
Fairy Tail´s Half Dragons

400 years ago, it was the age of dragons. However, the dragons were divided in their opinion of humanity. One side saw them as nothing more than food, while the other side wanted to live in peace with them. In the end, it came to war, a war that would decide the fate of humanity and dragons as well. And in this war, two children, born from the union of man and dragon, would play a significant role in the hope of humanity, for they helped in the creation of mages that could fight and kill dragons, the dragon slayers. These two were Zeldaris and Aversia, the only two half-dragons that ever existed. This is my first time writing and English is not my main language and also not my best language. The cover is not mine. Fairy Tail does not belong to me and belongs to Hiro Mashima. Updates will be 2 chapters per week.

Theelicht · アニメ·コミックス
90 Chs

Chapter 76: Bloodbath

The soldiers fired upon Zeldaris and Aversia without any hesitation, most of them used magic weapons, while some casted spells.

Zeldaris and Aversia on the other hand rushed toward the massive group of enemies, they had to be quick and could not allow their enemies to think or to react.

As for the incoming rain of attacks, Zeldaris and Aversia tried to dodge them as best as they could.

Normally, such attacks would only serve as a snack for the two and would not even pose a threat, but in this situation, they needed to dodge them.

The reason for this was simple, moral, if their enemies would find out that they could not hurt Zeldaris or Aversia with their magic or their weapons then they would quickly lose the will to fight and try to run away, turning this into a hunt throughout the whole tower and the two half dragons had no interest into that.

Luckily for Zeldaris and Aversia, their bodies were incredible nimble and flexible, mostly thanks to the harsh training that they had to go through.

Slowly but surely navigated the two through the hail of attacks and were getting closer to their opponents.

Zeldaris and Aversia could have used their magic to deal with them, it would only take a few spells and most of them would be dead, but they decided against it.


Simple, there was no fun in it, to slaughter these weaklings with their magic would be boring.

The thing that they needed, to appease their bloodlust was to crush them with their own bare hands, otherwise it would simply be no fun.

Zeldaris was the first one to reach their opponents and without any hesitation, cut of the head from the person that was closest to him.

He than spin around and let his claws cut through the surrounding people.

Blood and entrails spilled into the air, painting Zeldaris red.

Aversia on the other hand finally arrived at the frontline of the opponents as well and punched the nearest opponent with all of her strength.

Her fist ripped threw his body and came out of the other side, but her fist and her arm became stuck in the body.

Aversia simply gripped the upper body of her opponent and ripped him into half.

She than threw both sides into the group of enemies and continued to attack the next person.

Their opponents were in a daze for a few seconds but after seeing their comrades dying, they snapped out of it and tried to attack the two monsters.

However, Zeldaris and Aversia were dodging these attacks easily.

Sometimes they would wrap their tails around the feet of an opponent and use them as a human meet shield.

But that had also the effect that some were already trying to flee, but Zeldaris and Aversia would try to kill them as soon as possible.

But that didn´t stop people from trying to run away.

And no one could blame them, the sight of Zeldaris and Aversia slaughtering their opponents was quite brutal.

Zeldaris was slicing threw bodies left and right, killing them right there and then, by cutting of their heads, slicing their organs into pieces, or simply cutting their throats.

Blood was spiling everywhere and Zeldaris had long been completely covered by it.

Currently, he was fighting against a group of ten people that had good coordination with one another.

Every time that Zeldaris tried to attack one or two of them, would the other eight block his path with either weapons or magic.

And since he still had to keep up the charade, Zeldaris had to stop his attack and retreat.

But Zeldaris kept his cool and thought about ways, to overcome the teamwork of the ten.

And it didn´t take long for him to find a way.

He grabbed the bodies of two people that had been trying to attack him from both sides and threw them toward the ten opponents.

The group didn´t try to safe their comrades and simply pushed them away, so that they do not lose sight of Zeldaris.

But this was the opportunity that Zeldaris needed, he rushed forward and arrived before the group in a blink of an eye.

Surprised by his speed, they were not able to react in time and were sliced into pieces by Zeldaris.

Aversia on the other hand had no problems and was simply enjoying herself.

Turning her opponents into minced meat.

But the fun did not last for long as they soon killed about 50% of the whole group and the surviving people finally lost all hope and tried to run away.

Zeldaris and Aversia didn´t pursue them.

First, they didn´t know anything about the tower and its interior, while their opponents were the ones that had build this place, meaning that they knew this place better than Zeldaris and Aversia.

Second, they could try to lead them into a trap, although it is already difficult to even damage the two half dragons, they were still cautious.

Third, Zeldaris and Aversia had calmed down a bit and needed to plan their next steps, also they needed to deal with the dead bodies and the blood and pieces of meat that were covering them.

And they did all of that by covering the whole room with fire, burning the corpses into dust and also cleaning Zeldaris and Aversia, by burning the blood into dust.

The two then changed into a new pair of clothes and looked at the different paths that they could take.

"Hmm? I can´t really decide which path we should take?" Aversia said while pondering.

Zeldaris inspected a different path when he noticed that some of their opponents had remained to spy on them.

Zeldaris created a flaming spear in his right hand and took a throwing position.

"Take flight. [Flame Wyvern]"

Zeldaris threw the spear and it transformed into a flaming wyvern, which burned everything in its path into ashes.

Wyverns were a distant cousin of dragons, but they were much smaller and weaker than dragons.

But they were still one of the top predators of the world.

Aversia also noticed people watching her from the path that she was inspecting.

She covered her hands in the flames of chaos and moved them in a circular motion before her.

"[Chaos Dragon´s Dance of the Twin Dragons]"

She moved her hands quickly in the opposite direction and two giant waves of fire, which were circling around each other, flew deeper into the corridor.

The front of the two waves transformed into the heads of two dragons and made it look like as if they were dancing.

The two half dragons wanted to see if their spells had killed the people that were spying on them and failed to notice the two strange tubes that were approaching from behind them.

The strange tubes that looked like they were made out of rubber and had a cat paw in the front, wrapped themselves around the necks of Zeldaris and Aversia.

Zeldaris and Aversia were surprised by this, but only for a second, before they tried to get rid of them.

However, they noticed that they could no longer use their magic power, nor feel its movement in their body, as if the connection had been lost.

Because of that, their body begun to feel weird and a bit stiff, dragons were creatures which could be called the creatures that had the closest bond with magic.

Magic was flowing through their bodies and were a part of them, much more than humans and other beings.

This was not much different for Zeldaris and Aversia. (AN: Edolas will be fun.)

Their bodies became heavier and the two lost concentration, giving their assailant a chance to pull them back into the middle of the room.

Zeldaris and Aversia slammed hard into the ground, but this was nothing for them and they quickly stood up and searched for their assailant.

It was not difficult to find their opponent, since they only had to follow the tube.

It was a young girl that had feline characteristics.

She was of average height and had a curvaceous figure.

Her brown hair had been stylized into cat ears at the top and into two ponytails at the base.

Aversia was ready to just jump toward the girl and rip her into pieces, when she felt a strong kick that seemed to come out of nowhere.

"Dandy" said a man whose body looked like it was made out of blocks.

He wore a royal blue suit with a white shirt and a red tie.

He also wore black sunglasses, had boater hat and a white scarf, loosely around his neck.

Zeldaris turned around to look at the new opponent as another person came out of nowhere and started to barrage Zeldaris with punches.

Zeldaris pretended that those punches were hurting him, when in reality they were not a problem for him.

Zeldaris fell to the ground, while Aversia had received multiple attacks from the block head, she was also pretending that she was being injured.

"And these people killed half of our troops?" asked the person that had attacked Zeldaris.

"What do you expect we are just to dandy." blockhead said, walking toward the cat girl.

"We need to finish them quickly."

"Fine, but you take care of the girl, I am too dandy to hurt a lady,"

Blockhead walked toward Zeldaris and pulled out a magic revolver.

(AN: In the manga, Wally used a real gun, or a magical gun, not really explained. But in the anime, Wally had to use his magic to transform his right arm into a gun. Probably because of censorship. Like Mirajane and the bottle of wine.)

He than put the barrel into Zeldaris´s mouth.

"Sorry buddy, but from the moment that you met me, your destiny had been settled." said the blockhead and pulled the trigger.

The third assailant punched Aversia on multiple places, such as her throat, her inner organs and her head.

"Well, that settles that. Maybe we should talk with Erza one last time before she will be used as the sacrificed to bring back that person."

"Do as you wish."

"Nyah, do we really need to sacrifice her? I mean, it's been such a long time since we last saw her?" asked the cat girl.

The two other assailants looked toward the cat girl and wanted to answer, but Zeldaris and Aversia used this chance.

Zeldaris rose up and bit down on the magic revolver and with a metallic sound broke the gun into two.

Blockhead was not able to react in time and could only stare with disbelieve at his destroyed gun.

Aversia on the other hand, just punched her opponent and sent him flying, until he smashed into the wall, on the other side of the room.

The cat girl wanted to pull at the tubes again, but Zeldaris and Aversia were now not distracted and simply pulled a bit, making the girl flying toward them.

"Did you really think that the same trick would work twice?" asked Aversia, while raising an eyebrow.

Blockhead came back to his senses and attacked Zeldaris, who just punched him in the face, without even looking at him.

Aversia readied her fist to punch the cat girl with all of her might, but they were suddenly enveloped by a strangle light and sucked in by two cards.

Both half dragons were confused by the fact that this magic had such a strong effect on them.

Meanwhile, Shô came out of one of the entrances, he was heavily breathing and looked like he would fall over at any moment.

It took him almost all of his magic power to trap Zeldaris and Aversia into the cards.

However, the tubes were still connected to them.

The falling cat girl was saved by the floating arms of blockhead, which had separated from his body and teleported right beneath the cat girl.

"You ok there, Miliana?" asked the blockhead.

"Yeah, thanks to you Wally." said Miliana with a sigh.

"Ha… ha… You… you guys need to be more careful. But now I have stolen the freedom of two of big sister´s friends." Shô said, leaning against a wall and smiling at the two cards.

"Ho? You think you have captured us?" asked Aversia with a sarcastic tone.

"What else would you call it? I have taken your freedom and I will make you suffer." Shô spat with venom in his voice.

Zeldaris begun to laugh out loud.

"You think you have taken our freedom? Let me tell you this, until the course that hunted us since our birth has been conquered, until the monster that calls himself the king of our kind is dead. We will not be able to call ourselves free." Zeldaris said while pulling off the tube around his neck, like it was nothing.

Aversia also got rid of the tube, like it was nothing and both half dragons unleashed their flames, burning through the cards and freeing them.

"And compared to that, you are nothing!" yelled Zeldaris as he flew toward Shô, who had not the strength to dodge in time.

Zeldaris grabbed Shô´s head and smashed it into the wall.

The other three wanted to help their friend but were stopped by Aversia.

"Round two, assholes!" yelled Aversia.

She summoned her weapon and took a stance, while multiple lights appeared a both her.

"[Dancing Lights: Sword Dance]"

The lights transformed into ten floating fire swords and were floating around Aversia.

Zeldaris on the other hand pulled Shô out of the wall and hold them by his neck and into the air.

"I… I have suffered so much. I will take my revenge. Everyone will pay for it." Shô said with hatred toward Zeldaris.

"Do you think that you are the only one´s that suffered that you had it the worst. Let me tell you this, the world is full of people that have it rough and there are enough people that had it worse than you. You could have done so much, but instead you are leashing out at everyone. You are just a kid having a tantrum." Zeldaris said, while feeling disappointed and disgusted.

He threw Shô into the air and covered his fist in flames.

But before the two half dragons could attack, swords came flying toward them.

Recognizing these swords, the two half dragons jumped back and looked at one of the entrances, from which Erza came flying out and caught Shô, while in the air.

"Big… Big sis?!" exclaimed Shô in surprise.

Erza landed safely on the ground and put down Shô.

"Phew. I was almost too late. Zeldaris, Aversia, what are you two doing here." Asked Erza while looking at the two half dragons.

"We could ask you the same question, Erza?!" Zeldaris asked in return.

Erza looked at Shô, then at the trio behind her, then back at the two half dragons, before saying, "I am here, to finish something that I should have done, eight years ago. As for them, they are my old friends. They and I used to be slaves that worked at this tower, until I made the others rose up in rebellion with me."