
Fairy Tale of A Village Girl

He is a third generation heir of famous Patel family in Pune, India. His family has made a name for themselves in restaurant chain business. They have also many franchises in different cities of India. He is proud, cold and highly intelligent. Everyone thinks in his big family that he can bring greater prosperity to the family after two generation of hard work. He has just completed his masters in management from one of the most reputed universities in India. He is a dream husband for many girls and dream son-in-law for many business class families. The only flaw in his personality is that he is a person with a traditional cultured view about family and relationships. Well, it is flaw according to modern thinkers and the girls mostly. His mother is afraid he will be taken advantage of because he is too emotional. And then the person who takes advantage of him is his grandmother, whom he loves and cares about the most in the family. She has promised a relative in the village that she will set up a marriage between their families and now her most favorite grandson has to do it for her. His dream of a fairy tale love gets shattered just like that. She was a hard working girl in her family. She has passed 12th grade with first division from the government school in the village. When she was 10 years old she was told by her grandmother that her marriage was fixed in a family in the city. She has learned to cook food, have been extra attentive in her studies and also tried to learn English well because she wanted to make her husband proud. She completed her education of up to 12th grade at the age of 17. After that, she could not go to college because the city was far from her village and because of being everyone's darling in the family they did not wish to send her away. It was already decided that at the age of 20 she will be married and she will go to the city. So, everyone in the family said that she can do college at that time. So her last 3 years from the age of 17 to 20 in the village were gone while learning to cook food, doing vegetable gardening and serving her elders and dreaming of her husband. Will he look like one of those actors in movies? I should perfect myself in cooking and learn how to respect elders, what if I embarrassed him in front of his family and relatives? I should take care of myself and not get any wound or scars while doing garden work or cooking on the stove, what if he finds me ugly? In the summer of year when she turned 20, her family received a call that people of boy's family are coming to see the girl and fix the marriage date and the boy is also coming. She felt like her dream is going to come true. She felt shy, self-conscious and dazed all the time. Finally, her dream of fairy tale love and the valiant prince is going to come true.

Kritdeo · 一般的
73 Chs

Her New Home

Ira and Varsha walked together outside the main house and withing few seconds they are standing outside the gate of the main house.

Varsha looked at the front and saw a garden full of flowers of different colors red, white, yellow. She found it so beautiful and breathtaking. At the center of the flower garden is a temple built to pray. Pavement is created around the flower garden and also connecting to the temple from two sides.

Varsha murmured "It looks so beautiful."

"It is just the garden. There are many other things." Ira said while laughing and pulling Varsha forward.

They moved forward toward the temple hand in hand. Temple is created with white marbles and design is an open hexagonal type which is built on a hexagonal platform. There is a pointed dome for shade supported by six pillars on each corner of the hexagonal design. At the center, a statue of God Rudra is there. They both reached the temple, removed their footwear and then started ascending the stairs. After none steps, they reached the platform and standing in front of the status of God. Varsha bowed to God and Ira giggled seeing her.

Varsha asked her annoyingly "What?"

"First thing sister-in-law thought is about bowing to God. Did you not see how beautiful it is around here?" Ira laughed while showing the beautiful garden surrounding the temple.

Varsha smiled and said "It is habitual. First, give respect to God if you are in the temple and then do other things." Then she stood beside Ira and looked around at the beautiful flower beds all around. She inhaled deeply the sweet scent in the air and whispered "Yes... Beautiful."

Then suddenly she remembered and brought her phone up in her hand and dialed the number of her grandfather in the village.

Ira chirped beside her "Put on speaker. Please... Please.."

Varsha smiled and put the phone on speaker. The ring can be heard and after five to six rings call is picked.

Before anyone could say anything, Varsha shouted "Where were all of you? Why do you have a phone at home if it takes so much time to pick up?"

From another side, a chuckle could be heard. Her Grandpa has picked up the phone and he said laughing "Just like our Darling. Always to the point."

"Grandpa! I miss you all." Varsha said playfully.

Grandpa sighed and said "Everyone here is missing our darling. Tell us how is your new home?"

Varsha smiled while looking around "It is very beautiful. We have a temple here and there are flowers around it. There is a boundary wall all around the property and it looks very good."

Ira interjected, "There is also a vegetable garden and a pond and a waterfall in the back."

Varsha looked at Ira accusingly and said "Why did you not show me yet? I thought this was all."

Ira laughed and said "Let us go then" and they started walking toward the back side of the house through the pavement created around the house.

Varsha is still on the phone while walking and she and Ira both are talking to Grandpa Verma at the village. They are walking and talking about anything.

When they reached the backside of could only say 'Wow'

She squealed on the phone and said "Grandpa! It is really beautiful. There is a small hill. A waterfall is coming down from the hill which becomes a small river which flows and goes to a pond on the other side of the boundary wall. Beside the river, there is vegetable plantation done. Beside river, pavement is there and on the other side of pavement backside of the house is there."

"Yes, it seems beautiful. Looks like our Varsha will not feel bored there." Grandpa on phone also laughed and said.

Ira also laughed and said, "My Grandpa has said that maintenance this all beautiful scenery will be given to sister-in-law, so we will work together and make it more beautiful."

Grandpa Verma laughed from another side "Ha ha ha. Looks like our Varsha forgot her roots by seeing the beautiful things there."

Varsha pouted and said "You are an old man and do not think before you speak. Who forgot the roots? It all so green and beautiful that it reminds me of the village. It is all brought here from our roots only."

"My mistake. My mistake." Grandpa laughed and said.

After few second, Grandpa asked again "So, you like your new home?"

Varsha thought of flowers, temple, hill, waterfall, stream and vegetable garden and could not stop herself from smiling and said "Yes, I love it. Even If I stayed within this boundary my whole life, I won't get bored."

"Ha ha ha. Good, good." Grandpa laughed and said.

After a few seconds, Grandpa said "Okay, now I also have to go and check few things. Don't forget to call us later. Your Grandma also wishes to talk to you."

Varsha smiled and said "Yes, Grandpa!" and then the call got cut from another side.

Standing on the pavement Varsha looked at her surroundings. When she looked at the first floor of the main house, she found Akash standing at the balcony and looking toward them.

Varsha tugged the sleeve of Ira and whispered: "Is that our balcony where your brother is standing?"

"Yes. You see sister-in-law, your room is facing the vegetable garden and beautiful scenery. Grandpa has arranged the best room of the house for you." Ira looked toward the balcony and answered while laughing.

Akash heard her and scoffed "Did you think, I will be given any lesser room in the house?"

"Brother! Don't think too highly of yourself. You only got that room because you married sister-in-law. Before marriage itself, Grandpa has decided that room for his granddaughter-in-law." Ira laughed and replied to Akash.

Varsha also laughed and looked shyly toward Akash who looked annoyed and went inside the room. Ira and Varsha both laughed.

Varsha held the hand of Ira and looked dreamily toward the waterfall and said: "I love my new home."

Okay. So how is the new home of Varsha. I am thinking of making such home but Alas that is too difficult to be true. Specially to make it in a city. I will try in my village though.

So, how was it? Please provide your feedback and reviews.

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