
Fairy tail: A Father's struggle

Finding himslef in the world of Fairy Tail all alone. He did anything to survive. He stole, killed, schemed, got betrayed, he had experienced many things. Without knowing he already stood at the peak with none to even come close. He after doing everything for his survival didn't have much to look forward to in his life, so he began traveling. That's when he met her, his soon to be daughter. And from then on begin his struggle of raising a child.

Supreme_Introvert · アニメ·コミックス
12 Chs

02-Orzel Demonio

It was a new day with no signs of black clouds and the sun was up in the sky in its full glory.

In a forest clearing , one could see two figures staring at each other without doing anything , One was a little girl with a head full of silver hair and big blue eyes , she was the little girl who was buried under the slave trader's carriage.

Another was a handsome young man with long black hair with some red shadowing in some parts giving it a unique touch, with unique pink-gold eyes blended together , He was the protagonist who had taken off his hood. One could see he was popular with the ladies with just one look.

The girl after resting through the night was looking much better and her complexion has turned rosy as a child's should.

They just kept staring at each other without saying anything.

"Are you feeling fine, little girl?" The man asked with a smile trying to break the awkward atmosphere.

The girl just nodded her head in response.

'This is troublesome. I haven't interacted with a child much before, definitely not someone so young'

'She looks fine. Does she even know how to talk? Many slaves are not allowed to learn to talk as to not bother the employees. Is she one of those?'


A loud sound was heard from the little girl's stomach clearly embarrassing the girl as a red hue could be seen on her face and slight panic in her big eyes.

"Are you hungry?" The man asked with a smile on his face to try to elevate the nervousness of the girl and to not scare her.

The girl didn't respond and just kept looking at him.

'Maybe she is still a little wary of me ' He sighed at that and took a cookie from his ring, which he wore on his right pinky, It was a space ring with a pretty looking blue sapphire on top of it.

"Here, You can have it , I only have this on me right now I'll catch some meat to eat." He said handing her the cookie before getting up to look for some animals to cook.

'I think I saw a rabbit on the way.' He thought as he proceeded to go a bit inside the forest to look for some hunt.

He hadn't taken two steps when he felt someone tugging at his legs.

He looked down to see the little girl clinging to his legs with her mouth full and bulging like a squirell with some crumbs on the corner of her lips.

She didn't say anything and just kept looking at him her big eyes.

"What is it? Do you want another cookie?" He asked while wiping the crumbs on her mouth.

The girl was silent but one could see her eagerness with how her eyes were shining. She obviously liked the cookie.

"Well, I don't have another one with me" He said shaking his head. The girl visibly deflated at his words and looked lost for some time.

"But I can catch some other animals and cook something better for you If you be a good girl and stay here." He said while patting her head and trying to con*ahem* convince the girl.

The girl, as if she had seen a ray of hope kept nodding her head vigorously at which he wondered if she will hurt her neck.

"Just wait here, alright. I'll be back soon." He said before heading into the forest leaving the girl who was already dreaming about the food she will eat later while drooling.

For someone like him it wasn't much hard to find a small animal for a meal. Soon he had caught two plump rabbits and went back.

When he reached the clearing he saw the girl still sitting in the same position.

"Alright, We will be roasting these rabbits." He said to her who hearing him was obviously reluctant to eat the cute rabbits , She is a little kid in the end , But was too afraid to say anything in protest.

He ignored her who was looking at him as he was doing a great taboo ad continued with skinning the rabbit. He placed the rabbit on a flat stone nearby.

Taking out a knife, he placed the knife near the base of its neck and cut its hide there before proceeding to cut the rabbit's feet, head and tail.

The girl who saw the entire process was visibly affected from seeing such a scene and was looking a little pale, It was already very commendable that she didn't start vomiting and was just a little pale.

He ignored the girl and started a fire to start roasting the rabbit. One could see he was an experienced person when it comes to cooking by seeing the collection of seasoning he took out from his ring. He took out salt, chilli powder and paprika for cooking this time.

"Its really great that I learned to cook. Don't want to eat raw or burnt food in the middle of a forest, right?" He tried making small talk with the girl.

She just ignored him and kept looking at the rabbit meat which was being roasted with drool coming out of her mouth and with shining eyes. She had already forgotten about her discomfort for eating a rabbit and couldn't wait for it to be finished.

"You are drooling, you know." He pointed out to girl who hurriedly wiped her mouth while trying to act like she wasn't affected but one could tell she was embarrassed.

The man laughed at her cute antics before focusing on the meat.

Soon enough it was ready.

"Here you go, its hot so don't eat in a rush" He said passing the meat to the girl who obviously couldn't wait anymore.

The girl started eating without any hesitation indicating how hungry she was.


Some tears shed from the little girls eyes as she was eating. This surprised him but soon he understood.

'Slaves are not given meat to eat. Poor girl.' He sighed thinking that the girl was really pitiful to be sold as a slave at such a young age. He still remembers the first time he ate good food he cried just like her.

He didn't say anything and just kept looking at the girl who kept eating and crying making her look a bit funny with her bulging cheeks.





The girl was soon done eating and was now clearly satisfied with the food she got.

She remembered she wasn't here and looked at the man who gave her good food to eat.

"T-thank you." She said timidly in a childish voice while keeping her head down to hide her nervousness. It was the first time she spoke in a long while so her voice was a bit cracked but still sweet and soft.

The man was surprised that girl talked indicating that she was not as wary as she earlier was, which he was glad for.

"Don't worry about it, it was the least I could do, little lady." The man smiled and said while patting her head who kept it down.



"Hana is not a little girl. Hana is Hana" The girl said in a low voice.

The man was happy that she was opening up to him to be able to tell her name.

"That's a nice name , Hana." He complimented the girl who smiled at his words. The man was happy with the progression.

"What is your name mister?" Hana asked him as she was no longer afraid of him after he gave her food.

The man smiled at her and said

"Orzel. Orzel Demonio."