arm as she climbed up as she was climbing she noticed the she started to feel weaker and weaker but she kept on because she had to get her baby to safety.

As she was climbing she noticed smoke at the top she noticed that There looked to be smoke at the top of the mountain like from a campfire.

So she ran a little faster and eventually when she got there she noticed that this fire was huge but there was no one there but she knew someone had to have started this fire so she decided to hide and wait but no one was to come and as the night passed so too did she and as mourning came the baby woke up.

As the baby woke up he looked around quietly for a little bit and then he started crying because he was hungry but there was no one to feed him so he continued crying for almost half the day when all of a sudden there was a booming voice that said in the calmest voice.

"It will be alright little one there is no reason to cry."

And so this is how the future's Hell Flame Slayer meets Atlas Flame!

First time writing

Wesley_Phillips_8141creators' thoughts