
Fairy Tail : The Strongest Creature

Kyros traversed the realm of Fairy Tail and acquired the Template System. This system dutifully rewards daily signk-ins with complimentary attribute points, empowering Kyros to grow stronger with each allocation. Kyros opted for a character template modeled after Kaido, the infamous beast hailed as "the strongest creature in the world" within the One Piece universe. As Kyros assumed the form of a resplendent blue dragon, a fierce aerial clash ensued with Acnologia, the notorious black dragon. Acnologia bellowed, "I am the supreme Dragon King!" Boom! A resounding strike from a mace sent Acnologia hurtling to the earth. Cocking an ear, Kyros retorted, "What kind of king did you just proclaim yourself to be?" ******** I will upload a chapter every other day. ********** Support me on my patreon and read upto 25 early chapters. patreon.com/AniScout ********* *THIS IS A TRANSLATION* https://www.wuxiabee.com/novel/the-strongest-creature-in-fairy-tail.html The Strongest Creature In Fairy Tail 妖精公会里的最强生物 This is a translation of Chinese Novel.

Ani_Scout · アニメ·コミックス
81 Chs

Chapter 63 : Help!

Magic Council ERA

"In the case of Defendant Kyros, Phantom Lord Guild has filed a lawsuit against you for allegedly assaulting its members, resulting in numerous injuries."

"Demolish the Phantom Lord Guild's building and completely dissolve the Phantom Lord Guild."

"Intentionally provoking inter-guild conflict, thereby violating the treaty prohibiting guild conflicts."

"During the arrest mission conducted by the Rune Knights of the Magic Council, you destroyed the handcuffs, allegedly resisted arrest, and assaulted the Rune Knights, resulting in several of them falling into a coma."

"Do you plead guilty?"

Within the hallowed halls of the Magic Council, numerous magic judges presided over the bench, while Kyros stood below.

Kyros nodded and replied, "While I may harbor bias, it is indeed I who injured members of Phantom Lord and destroyed their guild. As for resisting arrest, well, if I truly intended to resist, who could apprehend me?"

"Arrogant!! A mere sorcerer dares to flagrantly flout the Magic Council's regulations! The witnesses and evidence stand firm! There's no room for denial!"

"Speaker, for such a lawless fanatic, I propose the harshest penalty."

"Moreover, his guild, Fairy Tail, has repeatedly violated the regulations of the Mage Guild! They should be disbanded!"

"Yes! Absolutely! Guilds like Fairy Tail must face severe consequences, or else the authority of the Magic Council will be undermined!"

Numerous magic adjudicators clamored for severe punishment against Kyros and Fairy Tail guild.

Yajima intervened, "While regulations were breached, but there were no casualties, the punishment should not be so severe. It's been reported that Phantom Lord attacked Fairy Tail first, which understandably provoked Kyros."

Michello, the third-seat of Magic Council's Ten Wizard Saint, countered, "Mr. Yajima, we understand your close ties to Makarov and Fairy Tail, but we cannot afford leniency this time. Hasn't Fairy Tail caused enough turmoil?"

"Furthermore, there's no evidence supporting the claim that Phantom Lord attacked Fairy Tail Guild. With numerous witnesses attesting to Kyros's assault on Phantom Lord, arguments hold little weight."

"Even if the Phantom Lord instigated the conflict, resorting to personal vendettas is in direct violation of guild conflict regulations!"

"But..." Yajima attempted to interject.

Org, the second-seat, interposed, "Michello is correct. Fairy Tail's grave transgression places an undeniable responsibility on Makarov as guild master. Therefore, I propose the immediate disbandment of Fairy Tail Guild."

"I agree!"

"I concur as well!"

Several members of the Magic Council nodded in agreement.

"The verdict is in! Kyros of the Fairy Tail Guild stands accused of maliciously attacking Phantom Lord Guild, assaulting its members, damaging guild property, resisting arrest, and assaulting law enforcement officers. The evidence is irrefutable. He is sentenced to 8 years of imprisonment!"

"Makarov, the Guild Master of Fairy Tail, is sentenced to 1 year in prison for failing to effectively manage the guild. Furthermore, Fairy Tail Guild shall be disbanded effective immediately!"

Suddenly, a mocking laughter echoed in the courtroom.

"Kyros! What's so amusing?!"

"Oh, nothing much. Just found something amusing all of a sudden."

Michello retorted angrily, "Such blatant disregard for the authority of the Magic Council is yet another offense!"

"Fine! Add as many charges as you please! Pass as many judgments as you like. I have no interest in prolonging this farce."

Normally composed, Kyros's patience had worn thin. The prospect of imprisonment and the dissolution of Fairy Tail was unacceptable to him, hence his frustration.

"Despicable! What do you think you're doing?!"

After a moment of contemplation, Kyros spoke up, "What am I doing? I'll tell you what—I'm thinking we should start by dismantling the Magic Council!"

"What did you say?!" Many members of the Magic Council paled at the audacity of his words. The notion of dismantling the Magic Council was beyond belief.

"Come at me!"

"Seize him! Arrest this man!!"

Several magical knights guarding the courtroom moved to apprehend Kyros.

"Back off!!"

Kyros bellowed furiously, an overwhelming aura surrounding him.


The entire judgment hall quaked violently, cracks spider webbing across its walls.



Except for Yajima, everyone else was sent flying by Kyros's overwhelming presence.

"Pathetic! With such feeble resistance, it's no wonder the Magic Council is so easily challenged."

In a realm where might reigns supreme, the powerful inevitably dominate the weak, akin to the grip of the Navy Headquarters in the world of One Piece.

Here, there exists no Magic Council where the feeble preside over the mighty.

A cluster of individuals lacking in strength pointed accusing fingers, uttering sanctions and threats, a gesture intended to assert dominance.

Startled, the magic adjudicators hastily vacated the halls of judgment.

With a cry of terror, Michello called out, "Somebody, aid us!"


Support me on my patreon and read upto 15 early chapters.
