
Fairy Tail: The Dragon's Sin

SPOILER WARNING IF YOU HAVE NOT READ THE MANGA TO SEVEN DEADLY SINS, FAIRY TAIL, OR FAIRY TAIL 100 YEARS QUEST, READ AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION. ======= After a fierce clash with Cath Palug, Cath decided to test the limits of Chaos on Meliodas and as a result, Meliodas is drastically weakened and is sent into a different unknown world. Stuck in this new world, Meliodas has to adapt to this new environment, regain his power, and find a way back to Britannia. This is sort of an AU. It follows Fairy Tail canon but has a lot of extra things in between that I try to keep lore friendly but would never have happened in the main story. If you want to support the story, donate to our Patreon! patreon.com/Shayzero follow @shayminnerdform on twitter You won't get chapters ahead of time on Patreon, but you will get access to various concept art, sketches, polls, and notes of our planning process.

ShayZero · アニメ·コミックス
230 Chs

Another Unfamiliar Place

In a deserted valley filled with strange rocks and small hills, a small dot of light appeared. The dot gradually grew into a large beam, submerging the area in light. In the middle of the light was a figure clad in darkness, holding a sword.

Meliodas landed on the ground and looked around. He examined himself, confirming there were no injuries on his body. 'A teleportation array…..'

"Where am I?" Meliodas murmured, unfamiliar with his surroundings. He swung his hand, dispersing the darkness that had clad his body originally and a new set of clothes appeared in its place. He dressed himself and began exploring the area. Meliodas walked around, noticing the numerous strange creatures roaming the valley.

In front of him were dozens of jellyfish that were walking on dry land and boars with deer antlers. However, the moment the jellyfish saw him, they immediately ran, sensing an immense danger from Meliodas.

Meliodas closed his eyes momentarily, trying to sense for any familiar magic. The closest was a massive magical source to the south he had never sensed before, but he could not pick up on any magic he could recognize. Meliodas shrugged and began running south. 'Guess I'll start there.'

Meliodas dashed through the land at breakneck speed, knocking aside any of the fauna that just so happened to be in his way. As he ran, he could not shake the feeling that someone or something was watching him. Eventually, he could see the coastline and a city right next to it.

'Finally, a city.'

Meliodas entered the city and looked around. It was a harbor town overlooking a crescent moon bay with an apparent seashell based theme and architecture. Spread throughout the town were many windmills and in the center was a large, cathedral-like building. As Meliodas walked through the streets, he could sense the town was populated, but the streets were strangely desolate. Upon seeing a tavern, his face lit up immediately and he quickly entered.

There were only a few people in the bar. Meliodas was slightly surprised as despite the customers in the bar looking human, something felt off about them. Meliodas walked up to the barstool and sat down.

The barkeep walked over, polishing a glass mug.

Meliodas took a look at the menu, however, he did not have any of the local currency on hand.

"It's been a while since we have seen a human. What brings you here?" The barkeeper asked as he approached Meliodas.

"I am looking for the way back to Fiore." Meliodas replied. "Also, I am not human."

The barkeeper was surprised. "My mistake, you certainly look like one."

"So do you." Meliodas smirked.

The barkeeper coughed "I suppose so. Unfortunately, I am not sure what Fiore is. I suppose you can ask someone at the hotel. Since we get visitors from out of town from time to time, they may know the place you are looking for. It's near the edge of the port. It's called Hotel Journey."

Meliodas thanked the barkeep and left the pub.

"Ah, he could have bought something." The barkeeper sighed before going back to work.

Meliodas rushed towards a building near the port. The sign read "Hotel Journey". Meliodas walked inside the empty, seashell themed building. He walked towards the reception desk, seeing a fish flopping up and down.

"Well, well, well. Something isn't right." Meliodas continued to stare at the fish. However, the fish continued to flop up and down. Meliodas suddenly reached out for the fish and picked it up off the desk.

In that next moment, the fish turned right into a well dressed man with a small mustache and neatly combed black hair. Meliodas was now holding him by the leg, his head and upper back hitting the ground.

"Ah my apologies." The man suddenly spoke. Meliodas flipped him back upright and set him down.

"I was just taking a small nap and turned into a fish. You know how it is." The man said. Meliodas returned a puzzled look to him at the comment.

How can I help you on this fine day?" The receptionist continued.

"Didn't mean to wake you up like that, but I am looking for a way back to the continent of Fiore. I was wondering if you had a map." Meliodas requested.

"Why of course. Here you are." The receptionist said as he reached across the desk pulled out a map from one of the drawers. He placed it in front of Meliodas and explained where he was currently at.

"As you can see, you are currently in the continent of Guiltina. It is quite a distance away from Fiore. You will need to go south east. You can charter a ship if you'd like. However, you will need to switch ships halfway through."

"I see. Thank you." Meliodas responded.

"Would you like to stay for the night? If you choose to do so, you will need to drink the potion in your room."

Meliodas shuddered at the thought of drinking a potion. Sure, it couldn't have been as bad as Alice's, but he didn't want to try.

"No, I have to leave right now. Maybe, the next time." Meliodas gave the receptionist a quick wave as he dashed out the door.

Black wings formed at his back and his body rose into the air.. He turned towards the town center and stared at two figures on one of the rooftops. He gave them a quick wave and a smile before jetting off into the distance.

In the town center, on top of a building a young man was seated with shoulder-length blue hair, two long horns, and a facial tattoo over his right eye. He wore a dark coat over a long shirt, accompanied by loose pants tucked into his boots. He also wore a necklace with three circular ornaments and black gloves.

Behind him was a young woman of average height, dark eyes and long, wavy hair, with a side-braid and prominently up-curled strand on the right side of her head. She wore a cropped, navy blue button-down coat with shoulder pads, decorative sleeve folds, and a belt under her cleavage, accompanied by a short skirt adorned with a large belt and thigh-high boots.

The blue haired man was shocked as he watched Meliodas leave. The young woman next to him noticed the shift in his demeanor.

"What is the matter Lord Water Dragon?" The young woman asked.

"Another strong one, appearing out of seemingly nowhere." The young man said as he stared over the vast ocean. "And it seems he noticed my presence."

"He noticed your presence?!!" The young woman exclaimed.

"Yes. He seems very strong. Just like the other one with orange hair that passed through here recently."

"I suppose it's good that he just left."


Meliodas continued his flight towards Fiore. 'That place was interesting. I should definitely come back at a later time.

"Ah, I really should have bought some Guiltina Ale. Maybe if I figure out what their currency is…" Meliodas grumbled.