
Fairy Tail: I Created the Magical Internet

What era is this? Are you still stuck in the past, practicing ancient magic? It's time to embrace the future and join the magical age of the Internet! The more users we have, the stronger the magic of Knight’s Harvest becomes. Here's what you can experience: [Forum Dating]: The Dark Guild freely discusses conspiracies and intrigues. [Knowledge Sharing]: The Ten Holy Magicians generously share their magical knowledge. [Live Battle]: Watch as regular guilds face off against evil, live and in real-time. [Guild Entrustment]: Take on missions and quests online—quick and convenient. With new platforms constantly emerging, Knight’s Internet Magic is bringing revolutionary changes to the world of magic. Dragon-slaying spells? God-slaying spells? Demon-slaying spells? Download the magic app now, and anyone can learn! As the world gets caught in the "net," Knight ascends the long staircase to godhood! ------------- Please support me on patreon.com/ihatesakura To read Chapters in Advance go to patreon.com/ihatesakura

ihatesakura · アニメ·コミックス
84 Chs

Chapter 59 : Nirvana

The hurricane caused by the explosion ruffled Knight's clothes.


Through the fading white light, Knight could clearly detect the flow of magic power beneath the ground.

"So, there's another one."

As the aftermath of the explosion dissipated, a massive crater—tens of meters wide—was revealed in the now-devastated forest. However, there was no sign of Lissa within the pit.

Knight wasn't surprised.

Just before the explosion, the ground had softened, swallowing Lissa like quicksand. He recalled that one of the Six Demon Generals specialized in earth magic. What was his name again? Hot Eyes?

"Doesn't matter," Knight muttered to himself. "I've already marked him with the Flying Thunder God technique."

Too lazy to chase after them, he decided to let it go.

Meanwhile, several kilometers away from the eastern forest, at the base of a hidden mountain, the ground churned before opening up, spitting out two figures. Lissa, blood covering his face, was panting heavily.

"Thanks to your magic, I might've been a goner!" Lissa gasped, crouching down with one hand pressed to the ground and the other covering his bloodied forehead. He cursed under his breath, "Damn, that guy's just like you—using some powerful eye magic. My slow magic was easily seen through!"

Before the mission, Lissa hadn't anticipated things would go so wrong. The original plan was simple: intercept Knight under the cover of night and extend a polite invitation. If the invitation failed, they would forcibly take him.

Lissa had volunteered because of his extreme speed, confident that he could escape if things went south. But everything had fallen apart. It's not even a fight… it's like we were played.

"It seems our intelligence was off," said Hot Eyes, standing nearby with a Bible in hand, his priest's robes billowing in the breeze. He was a tall, rotund man with large orange waves of hair cascading behind him and a soft beard covering his chin. His square, angular face made him all the more distinct.

"We should retreat. That explosion drew too much attention," Hot Eyes continued.

Lissa nodded, though his body was riddled with injuries. Struggling to his feet, he moved swiftly to retreat, with Hot Eyes following close behind. As they fled, Hot Eyes opened their chat group to report the mission's failure to Brian.

In the [Six Demons] chat group:

Money First: Mission failed. The target's strength far exceeds our expectations.

Leader: What?!

Like an Angel: Wait… you actually failed?

Listen to Everything: Two of you failed? You're embarrassing the Six Demon Generals.

The World's Fastest: If you think it's easy, go try it yourself! I was almost killed!

The group fell into bickering. Brian, the leader, watched the exchange in silence.

Back in the eastern forest, Knight descended from the sky, landing lightly on the ground. He mused over something.

"Where did the Mohawk man get that ring on his finger?"

Thinking back, Knight soon realized the answer. After the Lalabai incident, a captain from the Magic Council had purchased fifteen magic net rings from him. But during the escort of Iron Forest, the Six Demon Generals' Angel had defeated the escort team and likely stolen the rings.

"Are they trying to buy more rings from me?"

Knight shook his head. "If they just wanted rings, they could've brought money instead of causing all this trouble. I still have over 2,000 rings left, and I've been trying to sell them."

With that, he opened the Magic Internet and searched for Brian's account. Maybe the Six Demon Generals are as careless as others and use their real names.

Searching for Brian yielded no results, but when Knight searched for "leader," he found something. They actually used that name? He couldn't help but laugh at the lack of caution from dark mages.

Without using his main account, Knight switched to an alias and sent a friend request.

Applicant: [Voldemort]

Message: Brian?

At the base of the Six Demon Generals, Brian frowned as he scrolled through the chat.

Both Lissa and Hot Eyes had failed in their mission.

It seems this guy is not just a genius in magic development, but a powerful wizard too. Were all those rumors on the forum wrong? Brian thought. There had been discussions about Knight, identifying him as a new Fairy Tail wizard with impressive vibration magic—and apparently, he was quite handsome too.

Suddenly, a notification flashed in the corner of his interface.

Brian clicked on it and was slightly taken aback.

Applicant: [Voldemort]

Message: Brian?

Brian's face darkened. How does this person know my name? Who is this?

For dark wizards, maintaining secrecy was critical. Other than a few idiots like Eligore, most of them went to great lengths to conceal their identities online.

But now, his name had been exposed. It felt as if someone had stripped him bare in public.

"Who the hell is Voldemort…?" Brian muttered to himself. He recognized the name, recalling that Voldemort had once posted about the dragon slayers on the forum, revealing secretive information about the dragons being inside the slayers. Clearly, Voldemort wasn't an ordinary person.

Curiosity piqued, Brian accepted the friend request.

Almost immediately, a message arrived.

Voldemort: It seems you really are the leader of the Six Demon Generals.

Leader: Who are you?

Brian didn't confirm or deny the identity, waiting to see what the stranger knew.

Voldemort: I know you're looking for "Nirvana."

Brian's blood ran cold. He stared at the screen in disbelief. Who is this person?

Leader: How do you know that name?

Leader: Tell me, who are you?!

Brian's fingers twitched as he considered tracking down this mysterious person through the magic network.

Voldemort: I am Zeref.

Brian's frown deepened. Does he really think I'd fall for that?

Leader: You expect me to believe that?

Voldemort: Ha. Then why ask?

Voldemort: In this world, people like us keep our identities hidden. Asking others outright is rather rude.

Leader: How do you know who I am?

Brian's paranoia spiked. Is there a traitor within the Six Demons?

He stared at the screen, waiting for Voldemort's next move.

After a brief pause, another message appeared, but this one chilled Brian to his core.

Voldemort: I know where Nirvana is.


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