
Fairy Tail: Pillar of Water

[Fairy Tail Fanfic - Hiatus] The disciple of Giyu Tomioka the Water Hashira was killed by a Upper Moon on a mission. "Is this the end?" As he slowly closed his eyes, a bright light filled him as the soul of the boy was pulled into another dimension. He opened his eyes as he found out he was not in the world he knew of. "Where is this?" Will he be able to survive in a world of magic or will he perish again. Watch as he honed his skills into becoming one of the strongest swordsman in the world of Fairy Tail. =========================================== Disclaimer: The cover and all characters from Fairy Tail rightfully belongs to it's respective creators. ===========================================

ChronosXx · アニメ·コミックス
12 Chs

Unstoppable vs Indestructible

"You... will.. pay... for... that.. human..." the Lizardman growled.

The two of them stared at each other for a few seconds before they dashed towards each other with their claws and blade.

"Water Breathing... First form: Water Surface Slash!"

Kazemi muttered while he dashed at him at full speed as he used the momentum to create a powerful single concentrated slash.


Both the claws and blade clashed together as it created a small shockwave that pushed the surrounding objects away.

"Hoh~ so this is the strength of an overlord... very impressive but compared to a certain old woman, you're power pales in comparison to her"

Kazemi commented with a bitter smile as he remembers the monstrous strength of Mabel whenever they spar at each other.


The Lizardman growled as it spewed out a poison breath at him which Kazemi leaped up to avoid it and used the chance that he was in mid-air to perform an attack.

"Eighth form: Waterfall Basin!"

Kazemi raised his blade high in the air as he slowly fall downwards and slashed vertically in a flowing motion at the Lizardman's head.


The Lizardman sneered as he let the blade slash down at his head which created a loud clanging sound as the blade repelled away due to the impact.

'Tch... I wanted to test how tough his scales are and they really are disgustingly hard just as the book says'

Kazemi thought as he saw the blade not having caused any cuts or cracks on the Lizardman's head.

"Kekekeke... pathetic... attempt.. human..."

The Lizardman laughed at his attempt to hurt him as he stood there unmoved with a prideful look.

'I'm starting to get annoyed at this guy'

Kazemi thought with a vein popping in his head as he started to adjust his form to launch another attack.

"Ninth form: Splashing Water Flow, Flash!"

He rushed towards the Lizardman and vanish halfway as he shortly appeared right in front of it as he delivered an uppercut-like slash.

The Lizardman raised his scaled arms right below his chin as he blocked the slash with ease as he stood still unmoved from his position.

Kazemi immediately changed his posture to that of another form the moment his attack was blocked.

"Third form: Flowing Dance, Shadows of Dawn!"

He dashed towards the Lizardman as he unleashed a series of circular rising slashes in a flowing motion from multiple directions before delivering a powerful downward slash at him.

Swish~ Clang~ Swish~

The Lizardman smirked as he kept avoiding or blocking the blade from slashing the area where there were no scales and crossed out his scaled arms to block the powerful downward slash that was coming towards him.

Kazemi clicked his tongue in annoyance as he leaped backward to gain some distance away from the Mutated Lizardman.

"It.. is... useless.. human... you.. can.. not... defeat.. me..."

The Lizardman stated as he stood there with no injuries on his body while Kazemi was slightly gasping for air due to the consecutive attacks that he performed.

"I haven't even gone serious yet... now the warm-up is over"

Kazemi refuted him as he stretched his arms and legs and took a deep breath as he unsheathed the other blade that was on his waist.

"So... be.. it.. human... if.. you.. want.. to.. die... then... I'll.. fulfill... your.. wish..."

The Lizardman stated when he bent down his back slightly as multiple spikes emerged out all over his body with poison covered on it.

'Hoh~ I haven't tried this before... even in my past life, this is something unheard of as no one has tried to combine two forms of different styles... I guess it's time to surpass my past self'

Kazemi thought as he kept taking a deep breath and focusing all his senses with full concentration as he adjust his posture to an unfamiliar form.

"Sword Magic: Water and Beast Styles... Unison form: Drop Ripple Pierce, Curve!"

( A/N: this attack is a combination of the 1st fang: Pierce and 7th form: Drop Ripple Thrust, Curve... so yeah )

He dashed toward the Lizardman with two blades in his hand as it started to get covered by a wild aura of water and stabs his sword at him from a specific angle.

The Lizardman still had a confident smile thinking that he will be able to block the attack again as he raised his scaled arms to intercept it when the blades seems to curve and went past his arms as it stabs right through his two eyes.


The Lizardman yelled out in pain as he covered his bleeding eyes with his hands thinking that it might ease his pain.

"Finally, I got a clean hit..." Kazemi muttered.

"Haha... so I surpass my past self... if only I was this strong in my past life maybe I would have already become a Hashira"

Kazemi stared at the sky with a bitter look as he shook his head and regained his calm expression and focused on the battle.

"Even though I had pierced its eyes... it's still alive, as expected of one of the Overlords"

He commented as he stared at the Lizardman on the ground with his eyes covered by his arms as it kept screaming in pain.

'Still, this beast breathing is quite a useful one... I'm surprised no one had thought of it yet' Kazemi thought.

( A/N: The reason he doesn't know about the beast style is cause in his past life, Inosuke wasn't known to the others yet... )

'All this time spending in this forest was worth it as I managed to create quite an amazing style... sadly I wouldn't be able to brag about it to my friends at the Demon corps...'

Kazemi thought with a nostalgic face as he remembers the time he was on the Demon corps when he halted his thoughts due to his instinct alarming him.

He immediately ducks as a claw went past above his head barely missing to stab his brains out.

'That was a close one...' Kazemi thought.


The Lizardman had a berserk aura as he kept slashing his claws towards him as he kept dodging them with ease.

Roar~ Roar~

Kazemi heard multiple roars towards the Lizardmen camp as he felt his senses warning him that the Lizardmen were rushing towards here.

"Play times over, It was fun fighting with you... is what I'd like to say but you probably can't hear me right now, am I right?"

Kazemi asked while he kept dodging attacks as the Lizardman only roared and growl in response.

He knew that the Lizardman was in a berserker state right now as he didn't waste time and adjusted his form to finally end this fight.

"Sword Magic: Water Style..."

"Fifth form: Blessed Rain After the Drought!"

Kazemi dodge an incoming claw as he changes his grip and slashed at his neck in a single flowing strike as the Lizardman's head flew off.

The moment the battle was over, a warp portal appeared beneath Kazemi and the Mutated Lizardman's body as they fell inside and disappeared to somewhere else.