
Faction Wars

Mafia or what this world calls it Factions they are a group consists of vigilantes and criminals they act on their own freedom fighting for their own rights and rule their own world this story follows one of a kind man reviving his faction.

Zyphare · アクション
7 Chs

{Act 5} 《Interrogation》

Police Station, [Interrogation Room]

Lights flicker from above jaeong sitting on a chair with a table infront.

A man comes in and interrogates jaeong. "Hello Mr jaeong dae, do you perhaps know what happened at the mall?" He kindly says to him.

Jaeong replies. "Let's cut the chase already... I know your all here for me .." The detective gets shocked and looks through a black glass beside them.

He looks at jaeong again."Haha we have a feisty one here" he jokingly laughs at him and says. "What do you mean?"

Jaeong gets annoyed by his smug and stands up. "is this all of you came here to do? then I'm out"

The detective holds his shoulder. "Wait a minute we're not done here yet" Jaeong turns around and sits on the chair.

"So... what do you want" The detective pulls out a file. "Tell us what happened 5 years ago..."

Jaeong immediately looks angry.

"Didn't I tell you back then that I don't want to talk about it" The detectives persuades him by telling him. "We just want to know what happened on that forest..."

Jaeong sighs and finally tells it "5 years ago... the noir faction... lost" The detective gets shocked. 2 detectives watches them from a black mirror and is also in shock.

"That time I barely eacaped from them..." The detectives ask. "Who?" Jaeong looks at him in the face. "The Ruling faction" The detectives are utterly shocked on what they heard.

"Happy? " The detectives are still processing what they have heard. "Gah that information really got us wow..." The 2 Detectives come in the room. "Well it also got us too" Jaeong looks at them.

"Ah... right we actually haven't introduced ourselves to you yet ahaha" They all stands up and introduced themselves.

The detective that talked to Jaeong introduced himself. "You can call me Mr Yun"

the 2 that watched what was going on introduced themselves after. "You can also call me Mr Jung and this guy next to me is Mr Hazel" Jaeong bowed his head. "well hello... can I now leave yet?" Mr Jung looks at his watch. "well it is pretty late" They released jaeong. "Well what are we gonna tell boss now..."


Tuesday, 10:50PM [Korea]

Jaeong Walks on a street at night time. "Couldn't my day be better..." a bike suddenly appeared in front of him. "Jaeong?" a girl voice calls him and he looks at her and sees Hae won.

"Hae won?" he calls her back. "What are you doing biking at the middle of the night..." Hae won quickly gets of her bike. "It's usually my hobby to bike..."

Jaeong Smacks his face. "You do know there could be thugs or even criminals here..." Jaeong sighs and tell her to go home. "I can't" she tells him.

"Why can't you?" She gets silent. Jaeong grabs her arm and pulls her closer to him. "Just tell me" She blushes and pushes him back. "right... I can't go home right now because of a problem..."

Jaeong asks. "What's the problem?"

She pulls a gun. "I'm sorry..."


Wednesday, 6:00AM [Korea]

Myung hye goes in his class and looks around for jaeong. "Huh? looks like his absent today..."

After class Myung hye encounters Eui with Hae won and calls for them. "Hey Eui!" He spreads his arms and hugs her. Hae won watches them.


Wednesday, 10AM [Unknown]

Jaeong wakes up. "Ugh... I don't remember anything" He moves his arms and legs but they won't move because something is holding them together. "am I handcuffed?" He looks around his surroundings. "I'm in a truck..."

The truck opens and a man comes in. "Looks like the boy is awake boss" the Unknown man grabs jaeongs handcuffs and uncuffs them. Immediately Jaeong swiftly kicked the guy. "That was a mistake" A man with a purple fedora comes up to him. "Is it...? my plans never fail though"

Jaeong looks at him and charges at him but fails to do so because 2 of the fedora's Henchman block him. "Tch this is annoying" the men grab Jaeong hand and feet so he can't move. "Ugh..."

the fedora comes up to him. "How unfortunate of you" he picks up his hat and puts it on his chest and introduces himself. "My name is Mr Zion the last commander of the APEX faction.

Jaeong laughs. "Aren't your faction already dead?!" Zion orders his men to go away. "That's why I specifically want you to lead our faction.

Jaeong's seriousness goes away and gets shocked by Zion's words. "What..."

[End of Chapter]

To be Continued

Next Act 《Apex Faction》

Zypharecreators' thoughts