
Faction Wars

Mafia or what this world calls it Factions they are a group consists of vigilantes and criminals they act on their own freedom fighting for their own rights and rule their own world this story follows one of a kind man reviving his faction.

Zyphare · アクション
7 Chs

{Act 3} 《Unveiled》

2007, Unknown [Korea]

Rain and Thunder Storms roar through a forest


Footsteps can be heard everywhere as soldiers surrounds a faction. "They're here!" the enemies shout.

(In first person)

"We need to get out of here IX..."

"We can't X we need to wait for the others!" He looks at X furiously.

•Thunder strikes•

•Gun shots everywhere•

"They already have surrounded all of us..." IX looks at X.

"you need Run X! you need to get out of here while I distract them!" X looks at IX and replies. "I can't leave you..."

IX holds X's left shoulder. "It's ok... I'll eventually find you..." IX pushes X off the cliff. "IX!!!!!!"

"atleast your our last hope...." The enemies finds IX and shoots him.

•Gun shot•


2012, January 8[Korea]

"Were you there...?" Jaeong looks at her.


Jaeong sighs. "Just my luck..."

"I don't don't much about you yet but... I won't reveal your identity..." She circles her fingers around.

"It's alright I appreciate it..." jaeong scratches the back of his head

"But ijust want want to ask... who really are you...?" Jaeong freezes and replies back. "There's just some things you can't know about"

Jaeong Walks away.

"Wait jaeong...!" She looks down to the ground with a frowned face.


Jaeong Walks inside his classroom

" (Hmm...) " Jaeong looks at the chairs.

Jaeong sits on his assigned chair on the last left row close to the windows.

Myung hye sits next to jaeong

"Hey jaeong didn't expect you to be here"

"You should've checked the assigned chair Arrangement"

"Ah... sorry bout that"

" (This guy has been talking to Eui every time I see him...) "

The professor Walks in the classroom. "Hm... I suspect everyone is here?"

The class goes back to there sits.

"Then lets Introduce ourselves..." The professor picks up his glasses and wears it.

"Perhaps all of you don't know me yet, my name is Professor Faux ill be the one teaching you all you may call me Mr.Faux." He pulls his a file and looks at his students.

"Now let's get to the point you there introduce yourself" Mr.Faux points at Myung hye

"huh? oh it's my turn" Quickly myung hye stands up from his table.

Everyone turns there head back to him looking at him with anticipation.

"hello everyone! most of you have already known me last year but my name is Myung Hye" Myung Waves at everyone.

"good introduction Mr myung hye and what about the person next to you?" Everyone in the classroom claps.

Myung hye sits "hey its your turn now" Myung whispers.

Jaeong stands up from his chair "(ugh...)" Jaeong puts his right hand to his chest.

"Hello fellow classmates my name is Jaeong Dae I'm also a 2nd year here and I hope we could get together nicely" and Bows.

"Ah... Jaeong Dae right? Nice to meet you I hope you can have excellent skills through our class" and then the professor talks to more students in the class.


"Ah... the bell..." The professor looks at the students.

"(Hmm... alot of very promising students...)"

Myung stretches his arms "Mmm Finally the introductions are over" Myung stands up.

"Hey Jaeong gonna come?" Myung Waves his hands infront of his face.

Jaeong replies. "Just a second..." Jaeong stands up and goes out of the classroom.

Jaeong goes out to see hae won with Eui. "huh jaeong!" Eui waves at Jaeong. "Hey guys what's up?"

Myung appears and says. "we... are... going... to a mall!!!" everyone gets suprised.

"Yes!!!!!" Eui and Hae won exitedly shouts.

"Ugh..." Jaeong flinches.

{End of Chapter}

To be continued!

Next Act 《Mall Troubles》

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