
Fairy tail: Magic General

John Osborne is your average teenager that loves anime and novels. Unfortunately? or Fortunately? He got run over by the truck himself truck-kun, Reincarnating him in the world of fairy tail with a cheat and a non-mainstream magic. All the characters here except my OC are the property of Hiro Mashima and all related franchises. Discord Link: https://discord.gg/ENhyK5Ff Image is not mine, just found it on internet

Xenodia · アニメ·コミックス
109 Chs

Relaxation Day

A few minutes later, the brawl was completely stopped by Makarov with everyone involved in the brawl having a glowing ball on their foreheads.

And it was also at this moment that John finished eating his breakfast, he stood up from his seat after setting a 10,000 Jewel bill on the counter, he waved at Makarov and shouted.

"I'm done with my breakfast old man. See ya later!"

"Take care, ya brat!"

While walking around the streets of Magnolia, John couldn't help but think.

'It's been so long since I've been this free, for all the time in the past few years, I would be training or on the way to training.'

'And on the days I'm not training, I'm either out doing quests or creating items needed by me or for the store.'

John then noticed a stall selling ice cream on the side of the road, so he went and bought a vanilla-flavored one since the only flavors the owner is selling are vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry.

'Vanilla is the OG flavor, it's definitely the best one in this era.'

While licking his ice cream, John kept walking around the town since he has nothing to do this day.

'It's really strange for me not to be busy doing something, it felt so odd, I know let's just visit the shop and have a few games of Mage Auto Chess.'

With that in mind, John went to the shop that he owned and played a few games there, all without the players knowing he was the creator of the game.

'It's so boring, the players are so weak.' John thought with a deadpan expression as he won another game.

"Wow! This kid is awesome! He already won 10 times in a row!"

"Can anyone actually defeat him?!"

"If only the Princess of Dark Arts is here, she'll surely be able to defeat him right?"

But as they were discussing, the door of the shop opened which garnered everyone's attention.

"It's her! She's here! She'll surely defeat him right?!"

"It's been a long time since the Princess of Dark Arts has come here right?"

A girl walked in, clothed in a black dress, a silver tiara on her head, and a black mask on her face engraved with a crow.

She looked around the place, but when her eyes landed on John, her pupils constricted for a moment, then she walked over like nothing happened.

"How about a match?" She asked sitting in the seat opposite John and inserting her key into the keyhole and inlay a small figurine into the groove.

"Sure, you seem famous in this shop." John agreed and did the same, as it seems that he will finally get challenged this time around.

And not long after, two other players quickly joined their table, and so the match started.

"Wait, doesn't it seems that both that kid and princess use the same style in battles?" Spectator one asked when he remembered the playstyles of both players.

"Now that you mention it, they do have similar playstyles, with both always rushing dark night synergy from the start of the match." Spectator Two said.

And just like they said, just at the start of the match, both players quickly rush the dark night synergy and destroyed the other two players.

As the match went on, John's expression became more and more weird, this girl's playstyle is too similar to him.

It's like he's playing with another him, like a mirror match-up, but even in mirror match-ups, it can't be this similar.

As the match went on they had several close battles with them losing alternately, but in the end, John won because he was the first one to get a three-star golden character that ended up widening the gap between them.

"Nice match." John stood up and extended his hand to the princess, to which she accepted and also said the same.

"It's a nice match, I hope to have another one with you, if it's alright."

"Maybe next time." John smiled and took his things to leave the place, leaving a legend in the shop that a legendary player once came here and had a 100-win streak.

After leaving the shop, John noticed that it was already noon, so he went back and head for the guild hall to eat something.

It's not that he does not want to eat at home, but it's pretty sad to eat by himself, so maybe it's better to eat at the guild hall, at least the atmosphere there is full of cheers.

While he was walking two hands covered his eyes and a lively voice asked from behind him.

"Guess who?"

John smiled knowing already who was behind him, he took down the hands in his eyes as he said.

"It's so easy, who else could it be if not Cana?"

And he was proven correct once he turned around, revealing a Cana in a casual one-piece dress with her hair tied up in cute twin tails.

"Wanna eat some cake?" John asked while pointing to a cake shop on the other side of the street, which is one of Erza's favorites in the show.

"Alright! I'll have some strawberry shortcake!" Cana's eyes lit up upon the mention of eating cake.

John nodded and went inside the shop, but he didn't expect to see Erza inside as well, ordering her favorite strawberry shortcake.

'Strawberry shortcake is very popular with girls, huh?'

Erza also noticed him as she waved her hand and greeted him. " Hello John, I didn't expect to see you here."

"Well, Cana wanted some strawberry shortcake, so I'm here to buy some for her."

"She has good taste, this shop sells the best strawberry shortcakes in the whole of Magnolia town." Erza shared with an approving smile towards Cana's choice.

"Erza Scarlet!" A shout came from the counter.

"Looks like my order is here, I'll see you later, John." Erza bid goodbye once she picked up her order.

A few minutes later it was finally John's turn to get his order, so he quickly paid and returned home with Cana, buying some other food on the way to the apartment.

In John's dining room, all the lights were turned off, and a stick of candle is burning to light up the room, placed in front of John and Cana are two plates, one with spaghetti and the other is the cake bought earlier.

After he was done eating the spaghetti, John quickly moved on to the cake while wondering what does this cake have that all girls like it so much?

"It's too sweet." John put down his fork after a taste as he isn't used to something so sweet, he rather have something sour instead.

"You don't want to finish your cake, John?" Cana asked after she was done wolfing down hers.

"You can have it, it's too sweet for my liking." John pushed the plate forward, as Cana's eyes lit up from having another cake.

"Drink some water and brush your teeth after you finish eating that cake, I don't want you getting cavities and sickness from eating too much sweet."

"And no secretly eating cake, okay? It's bad for your health to eat too many desserts."


"Can I have one more please?" Cana asked while holding John's arm and displaying her secret weapon, puppy eyes.

"No." But, what answered her was a stoic no from John. He left the dining room along with the sobs of sadness from Cana.