
Faction Wars

Mafia or what this world calls it Factions they are a group consists of vigilantes and criminals they act on their own freedom fighting for their own rights and rule their own world this story follows one of a kind man reviving his faction.

Zyphare · アクション
7 Chs

{Act 1} 《Another Beginning》

2005, Unknown [Korea]

(In 3rd person)

There was once a faction that ruled every country they gotten in they were called the 'RULING FACTION' they thrived and conquered other factions until...

Another faction became... and they were called 'NOIR FACTION' As they gain popularity, they grew, they were named as the most brutal faction in Seoul.

Until one day... the 2 factions battled it out to who ever will be the most greatest faction in korean history.

But... there was never a winner the sole survivers of the factions hid them selves and some made new factions to thrive again...


We meet our protagonist... Jaeong Dae a high schooler, 16 in his 2nd year


2012, January 8 [Korea]

Jaeong dae sighs on the front of the school's gate.

(In second person)

"2nd year now... I wonder whats gonna happen from now on"

As the tree's leaves fall from the sky he meets a girl infront of him.

"Hello..? are you okay?" She waves her hand infront of him.

(In first person)

" (Who's this, a 1st year?) "

The girl tilts her head. "Hey you know... your were standing here for an hour already so I came to know if you were alright"

"Ah sorry about that..."

" (Im already Bumping into trouble...) *

She holds his hands. "By the way I'm still a 1st year so do you mind showing me around after school?"

"Huh? yeah sure..."

(In third person)

They walk inside the gym where the school Entrance ceremony is.

"This place is already packed..."

"Ah! there she is!" She points at a girl walking towards them.

"Huh?" He looks to where she's pointing.

"Hae won! I was trying to find you, you know!" Said by the other girl.

"Eui... sorry... I asked for help because I didn't know the place yet..."

" (So her name is hae won...) "

Eui looks behind hae won and sees Jaeong Dae.

"Is that the guy who helped you...?"

"Yeah his name is jaeong dae"

"Hi" Jaeong raises his hand.

"Sorry to cause you trouble this girl is really klutzy"

"No it's okay she also helped me" He puts his hands behind his head.

"I'll introduce myself im Eui hae won's friend" She shakes hands with Jaeong.

"Nice to meet you" She smiles looking at hae won.

"By the way we should get going now hae won" Eui and hae won Walks to the gym where the entrance seremony is.

"They didn't even try to invite Me..." Jaeong sighs and follows them.


They enter the gym.

A sound comes from the stage. •RING•

"Welcome everyone! I'm your principal you may call me principal Dae hyun I'm finally glad to see new faces to our school we welcome you with our open hands welcome to the Prestigious pabeol Seoul school!"

Everyone celebrates and claps.

" (Ugh...) " Jaeong goes outside of the building.

As the students celebrates only jeaong dae is the only one who doesn't. " (This is only another year for me to survive through...) "

{End of Chapter}

To be Continued!

Next Chapter 《A monster in Disguise》

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