

I find myself in another world without any system except an old man who decided to choose me as his successor. "Natsu looks at me, you are not the only one who can do Dragon Slaying Magic." "Look, Gray, this is what I call Devil Slaying Magic." "Master. I also make my body grows bigger like you." "Laxus. Let's whose lighting is stronger." "Gildarts, fight with me, I want to get become the newest Ace of Fairy Tail."

Animelover07 · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs



"When we will capture you we will torture to the point you beg for us to stop which we will not. Your food ration will be a crust of bread and ain't a drop of soup. And your sleeping place will be-"

Okay. I muted out what he said next as he is monologuing how he is going to make me suffer when I become the slave in this place.

"Why do all stupid villains do this? I mean come on I have read comedy fanfiction that pointed this out hit to experience it. This guy is very lame. He only sees this as his absolute victory rather than thinking about how to capture me many was if I ever fight back." Seeing him stop monologuing he confidently jump down as he is in front of me as he takes out a copper sword with me sensing mana coated it.

"You know kid I once almost 30 Vulcan for a week and they call me Vulcan Slayer. Not many people get a title like that." He boasted about his achievement which make him wonder why he slays those ecchi monkeys for a week.

"Wow. Even I had difficulties them in a week. Y-you are strong." I said with a surprised tone as I make my body shiver in fear as this big guy confidence rises a lot seeing me like this.

"That is a right kid for me, Joe will capture you and I will get promoted to a higher ranking that will let me gain a lot of Jewels. Muahahahaha." He exclaims making me widen my eyes, which is an act as I put up both of my fists to put up a desperate fight against him.

Time to act like a mob.

"Ho. Still desperate to get out here huh?!" He dashes toward me as he punches my nose as I at the last second use my High-Speed Magic to avoid it when his fist touch my nose as I use blood magic to sprout out blood from the nose.

"Buarghh!" I get thrown backwards as I am holding my nose.

"You cannot handle one punch from the great me. It makes sense how you defeated those guards and lowly mages as they are not strong like me." He announced as he flex his muscles I jist want this to end right now.

But still, I need to keep this act on.

I mean, just imagine his expression when he knows I have just been faking my injuries to make him think he can win when he has zero chance to again victory against me make me just want to laugh in ecstasy.


I laugh as I drop my head and start my fame desperate action again.

"T-take this." A fire enveloped my right hand as I try to punch him but I cancel the magic as it disappeared with my trip I fell flat on my face in front of Joe who just laughs loudly seeing this.

"Buahahahaha. What a final desperate action little boy. Be honoured as you will be captured by the greatest me." He said as he steps my back that I already turned into the metal using Iron Devil Slaying Magic which he never notices.

I was never able to cover my entire self as Gajeel does but when it comes to certain body paste it will do the job for about 2 minutes.

Well not like this idiot notices it as he keeps stepping my body many times with me screaming in pain.

Seriously the other cultist starts to laugh seeing this as they all think I have fallen through some just keep quiet.

Guess they all are not stupid like this Joe.

"Hmm. Have a good sleep boy because after this you will spend at this place for a very long time." He said as he want to knock me out with his sword handle as I am ready to eat the handle but then a shout sounded alerting all of us.

"Kaito! Where are you?" Erza's voice sounded as I then see from the hallway that leads to the exit as several cultists quickly descend as Erza who want to run to me fell looking at the approaching cultist.

"Ha. This girl. She had to spoil it." I mutter as I look at Joe who glances at me.

"Rest In Peace Joe! Iron Devil Javelin!" My right hand turn into an iron one as I stab through his heart and stare at me with a disbelief expression.

"H-how? My hit attack you." He said to me as I stare at him.

"Damn weakling. Just die." I throw away his body not bothering to answer his question as I fight the feeling to vomit bit after knowing how this world has its a dark side which is very horrible I am very prepared to do what is necessary including killing.

I may look like 11 years old boy but my mind is older than my appearance.

Cracking my neck I sped toward the fire group as my hand has conjures a spell.

"Sky Devil Scythe!" I slash them apart as each member of the group lost some of their body due to that attack.

"H-hurry. Attack him." The other group cast a huge thunder javelin toward me as I just smirk waiting for that attack to approach me.

"Avoid it Kaito!" Erza tried to push me away from that attack but I just stand still on my spot with me putting her behind me.

"Do not worry. This attack" I opened my mouth as the thunder javelin get suck to my mouth as my Ethearno get refill back as I grin seriously with a dark yellow lightning surge through my entire body with my eyes has some spar on them.

"is my snack. Now you fools are ready to be slaughtered." I said to them as the group flinches away.

"W-what are you?" One asks me.

"A Devil Slayer that is going to end your lives," I said as I launch another breathing attack but with a different element toward them.

"Lightning Devil Rage!" From my mouth, a blast of pure lightning heads toward them as they get pulverised by that attack as their body gets electrocuted alive.

But 2 mages are lucky to survive though they remain frozen on the ground as I use my Earth Magic to create spikes that stab their head killing them instantly.

Looking at Erza who is surprised by many times due to my magic nature I grab her hand.

"Come on. Let's get away from this tower quickly." I said but then my head throbbed as I fell to my knees as vivid images can be seen on my head.

"Kaito? Are you okay?" Erza ask me as I bit my lip.

"My clones now are fighting the guards. How do they get snap put from the magic I cast toward them?" I thought in my head as then I guessed who did this.

"We need to go to the boat quickly. Your friends at win danger. " I told Erza as she widened her eyes.

"W-wait. J-jellal is still searching for you. We decide to separate to widen our search for you." Erza told me making me click my tongue as I am about to use my Heaven's Eye until a bolt of beam almost hit Erza but I manages to shield her with Barrier Magic.

"Hmm. It seems that you are the one who caused this uproar." An old man voice sounded but with a peek of Heaven's eye I know this was Ultear Milkovich, Ur's daughter.

"Interesting at such young age you perform much Lost Magic. I wonder who teaches you those magic?" Sh or he? I am just going to say Her.

She is probably interested in my Devil Slaying Magic.

"Oh, man. She probably has made a move toward Jella. My Ethearno now is decreasing a lot since both of my Clones are now using Devil Slaying Magic to fend off the guards. It must be her doing." I just shield Erza as I see Ultear who has disappeared as I grab Erza and create a Fire Dome around us that made Ultear stop behind us but then she smiles and then an orb hit my stomach as my body flies through the fire dome with Erza is being cushioned by me.

"Tch. That orb is annoying." Activating my High-Speed Magic I decide to run away with Erza but Ultear cast another spell.

"Parallel World." The orbs multiply as they all hover around me as I look at themthem.

"Let's see how you avoid these. Luminous Minutes." She chants as I know one of her spell is very dangerous.

"Shit." I hug Erza as I conjure my defensive spell.

"Crystal Magic:Crystal Body." My body turned into teal computer crystal with me shielding Erza by all the orbs attacking as they rapidly hit my crystal body.

"Interesting. This time a Crystal Magic. Very well. I am just going to keep attacking you until your crystal body break. Let's see how long you can endure it." Ultear said to me as I just grit my teeth enduring the attacks that hit me.


"Fuck you scums. Take this. Sky Devil Rage!" One of the Clones of Kaito dubbed Rage said as he blast away the incoming guards to the sky with the other one is happiness.

"Good luck swimming in the sea. Iron Devil Rage." The other clone said in a happy yone tone as he is Happiness who also used a breath attack to blast some guards far away on the sea as they have used their enhanced strength and devil slaying magic to beat the guards who want to invade the boat behind them who has Erza's friends.

"Iron Devil Gauntlet." He continued with a happy tone.

"Gauntlet Barrage Punch." He announced in a happy tone as he punches all the guards who wishes to him with him managed to eat on the sword as he hummed happily.

"Thanks for the meal. And here is your uppercut. Gauntlet Uppercut." He delivered an attack like he announced as the poor guard has his jaws broken.

"Take this you little mage. Fire Javelin." 2 of the mage who stay behind the guard unleash an attack on Happines who just smiles as he released a breath attack that shoves aside the attacks as he crosses his arm and pushes through all the guards as he smashes down both mages head to the ground making them go unciocous.

"What a happy fight we have here." Happiness said as he continued his assault on the guards.

"Die you low-level mages. Sky Devil Cutter!" Rage announced as from his right hand is a violent purple wind that is shaped like a blade as it slashes 3 mages on their stomach with them scream in pain.

Rage then do the same toward the including guard with his left hand as they all have very deep slash marks on their stomach.

"Go to hell!" He leaps toward a group of guards who have raised their shields to block his attack.

"Sky Devil Impact!" He dropped a kick toward the guards as the same wind burst out as they all get blasted away to random collections.

"Oi, you damn Happy bastard! I defeated more than you! I already defeated 27 bastards." Rage said to Happines avoiding a slash as he kick the guard on his gut by sweeping the others with Sky Devil Knuckle while at the same time focusing to break their bones.

"Hmm. You are lesser than me. I already defeated 28." Happiness replied as he punch through a shield as his iron hand hit the man throat.

He fell while holding his throat with Happiness punched all the guards that surround him on their face without holding back making them fall to the ground with bleeding nose.

"28! Fuck you! I am going to prove I am stronger than you by defeating 100 of these bastards. Soy Devil Scythe. Go to hell, Raging Sky Slash." Rage shouted with anger as he demarcated all the bad guys by either separating the head from their body or slashing their legs.

"Oh my. I need to keep up my effort more at this rate to not lose to Rage. Iron Devil Gauntlet Claws." The finger then becomes claws that Happiness used to slit the guard throat by stabbing the throat of Mage throat.

"These clones are strong. If the clones are strong just how strong is the original one?" Rob thought in his head as he seems to not be disturbed by the killing spree by the clones as he also had to kill someone from a dark guild in the past.

"Whoa. He is awesome." Sho said with other kids nodding their heads agreeing with what they saw.

"I hope Erza, Jella and Kaito will board this boat quickly. I am sick of this place." Simon commented.

"Me too." Millianna agreed with what he said.

"Same." Wally voiced out his opinion.

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