
34. Chapter 34

“Where were you for three days?” Lane stands in front of Maya, who is sitting on the couch reading, his hands on his hips, annoyance on his face.

That was over a week ago, the camping trip. And he’s just bringing it up now. Maya debates what she should tell her father. She also wonders what he knows and if he interrogated her mother.

“I went camping.” Maya shrugs. She keeps her eyes on her father though. She knows not to look away from him when they are having a conversation. If you can call him questioning her a conversation.


“My friends.” Lies. Complete lies.

Lane grunts and sits down next to his daughter. It’s now that Maya notices the little bag in his hand.

“You are going to college soon and I just want to go over a few things with you.” Lane starts. “There are going to be lots of new possibilities and experience for you to try, but I want to remind you that not all experiences are good experiences. And sometimes it’s best to take a step back and watch from the sidelines or not partake at all. And you need to keep your focus. Keep your head on straight. Stay out of any trouble. Do well in class and get good grades. You are there on a sports scholarship, but I don’t think they’ll keep you around if you’re flunking all your classes. Don’t go to any parties. You don’t need to involve yourself in all that nonsense cuz that’s all it is. People who are attending parties all the time aren’t that serious about being in college. No distractions. Eyes forward at all times.”

Lane shifts next to Maya. He almost seems uncomfortable with this conversation. “You have to focus on school and then second semester on track and running. I want you training every day, kiddo. Even when you’re not in season. You need to show everyone on that track team that you’re a force to be reckoned with. That they shouldn’t overlook you just because you are a freshman. This isn’t going to be like high school where you were the best. There will be other competition on your track team, likely upper classman.” Lane pats at Maya’s knee.

“You are the underclassmen now. You have to prove yourself all over again. You have to make sure that you become a threat to anyone that might be faster than you. You have to let them know right from the beginning. Do you want to get to the next Olympics?”

“Yeah.” Maya nods.

“Good girl.” He squeezes her leg. “Then you have to assert yourself within this new team. You hear me.”

“Yes, sir.” Maya has listened to every word that has come out of her father’s mouth. She’s not sure she believes all the words or is going to follow what he says. She knows this is his way of trying to scare her into not doing anything extracurricular and just focusing on school and track.

Lane nods, satisfied for now. He reaches into the bag and pulls out a small flip phone. “Now with great power comes great responsibility.” He sets the little phone on Maya’s leg. “That’s why I got you this. This is pay as you go.”

Maya doesn’t know what that means. She just stares down at the cell phone.

“I will give you an allotment every month and can add more if I see fit. I have put 100 minutes on here for now.” He scoffs at that, thinking right now that it’s too much. He doesn’t expect Maya to use this phone much. “This is a secondary phone for you. If you are in your dorm, I expect you to use the phone there to call me. This is for when you are out on the track or away from home or your dorm.” He explains all the rules that he expects her to follow. “Or in case of emergency.”

Maya has one question. “What’s the phone number?”

Lane frowns. He doesn’t want Maya giving the number out. He doesn’t want a bunch of people calling her and distracting her. “I don’t want you giving this number to anyone. It’s for you to make calls, not for other people to call you.”

She nods. Maya can see what he is doing. It’s another way he can control her. “I understand.” She sure does understand but once she finds out what the number is she’s going to make sure a few of her friends have it.

Mr. Bishop pats Maya on the shoulder and stands up. “There is information about the phone and a charger in this bag.” She hands her the bag. “Now go change and get your running shoes on so we can go for a run together.”

Maya nods, taking her new phone and running upstairs. She smiles a little. Now, she’s like most other kids. She has her own phone. A little thrill of excitement runs through her. She can call Carina if she wants, from wherever she wants, now. If there is service, of course. She knows that will be the first person she calls. Then Carina will have her number, and then Maya will know what it ism and she can tell Vic and Travis and anyone else who will ask for it.

It’s almost effortless. The way Carina and Maya move about the kitchen as the prepare a massive Sunday brunch. They’ve invited Andy and Jack, Addison, Vic and Travis. And Mason and Andrew are upstairs.

“You know what you need?”

“Che cosa?” Carina turns to Maya.

“An apron.”

“And why do I need an apron?” Carina quirks an eyebrow. She’s got the flipper in her right hand, her left on her hip.

“It should have a saying on it.” Maya grins like she has a secret.

“What should that be?” Carina moves closer to the blonde.

Maya shrugs, looking away from Carina. “Kiss the cook.”

Carina laughs, setting her hand on Maya’s waist. “Is that so?”

Maya looks back and nods. “Yeah.”

“You can kiss this cook anytime you want, bambina.” Carina leans in and meets Maya for sweet kiss.

“Good to know we are sexing up breakfast.” Addison comments sarcastically, suddenly in the kitchen with them.

“How’d you get in here?” Carina takes a step towards her friend.

“The front door.” Addison gives Carina a look. “Duh.” She chuckles.

Carina chuckles too at her friend not bothering to knock or ring the doorbell. “Okay. We’re just starting on the food.”

“Can I get you anything to drink?” Maya asks.

“You live here?” Addison grins. This little scene is funny to her. The blonde and the brunette all cozied up together, making breakfast as if they own the house and have a family to feed. She comes over near the pair at the stove. “Are we having mimosas this morning?”

“No alcohol.” Carina shakes her head. “Orange juice, caffe, water, I think there’s some milk, and I picked up apple juice.” She thought maybe Mason and Andrew would like apple juice.

There’s bacon and eggs, pancakes, French toast, sausages for eating.

Jack shows up with Dean a minute after Maya gets Addison a glass of water. “I hope it’s okay Dean came. We were hanging out last night.”

“It’s wonderful.” Carina says. “Maya, can you set another place?” She hadn’t expected Dean. She’s friends with the boy but isn’t close enough where she would invite him to brunch but she’s not mad that he’s here either.

“I can.” Maya flips over some strips of bacon before moving to get another plate from the cabinet and grabbing some silverware from the drawer and sitting it up on the side of the island with the bar stools. The table and the island will both be full. As long as no more surprise guests arrive, they should be good though as far as seating goes.

Maya comes back to stand next to Carina, tending to the bacon and sausages in the pan. “What do you guys want to drink?”

Jack and Dean share a look. Dean shoves his hands into his pockets and shrugs.

“There’s water, milk, coffee, orange juice, apple juice.” Carina rattles off the options.

“Apple juice.” Jack says in awe. “I haven’t had apple juice in years.”

“Okay, apple juice for Jack. Dean?” Carina smiles at the excitement on Jack’s face.

“I’ll take milk.” Dean says.

“Come have a seat, boys.” Addison motions them over to the table.

Carina gets their drinks and Maya mans the stove; watching over the pancakes and the French toast while Carina is busy. She comes back, a hand sweeping across Maya’s back as she steps behind her. There is a kiss to Maya’s cheek. They share smiles and continue with the food.

Andy shows up. And then a few minutes later Vic with Travis. The chatter in the room grows and Mason and Andrew come downstairs.

There are plates and plates of food. Carina finishes up with the eggs as Maya brings everything to the table. They pass the food around and eat and talk and laugh. Mason and Andrew sit at the island with Addison and Andy. The remainder of the group are at the table.

“I’m sad this is our last brunch.” Travis pouts and sticks a sausage in his mouth.

“Maybe we can try to get everyone together over winter break.” Carina grins. “Or in the summer.”

They move to the living room after eating. Carina leaves the dirty dishes in the kitchen to worry about later. She just wants to spend this time with her friends.

Vic points her finger at Carina. “How are you two going to handle being at separate schools, three hours apart?” The finger then moves in Maya’s direction.

“Well, I’m sure it won’t be easy.” Carina smiles, a bit sad at the thought of being away from Maya for weeks at a time. “I’m sure we’ll talk on the phone.” She grins at that thought. When Maya told her that her father got her a cell phone, she had all sorts of ideas on how they can communicate with each other and not have to be tied to a building.

Maya nods at Carina’s statement. She’s sitting on Carina’s lap in a recliner. “We’ll talk as much as we can. And there will be visits. Nothing is planned yet but I’m sure something will be soon.” Maya imagines the first few weeks of school for both of them will be busy and an adjustment. Not just an adjustment to being away from each other but an adjustment to the new surroundings, the new setup of college, the different pace.

“Yes, visits.” Carina agrees. “Maya will come see me for my birthday.”

“I will?” They hadn’t talked about that or agreed to that.

“Please?” Carina pouts.

Maya pats Carina on the cheek, her eyes flickering from Carina’s eyes to her lips and back. “I will.” She confirms.

“Okay, enough.” Andy says with a little laugh. “Quit making eyes at each other.”

Everyone laughs.

Jack wraps his arms around Andy. “This is great. I love this. You guys are all my favorites. Best friends forever.”

“You sound like a girl, Gibson.” Addison teases.

Jack pouts. “I have feelings. Men have feelings, you know.”

Andy rubs his arm. She quite likes Jack’s emotional side.

Vic has never seen this side of Jack. It’s interesting and it makes her question the judgements she makes on people. Realizing that what she’s seen at school isn’t always they way someone is all the time.

“Jack, your feelings are valid.” Carina grins over at the boy. “Everyone’s feelings are valid here today. It can be sad, or anxious, or confusing. I know that I’m excited but there is a certain part of me that is sad that high school is over. That we won’t all see each other every week or every day anymore.” Carina wraps her arms around Maya. “But I know that’s okay because we are all setting off for lifetime adventures. And hopefully we can get together in time and celebrate our adventures together.”

“That sounds very poetic.” Addison smirks. Part of her wonders if she’ll see half of these people in this room ever again.

The room is quiet as everyone thinks about what Carina said. The future is largely unknown. The course of their lives not plotted out yet. The adventures they will go on, still undecided.

She had picked Maya up at six and they were on their merry little way. When they pulled into the bowling alley parking lot Maya laughed. “Really?”

“Yeah, why not. You have been bowling before, correct?”

Maya scoffs. “I’m not some invalid.”

Carina chuckles, bringing Maya’s hand to her lip, giving it a gentle kiss before they head inside.

“I still can’t believe this is what you wanted to do for our last date.” Maya shakes her head as she puts her rental shoes on.

“I wanted to stroke your competitive side.” Carina winks and goes up to grab the bowling bowl that she picked out and toss it down the lane, leaving a baffled Maya sitting in her plastic chair.

They are about halfway through the first game. Carina sits in the scorer’s chair in front of the little screen. She watches as Maya throws her first toss of the frame and only gets three of the pins. “I thought you would be better at this.” Carina smirks when Maya turns around and frowns at only getting three pins. It’s a fairly tight game between the pair. Carina is no expert bowler either, but she did think Maya and her competitive nature would be naturally better than she was. Maya rolls her second attempt of the frame and gets five more pins for a total of eight on the frame.

Carina gets up for her turn and rolls a strike. She throws her arms in the air and spins around in celebration. She comes over to where Maya is sitting at the end of the lane and raises her hand for a high five from her girlfriend. Instead of a high five, Maya flips her off. Carina laughs. She bends at the waist; hands go to Maya’s knees. “I’m sorry, bella.” She pouts. Maya’s hands move to go on top of Carina’s. They are in public. Both are very aware of that. Just a bit of a tease before Carina is moving back to her seat.

Maya loses the first game and challenges Carina to best two or out three. Maya wins the second game. The third comes down to the final frame.

Carina picks up a spare on her turn and Maya gets 9 of 10 pins on her first throw. On the second throw, the ball barely misses the tenth pin. Carina throws her fists up in the air in silent celebration. Maya hangs the head as she comes back to the scorer’s chair and plops down dramatically in it. Carina starts packing up, collecting her ball, ready to go.

“Three out of five?” Maya asks.

Carina laughs. “No way, missy. I don’t want to be here all night. I have other plans for you.”

Maya perks up at that.

They go back to the DeLuca house and Carina pulls a DVD of Spiderman out from somewhere. “You said you’d never seen it.” Carina smiles. She’s excited to sit down and watch with Maya. And maybe Spiderman make out with Maya afterwards.

Carina gets them some popcorn and waters and sits down with Maya on the couch in the living room. She starts the movie, and they sit side by side sharing popcorn.

Andrew comes through about twenty minutes into the movie and sits down in one of the recliners and watches with them. “Can I have some of that?” He asks about the popcorn.

Carina holds up the big bowl and Andrew gets up to come get it. “Let’s lay down.” She whispers to Maya. The blonde stands as if she knows what Carina is about to do. And maybe she does. Carina lays along the couch on her back and Maya settles on top of her, her hips tucked between Carina’s legs her head on Carina’s chest. A protective hand comes up to rest on Maya’s back. The focus returns to the tv screen.

“Huh.” Maya hums at the upside down Spiderman kiss when it happens.

“See. I told you.” Carina runs her hand down Maya’s back, stroking over her backside.

“Very interesting.” She turns her head and places a kiss over Carina’s heart. “We might have to try that again some time.”

Carina brings her hand up Maya’s back from her ass all the way to her head, threading her fingers into Maya’s hair, scratching at the scalp lightly.

When the movie is over the three of them head upstairs to bed. Maya brushes her teeth, with her Carina-issued toothbrush. Carina walks into the bathroom. “I had fun tonight.” Maya says around her toothbrush, toothpaste all over her lips.

“I’m glad you did.” Carina presses her lips to the side of Maya’s head. “A date night success.”

Maya spits into the sink. “We don’t have to do anything fancy. On date nights. Tonight was a perfect example of that.”

“I agree, bella.” Carina puts some toothpaste on her toothbrush. She wiggles her eyebrows at Maya in the mirror before shoving the brush into her mouth.

The night is spent tucked together. More cuddles than are probably reasonable. Lots of silence. And some kisses before they drift off to sleep. In the morning, Maya returns home. She wants to give Carina space to organize the things she needs for school, do some laundry, and get everything ready to go. They both know that, if Maya sticks around all day, Carina won’t get anything done.

Except Maya comes back just before dinner and Carina has nothing done.

“I have some things done. I did laundry. And sorted through my clothes.” Carina looks around her bedroom. It’s a mess with clothes and potential items to take to college with her.

“Woah.” Andrew stands in the doorway. “You were supposed to be done with this by now. Dad wants the car packed after dinner.”

Carina grunts. “Thanks.” She folds her arms over her chest.

Maya chuckles a little. “We’ll help.” She looks over at Andrew and he nods and steps further into the room.

Carina asks Maya’s opinion on every item and then asks Andrew’s. The boy mostly just shrugging or nodding his head. But he stays and is involved. He wants to be part of Carina’s journey. He wants to stay close. He wants to help, even if he wasn’t all that much help.

Maya comments on the fourth sweatshirt that Carina wants to bring with. “I think two, maybe three are good. Just pick your favorites and wear them in a rotation. It’s a sweatshirt. Unless it has food on it or smell like sweat it’s fine to where more than once without washing.” She understands the idea of having limited space. Maya already has everything planned out that she’s going to bring with her to college. She’s got a checklist and has gone over it more than once. The university also provided a checklist and she’s gone over that list multiple times as well. “Where’s your checklist?” Maya looks around. She spots it on the nightstand. “What is your roommate bringing?” She grabs the list and looks it over.


“Is that her name?” Maya hums.


“All the electronics on that list. Apparently, her father owns an appliance store. So, tv, microwave. I don’t know what else.” Something that Carina can’t remember right now. It doesn’t really matter to her anyway. She can live without those things if she has to.

“Okay, so we just have to focus on personal items. Did you get any of this stuff on the list?” Maya looks up.

“Papa got some things. A lamp, I think. A dry erase board. Some small storage containers. Snacks. Food that I can eat in the room. And I got all the school supplies.”

“So, yeah, basically clothes, and bed sheets, towels.” Maya sets to organizing things into piles on the bed.

They work through Carina’s wardrobe and get everything set. “Should I bring me CD player?” Carina has been debating it all afternoon.

“Yes.” Andrew and Maya say at the same time.

“No one wants to listen to the weird ass music that you like. Don’t subject your roommate to that.” Andrew says astutely.

Carina stares at her brother blankly.

“He’s wise.” Maya points at Andrew. “And probably correct. Best to keep your music to yourself and not the whole room.”

They get everything organized and packed up. “You’re very good at this, bella.”

“Thank you.” Maya smiles proudly.

Carina slides up to Maya’s side, putting her hand on the small of her back, before leaning in for a kiss. “Thank you for helping. I would’ve been here all night.” She hums into a second kiss.

“Okay, that’s enough for me.” Andrew makes a gagging noise as he leaves.

“Did you just do that to get him to leave us alone?” Maya smiles, her eyes latching onto Carina’s.

Carina’s smile broadens and she wraps a second arm around Maya. “I gotta try to get as many kisses in as possible tonight and Andrea was hindering that.”

Maya giggles a little. “Is that so?”

“Baciami.” Carina whispers the word against Maya’s lips. She pushes Maya down onto the bed amidst the piles of clothes. She lays down next to Maya, tipping her head with a finger on her chin, and connecting their lips in a series of soft kisses. “I love kissing you.” She mumbles, rolling on top of Maya to deepen their kisses before dinner.

The alarm goes off at seven the next morning. Carina groans and reaches over to shut it off. “Enough.”

Maya nuzzles her face, nose against the nape of Carina’s neck; her arm wrapping around the Italian’s waist. She’s going to miss this. More than Carina herself perhaps. Well, since she needs Carina for cuddles, maybe as much as Carina. It’s nice, lovely, pleasant, easy, calming. Maya has welcomed the change of pace that Carina affords her. It took some getting used to. Maya being very stuck in her ways, or her father’s ways. “Five more minutes.” Maya mumbles.

Carina sighs happily. She’d spend five more minutes with Maya for the rest of her life if she could.

There was no morning run today. Just sleeping in. It’s the last sleeping in.

“Five more minutes. Unless my dad comes in then no more minutes.” Carina knows her dad wants to get on the road by mid-morning. It’s a three hour drive to Portland and he wants to be home before dinner.

They just need to get up, get something to eat, and get going.

They are driving Carina’s car down and then Vincenzo and Andrew will take the train back to Seattle.

Carina tries to roll over. She wants to see Maya’s face, memorize it. Not that she doesn’t have it memorized already; but be able to gaze at those brilliant blue eyes or the way Maya’s lips curl up the slightest bit when she is thinking about smiling and then how her cheeks lift when she does smile.

“Maya.” Carina whines. “Come on.” The blonde has her pinned down so she can’t roll over. Carina wiggles her butt against Maya and Maya giggles and loosens her grip. “ I just don’t want to let you go.”

Carina sighs sadly as she rolls to face Maya. “I know, bella.” She wraps an arm around Maya, rubbing her hand up and down her back a few times. Thar hand comes to rest at the top of Maya’s pajama shorts, her fingertips tucked into the fabric. “Let me look at you.” She whispers, her eyes already mapping Maya’s face.

Maya brings her hand up to Carina’s cheek. She rubs her thumb over her cheek bone, across her lips, touching the tip of her nose before stilling. “I’m going to miss you.”

“Shhhh.” Carina quiets her. “No sad.”

Maya rolls her eyes. “It’s not sad.” Carina raises an eyebrow at that. “Okay, fine, it’s a little sad. But I just want you to know. Like, not in the sad way that I will miss you.”

Carina hums. Maya is right, it is good to tell each other this. “I will miss you as well.”

“You’ll be closer than Italy.” Maya adds thinking of the positives. “And we can talk on the phone.”

“Si. Si.”

“And we’ll visit each other. Once the dust settles.”

“Once the dust settles.” Carina smirks at the idiom. “I love you.” She strokes her thumb across Maya’s spine. Maya arches into her a bit. “Remember that if we get busy.”

“I will.” Maya promises. “And I love you. So much.”

Carina leans in for a chaste kiss. “I suppose we gotta get out of this bed for something.” They have spent a lot of time in Carina’s bed getting to know each other over the summer. It’s like their own private little sanctuary now.

“I might have to come over when your gone just to sleep in your bed. You think Andrew and your dad will let me in?” Maya means it as a joke.

Carina laughs. “I’m sure they would.” She pulls Maya to her chest. “Be my guest, bambina.”

“That might be weird.” She backtracks a little.

Carina pulls back so she can look into Mayas eyes. “If you need to come here, do it.” She knows the comfort that Maya has in her house, in her room. And that it’s something Maya doesn’t feel in her own home. Carina looks into those big blues, telling her it’s safe to come here, no matter what.

Maya nods and takes a deep pull of air. “Thanks.” She says as she lets the breath out.

They all stand in the driveway after breakfast. Maya tucks her hands into her pants pockets. She’s not sure what to say. Or what to do, for that matter.

“So-“ She shrugs.

“No goodbyes.” Carina interrupts.

Maya raises an eyebrow.

Carina pulls Maya into a tight embrace. “Just see you laters.” She whispers into Maya’s ear.

Maya nods against Carina. “See you later.”

Carina takes a deep breath, tipping her head in to press her nose to the side of Maya’s neck. “I love you, bambina.”

Maya rubs her hands up and down Carina’s back. “You’re going to do amazing things, Carina.”

“You’re going to make me cry, Maya.” She tries to cuddle closer to Maya, except it’s impossible. They are as close together as possible. “It’s just pre-med.”

Maya shrugs. “Still. That’s impressive enough.”

“You’re going to be amazing too.” Carina leans back, tears in her eyes. Maya reaches up and wipes away a single tear that rolls down Carina’s left cheek. “You’ll run like you’ve never run before. You’ll somehow get faster, I just know it.” She has total confidence in Maya’s ability. “I can’t wait to see it.”

“Time to go.” Vincenzo calls out.

Carina nods for her father. “I’ll see you soon.”

Maya doesn’t know when soon is, but she feels like that day can’t come quick enough. “See you soon, babe.” She smiles for Carina. The Italian still looking like she is going to cry. “I love you.” She whispers and Carina leans in for a brief kiss. They have an audience, after all.

Carina takes a step towards the car. Her father and brother get in. She takes another step, holding her hand out towards Maya. She makes a grabby hand sort of wave before pulling the car door open.

Maya stays on the driveway near the garage door. “Call the house tonight. When you’re all settled.” She calls out as Carina is getting in the car.

“I will.” Carina nods and closes the car door. She waves as Vincenzo starts the car and backs down the driveway.

Maya waves back. The feeling that she has right now is not something she’s experienced before. She’s super proud and happy for Carina but she already misses her and she’s not even out of sight yet. Maya knows their lives are just starting but there’s just something about Carina that she wants to be able to hold onto forever. And maybe that’s part of what love is. To be in love with someone. You always want to be able to have a part of them with you. Whether you are in the same room or miles apart. To be able to hold them in your heart.

Maya waves until the car disappears around the corner before making her trek home.