
Chapter 167


The tauren leader slapped the stone chair hard, causing cracks on the stone chair, showing its strength.

There is a tauren scout in their tribe who has very sensitive ears. If he listens close to the ground, even the rutting sound of the caravan cannot escape his ears. It is also because of his ears that they can encounter caravans every time.

"It's coming, there's a very strong smell." Natsu sniffed hard twice, his expression became serious, and he lowered his voice and said, "There are sounds and smells in front and behind, they have surrounded us.

" Ryan also heard it, his muscles tensed and he was ready.

Rose whispered to Lucy beside him: "Lucy, summon the stars to protect yourself as soon as possible."

The minotaurs should be able to rob successfully every time, each carrying weapons and swaggering from the front and back. Live in the fleet.

Ross glanced behind him. There were five heads behind him and six heads including the leader in front. Was this a full-scale attack?

The leading tauren is tall and tall, a head taller than the other tauren. His whole body is muscular, tough and powerful, and he also carries a huge stone hammer.

Rose raised his right hand to signal Brian not to act rashly.

The tauren leader walked to a place about ten meters in front of the convoy and stopped. The stone hammer hit the ground heavily. Rose could feel the weight of the stone hammer. It looked like it was not a good guy.

The tauren leader pounded a stone hammer with both hands and said angrily: "Humans, I don't want to hurt you, just leave your things and you can leave."

Ross was still doubtful of Brian's words before, thinking about the relationship between Brian and the robber. Now it seems that the possibility of two raccoon dogs working together has been greatly reduced. Ross asked: "What if we don't interact with each other?"

The tauren leader snorted and said, "Then we can only be rude."

" Natsu, Lucy, I want the leader, and you share the rest."

[Receive, Sword Kingmon] Rose instantly received Sword Kingmon and then rushed towards the Minotaur leader.

"Open the door to the Taurus Palace, Talos!" Lucy thought for a while and decided to use the Minotaur against the Tauren.

"What about the magician?"

The tauren leader roared angrily when he saw Ross rushing over. He picked up a stone hammer with both hands and smashed it down from top to bottom.

After getting close, Rose turned sideways to avoid the hammer, and swung the impact cone with his right arm towards the chest of the tauren leader.

The tauren leader didn't expect that Rose could rush so fast and adjust his position at the end. He didn't react at all to this blow. He was hit by this blow and took several steps back. He rubbed his chest. This blow was The physical talents of these tauren are not easy to bear.

After just testing it out, Ross was able to figure out the strength of the leader a little bit. It was resistant to beatings and strong, but not very fast. The stone hammer even dragged it down.

Ross relied on his speed to attack all around it. He got behind it and kicked it on the back before it could turn around.

The tauren leader staggered a few steps and then beat the earth angrily. It was extremely talented among the tauren and had never suffered such humiliation in a single fight.

It first threw the stone hammer to the side, clenched its fists and raised its arms, roaring to the sky. A red light flashed around its body, its body became larger, and its eyes changed from ordinary black to red.

[What kind of magic or talent is this? ] Rose hesitated for a second, but there was no time to think. Its madness was quite fast. The tauren leader kicked his hoof back a few times and then rushed towards Rose with all his strength.

It abandoned the stone hammer, and after becoming furious and mad, its speed and strength increased, and every punch was whizzing with fist wind.

After it got close, it stepped hard with its right leg. The shock wave reached the place it stepped on and moved forward at a speed. Rose was shaken by this move and his body was a little unstable. Fortunately, this move can only affect the earth, so it would be fine if he could fly. .

"Huawu Huawu!" Four blades protruded from the Sword Emperor Beast's armor and struck continuously. The tauren leader was unable to defeat the four hands with his fists. The blades scratched various blood marks on his body, and soon he was dripping with blood.

Rose put his hands on the ground in an inverted position, spread his legs and kept rotating. He kicked the tauren leader's neck and head with both legs continuously. With the final acceleration and heavy blow, he kicked the side of its face and knocked it down. He flew to a nearby tree and fell unconscious.

"The brilliant flames of the fire dragon!" Natsu clasped his hands together and used the flames to hit the three minotaurs in front of him.

"Lucy Flying Kick!"

Lucy and Caplico kicked a tauren one by one, and their movements were exactly the same.

Ross looked around and saw that there were still a few minotaurs left. Ross didn't interfere. Natsu seemed to be able to do it with ease. These minotaurs were just resistant to beatings and were not very fast. Natsu seemed very nimble in front of them.

Lucy pulled out the long whip from her waist, swung it hard, tied the feet of a tauren, and tried to pull it down.

"It's embarrassing…I can't pull it…" Cold sweat broke out on Lucy's forehead. She tugged on the rope twice and found that the minotaur was motionless, as stable as a mountain.

Capricho and Natsu were currently fighting with other minotaurs, unable to escape.

"Lucy, let me help you!" Habi flew around the minotaur, constantly harassing it. The minotaur turned around and grabbed at it unbearably.

Lucy's long whip also tied it tighter and tighter, and finally it lost its center of gravity and fell to the ground.

"Yeah!" Lucy and Happy took the time to give a high-five.

Without any accidents, these minotaurs were defeated by Natsu and Lucy together, but it took some magic and physical strength, and even Natsu was panting.

There was nothing I could do, they were too resistant to beatings. These tauren could still stand up after being hit by the fire dragon's flames.

Rose was not just standing there stupidly. Although Rose did not intervene just now, he locked up the defeated minotaurs with shackles that restricted the use of magic power. These shackles were placed on the car just now.

The tauren leader had just woken up, and just watched silently as his companions were knocked down one by one. Ross did not see any anger on his face.

Ross looked at it and asked curiously: "Aren't you angry?"

The tauren leader held his head high: "You are stronger. If you lose, you lose."

[Good guy, you don't look like you have lost… ] Ross was a little amused by it looking at its arrogant look.

After all the tauren were restrained, they sat cross-legged on the ground. Ross looked at the tauren leader and said, "Tell me, what is your name? Why do you appear here? I heard that you suddenly appeared here more than half a year ago."

"My name is Kane Chongho. Chongho is the name of our tribe. We originally lived in the mountains far away from here, but we lost the tribal war and were unwilling to surrender. We took the opportunity to sneak out." "

Since If you lose, why don't you surrender?"