
Fairy Tail: I Created the Magical Internet

What era is this? Are you still stuck in the past, practicing ancient magic? It's time to embrace the future and join the magical age of the Internet! The more users we have, the stronger the magic of Knight’s Harvest becomes. Here's what you can experience: [Forum Dating]: The Dark Guild freely discusses conspiracies and intrigues. [Knowledge Sharing]: The Ten Holy Magicians generously share their magical knowledge. [Live Battle]: Watch as regular guilds face off against evil, live and in real-time. [Guild Entrustment]: Take on missions and quests online—quick and convenient. With new platforms constantly emerging, Knight’s Internet Magic is bringing revolutionary changes to the world of magic. Dragon-slaying spells? God-slaying spells? Demon-slaying spells? Download the magic app now, and anyone can learn! As the world gets caught in the "net," Knight ascends the long staircase to godhood! ------------- Please support me on patreon.com/ihatesakura To read Chapters in Advance go to patreon.com/ihatesakura

ihatesakura · アニメ·コミックス
84 Chs

Chapter 79

"Would you like to go out for a walk? That's fine. I've been in the Deep Web for too long recently, and I feel like my soul is a little withered."

Uru nodded with a smile, agreeing to Knight's proposal.

Knight snapped his fingers, and the two were immediately surrounded by streams of 0s and 1s. In the blink of an eye, they returned to the real world.

"It's just a new version, do you really not need me to keep an eye on things?" Uru asked, ever diligent, while removing her outer layer of clothing.

Her clothes were mere illusions, condensed by magic power, and the action of removing them was more out of habit than necessity. When Uru felt relaxed, she often reverted to wearing only minimal attire.

"…Can you change back into your clothes first?" Knight was left speechless by her casual manner.

Uru, who had a deep mastery of ice modeling magic, smiled sheepishly. "Ah… Sorry, I'm used to it." She then placed her hands on her hips, her silhouette graceful and poised.

"Speaking of which, Knight, why don't I teach you ice modeling magic? Interested?" she asked, playfully.

"I'd rather not develop the habit of undressing at random—it might make people think I'm a pervert," Knight retorted, rolling his eyes as he headed to the bathroom to freshen up.

Uru couldn't help but laugh, her smile as radiant as Ultear's: "Hahaha, I suppose that could be a problem."

As Knight washed up, a sudden system notification echoed in his mind.

[Task: Develop the new internet section "Weekly Sorcerer" and surpass 5,000 users.] [Reward: Recipe for a physical recovery potion or a magic recovery potion.] [Task completed.]

[Please choose your reward…]

Nate paused, somewhat surprised. "Finished already?"

The section had just been updated the previous night, but by morning, over 5,000 users had already subscribed to Weekly Sorcerer.

"It must be because the new issue was released online," Nate mused, planning to check what had drawn so much attention later. As for the task reward, after a moment's thought, he chose the magic recovery potion.

While the physical recovery potion might be more useful to him personally, the magic potion could serve another purpose. Although Nate didn't need magic recovery himself, he didn't want to reveal the true nature of his power source just yet.

By brewing the potion, he could easily explain away any questions about how he maintained seemingly endless magic reserves. "Why do you have so much magic?" they might ask. "Simple," he'd reply. "I drink potions."

"Let's go with that," Nate decided.

[Detecting host location: Fairy Tail world. Developing formula based on local herbs…]

[Development in progress… 1%… 99%…]

[Development complete.]

In an instant, Knight was flooded with knowledge of magic pharmacy, specifically on creating magic recovery potions. The sheer amount of information made his head spin for a moment before he finally regained his composure.

"It can even create a potion recipe based on the herbs of this world…" Knight couldn't help but marvel at the system's capabilities.

One of the primary ingredients, snow primrose, came to mind. Nate recalled learning about it when he first joined Fairy Tail. He'd seen it mentioned in a commission and remembered its origin: the snowy Hakobe Mountain near Magnolia. This herb could temporarily boost a wizard's magic and was even used in tea and cakes as an additive. Lucy had once considered taking on a task to collect it but gave up after hearing from Mirajane that a monster, the "Blizzard Beast," roamed the area.

"Snow primrose—so that's its name," Nate muttered. "Well, instead of gathering it myself, I'll see if the potion shop in town has any in stock."

Finishing his morning routine, Nate left his apartment and bumped into Lucy, who had just stepped outside.

"Good morning, Lucy," he greeted with a smile.

"G-good morning…!" Lucy's face turned bright red as she fidgeted.

"I'm going to the guild! Bye!" she quickly blurted before hurrying off, leaving Nate standing there, mildly confused.

"…Is she always this shy?" he wondered.

Uru, who had gradually solidified from her transparent form, smirked. "That girl likes you. Why not pursue her?"

Knight shrugged and teased back, "Why do you keep avoiding Gray? You've been hiding from him for a while now."

"Well, I am technically a ghost," Uru replied with a soft laugh. "Showing up too often might cause trouble for you."

"You don't have to worry about that," Knight said, shaking his head. "Gray's in the guild too, you know."

"I know… It's enough for me to watch him grow. There's no need for a reunion."

"You've really let go, haven't you?" Knight admired her calm perspective. As someone who had died once, Uru's inner peace was something Knight found fascinating.

"What if I told you that I could really bring you back to life one day?" he asked.

"Do you think that day will come?"

"It will."

Leaving the apartment, Knight decided to skip the guild for the day. Uru, curious, followed closely behind.

"Where are we going? This isn't the way to the guild," she inquired.

"To buy a villa… and gather ingredients for some magic recovery potions," Knight answered straightforwardly.

"Magic recovery potions?" Uru's eyes widened in surprise. "That's advanced alchemy! Only those who've trained in magic academies can usually do that."

Knight grinned. "You'll see. If you're lucky, you might even get to watch the process."

As they walked through the town, meanwhile, on the Magic Network, the first issue of Weekly Sorcerer was released, featuring none other than Knight himself on the cover:

"The Great Creator of the Magic Network, and New Holy Ten Sorcerer: Knight!"

The magazine included an exclusive interview with Knight, and the new section was soon flooded with curious readers.