
28. Chapter 28

Later that night, after dinner, after Carina has unpacked her bag; she drives over to Maya’s house. They hadn’t planned on a time, but she sees Maya sitting out on the front step when she pulls up. Maya jogs over to the car.

“Were you waiting for me, bella?” Carina wiggles her eyebrows as Maya clambers into the seat.

“Yeah.” Maya buckles her seatbelt. “Let’s go.”

“Where are we going?” Carina chuckles at Maya’s eagerness.

“Can we drive down to that boat launch that’s near here. It’s like a mile away. Do you know what I’m talking about?” Maya doesn’t want to give anything away, but she’s been thinking about the spot for a week or so. She was trying to rack her mind to think of somewhere free that she could bring Carina. It also had to be somewhere that she enjoyed, had good memories, was special. She wants to show Carina her special places. Or, at least, places that have some sort of meaning. She also wants to make new special places with Carina.

“No.” Carina shakes her head.

“I’ll give you direction then.”

They drive over to the boat launch and get out and walk over to the water’s edge. There are trees that line the river’s edge. The boat launch is very much built into the wooded area.

Carina looks around. “I didn’t even know this was here.”

“My mom used to take me and Mason here when we were kids.” It’s just a little spot, sort of run down, with not a lot of activity. There’s a big a parking lot and a dock on one side and a little launch area on the other end. “We’d play in the river, swimming, splashing around, catching pollywogs.” Maya thinks back to when she was younger, ten or eleven, before she started running. Mason would have been five or six.

“What’s a pollywog?”

“A pollywog. A tadpole. A baby frog before it’s a frog.” Maya says with a little wistful smile on her lips and something Carina hasn’t seen before in her eyes.

“So, good memories?”

“Yeah.” She wraps her hand around Carina’s elbow. “Come with me.”

“You’re not going to push me in the water, are you?” Carina chews on her lip.

“Only if you’re sassy.” Maya teases; to which Carina’s eyes light up.

They walk along the edge of the river. The water on their left side and a little bit of an embankment on their right. Maya guides Carina about twenty feet from the launch area. “Oh good, it’s still here.”

Carina is about to ask what but then she sees it. There’s a little ladder that has been built into the embankment that leads up to a cleared out, flat spot on top of the about five foot high embankment. It’s clear that someone, at some time, perhaps long ago since Maya seems to remember it from childhood, carved out this little spot.

“We would run over here, and mom would be mad cuz then she had to walk through the water. It was rare that the level was so low that you could walk over here without at least getting your feet wet like we just did. We’d climb up and sit up there and she’d tried to get us to come down. It was a fun game. One that I always instigated and one that Mason was more than happy to follow along with. I would have to push him up this ladder, he was so little that he couldn’t reach from one step to the next with his scrawny little bird legs.”

“That’s cute.” Carina grins. “Will you push me up?”

Maya rolls her eyes. “No but get up there.” She thumbs up at the little clearing.

“But I don’t want to get dirty.” Carina pouts.

“I’ll kiss you if you get up there.”

Carina climbs the ladder in an instant.

Maya laughs and climbs up after her. “Sometimes we would find somebody up here. Like a fisherman. So, then we couldn’t play up here.” It’s a small area, no bigger of a space than for two people to sit with their legs out in front of them, or lay down with their legs dangling off the edge. “Lay down.”

“Where’s my kiss?” Carina smiles innocently.

Maya sits down. Carina following her. Maya wraps her hand around the back of Carina’s head and pulls her in for a quick kiss. “Better?”

“Much.” Carina licks her lips.

“Now lay down.”

“Someone’s bossy today.” Carina smirks.

Maya just shrugs. She’s in a bit of a weird mood today. Something is just a little different between them. Maya chocks it up to Carina being gone for four weeks and just getting back this afternoon.

It’s approaching sunset. The area is getting dark. There are a few other people around. A family gets their small boat out of the water at the launch, some people are fly fishing in the river. There were about five vehicles in the parking lot, maybe others that are out on the river yet.

“I always wondered what it would be like to come here at sunset. I wanted to know what it would look like. I wanted to know if you could see the moon in the sky the way that you can see the sun during the day through the trees. I wondered if you could see the stars. It’s just dark enough. I mean there isn’t a bunch of light pollution her near the river that I bet you can.” Maya sounds excited at the idea.

Carina watches Maya as she talks and stares up at the dusky sky. “We’ll have to wait and see.” Carina promises.

Maya reaches over and takes Carina’s hand. “That’s the one thing I don’t like about living in the city. You can’t always see the stars. I want to see the stars.”

Carina squeezes Maya’s hand at how earnest and adorable she sounds.

“I’ve never had any opportunity to do this, until now. Until you.” Maya looks over, appreciating all that is Carina.

So, they lay there as it gets darker and darker. Until the sun sets, until the stars come out.

“What do you think?” Carina asks. “Is it everything you’d imagined?”

“It’s better.” Maya sigh, happily.


Maya nods. “Yeah, cuz you’re here.”

Carina looks over at the blonde, stunned. She lifts Maya’s hand, that is still locked in hers, lifting it to her lips, kissing over her knuckles. Maya gives her a bashful little smile in response.

“Did you want to go home now?” Carina asks after a little more time has passed.

“Let’s go get ice cream.” Maya looks over with a wicked grin.

“Ice cream?”

“Yeah, don’t tell Lane.”

“Lane?” Carina raises an eyebrow.

Maya sits up, shrugging. “I’m trying it out.” She climbs down the ladder and holds her hands out to help Carina down, putting her hands on her waist as she climbs down.

“Grazie, bella.” She turns to Maya once her feet are firmly on the ground.

“There’s been a rift between us.” Carina wrinkles up her eyebrows at Maya’s words. “Me and Lane. Obviously. And I’m trying to put a barrier between us, however small it may seem. So, it’s Lane. For now, at least.”

Carina hums.

They go get ice cream at a local ice cream shop just before it closes for the night. They eat their ice cream in Carina’s car outside the shop.

“Can I try yours?” Carina asks.

Maya got a single scoop of mint chocolate chip in a dish. Carina got two scoops of orange sherbet in a waffle cone. Maya looks from her dish over to Carina, who is smiling softly with the question in her eyes, and then back to her dish. She wrinkles her brow together like Carina just asked her to solve an algebra equation. “Oh.”

Carina senses Maya’s hesitation. “You don’t have to. If you don’t want.” She wonders if Maya is one of those people who doesn’t share their food with anyone. It would make sense with everything that Carina knows about Lane. She goes back to eating her own ice cream and looking around the parking lot, watching as the workers close up the ice cream shop for the day.

“Here.” Maya whispers. No one has ever asked to have some of her food before.

Carina looks over and Maya is holding out her spoon, a little dollop of mint green ice cream sitting on it. Maya shrugs to excuse her awkward behavior. Carina smiles before leaning over.

Maya guides the spoon to Carina’s lips, watching as Carina opens her mouth and wraps her lips around Maya’s spoon, pulling the ice cream from the spoon and into her mouth with a soft hum. Carina lets the taste saturate her tongue before she swallows with another hum. She nods. “It’s good.” She smirks.

The blonde nods. “Okay.” Her voice coming out a little scratchy. She turns her head away from Carina and tries to clear her throat and wonders if it’s suddenly gotten warmer in the car or if it’s just her.

They drive back to the Bishop household after their ice cream is finished. Carina parks her car at the curb. “Can you come over tomorrow? After lunch.” Carina wants some time in the morning to unpack and do laundry. She would also like to sleep in and catch up on sleep. She’s not sure if that’s possible or if jetlag is going to rear its ugly head, though.

“Okay. Yes.” Maya nods.

Carina reaches over and squeezes Maya’s thigh. “Goodnight, bella. Thank you for showing me your special place.” She smiles a tiny bit.

Maya blushes. From showing Carina that spot, at the boat launch, on the river and from Carina somehow making it sound kind of dirty. She ducks her head a little, looking down at the hand on her leg. Carina sees this and rubs her hand back and forth gently. “Thanks for letting me.” She says shyly before chancing a glance in Carina’s direction. The look on her face, the tilt of Carina’s head, and the pleased little smile on Carina’s lips have Maya smiling happily over at her. “I’m glad you’re back.”

Carina grins, brightly. “Me too.” She leans over and presses a kiss to Maya’s cheek. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” She pulls back and winks. Carina lets Maya go with a little pat pat of her hand against her thigh before pulling her hand back to her lap.

Maya goes in the house quietly and goes to bed right away, excited about tomorrow and the possibilities that it might bring. She feels all warm and fuzzy, happy that Carina is back. She goes to sleep and gets up at her five am alarm for her morning run. She figures her father can’t say anything about the time she spends outside of the house with Carina or anyone else if she’s still doing her required training and running. She gets a workout in and then a shower and breakfast before she starts her day.

Carina makes sure that Andrea is out of the house. She sends him over to Tommy’s house to play for the afternoon. It’s been almost a month, with the exclusion of yesterday, since she’s seen Maya and she doesn’t want it to be with Andrea and her father and Maria around.

She dances to the door when the doorbell rings, swinging it open with a brilliant smile, Carina invites Maya into the house. She shuts the door and grabs Maya by the hand dancing them around the living room.

“What’s gotten into you?” Maya grins. She likes this happy, bubbly Carina. She’s missed it. She’s missed so much about Carina in the last four weeks. Her smile, her laugh, her zest for life, her care and attention, her. Her. Everything about her.

“Nothing.” Carina feels like she’s on some sort of high. Like she’s riding on top of a huge wave out in the ocean. “Just excited to see you.” She spins Maya around and presses into her from behind, wrapping her arms around her waist, setting her chin on Maya’s shoulder.

Maya puts her hand over Carina’s on her stomach. “What are we going to do this afternoon?”

Carina presses a few kisses to Maya’s shoulder. “What do you want to do? We could watch tv. Now that I’m back you can watch as much cable tv as you want.”

Maya laughs. She doesn’t want to do that. At least, not right now.

“Or we could go out. Go somewhere. We could go to a movie. Oh-“ Carina stands up straight, taking a step back from Maya. “We could go Blockbuster, rent a movie. And get all the snacks and popcorn in the world. You’re staying tonight, right?” She looks Maya up and down. She doesn’t have anything with her. No overnight things.


Carina comes around so she’s facing Maya now. “Addison is having a party tonight.”

Maya raises an eyebrow. “Are you asking me to go to the party with you?”

Carina wrinkles up her forehead. “I am.”

“We can do that.” Maya agrees. “But I also want to hear about your trip. What you did? Who you saw? That sort of thing.”

“You do?” Carina is a bit surprised about that.

“Yeah, why wouldn’t I?” Maya wonders why Carina would think she wouldn’t.

No one has ever been interested in her time spent in Italy over the summer. She tried to tell Andy about it one time after she got back two years ago, and it was like Andy didn’t understand anything she was saying even though she was speaking in English. She just didn’t think Maya would be interested like Andy hadn’t been. Carina gets that sometimes Americans can’t understand anything outside of their culture or country; like talking about Italy or any other country is like talking about Mars or something. So, she’s caught off guard that Maya wants to know the details.

“No reason.” Carina shrugs. Half of her is just glad that Maya is here. That she kept her promise to be around when she came back. Those hurts from Arizona are still there. “I’ll tell you everything.”

They go to Blockbuster and pick out a few movies and then come back to the house and make their way to Carina’s room. Carina saying that she has something for Maya from Italy.

“Why didn’t you give it to me yesterday when I was here?” It’s not an accusation, just a simple observation.

“I didn’t know I was going to be ambushed as soon as I got home.” She smirks over at Maya. The gift was packed away in her suitcase, and she needed time to wrap the gift, which Carina did this morning. She reaches for the gift on her desk. “And I wanted to wrap it.” She moves to Maya and holds out the gift for her.

Maya looks down. “In Snoopy Christmas wrapping paper?” She looks up at Carina.

Carina shrugs. “It’s all we had.” She jiggles the gift for Maya to take. She’s so excited to watch Maya open it that she can’t wait.

Maya carefully pulled the tape on the paper, popping it open, revealing the box underneath. It’s a plain brown box the size of a shoe box so it doesn’t give Maya any indication of what could be inside it. Maya lifts the lid. The first thing she sees is the little box of Italian chocolates. She lifts them from the box.

Carina folds her hand together, holding them low in front of herself. “Will you share with me?” She pushes up onto her toes before settling back to her floor.

“Chocolates.” Maya looks up.

“Si.” Carina nods.

Maya looks back into the box. She grins at the little magnet shaped like Italy that dons the Italian flag colors. “This is cute.” But then she sees what’s underneath it. A little book no bigger than her hand. She lifts it and looks at the cover.

“It’s Italian words and phrases. For you to learn.” Carina says, sounding hopeful. “If you want.” She won’t force Maya into learning Italian but she did seem interested in some words and phrases and knowing what they were. Whether Maya wants to use them or just know them when Carina uses them, is another question.

Maya smiles. It’s perfect.

At the bottom of the box is a t-shirt. It, like the magnet, has the shape of Italy across the front. More artistically styled than the magnet though. It has the contours of the elevation changes like a topography map with some of the biggest mountain labeled, like Mount Etna and Mount Blanc.

“Do you like it?” Carina raises her shoulders up around her ears.

Maya looks up and bites her lip. “You didn’t need to get me all this.”

Carina shrugs. “I wanted to. Think of it as a belated birthday present.”

Maya sighs. “Carina.” The name barely audible as she speaks it.

“What?” She takes a step closer to Maya. She takes the box of gifts from her hands at sets it on the bed. “I wanted to.” She insists. “Don’t feel guilty about it.” She reaches up and lays her hand on Maya’s cheek before leaning in and presses a soft kiss to Maya’s lips. She guides Maya to sit on the bed with a hand on her hip.

They barely break the kiss as they sit down side by side. Carina turns a little, so she’s angled towards Maya more, before putting her other hand on Maya’s face. Her fingers tucking Maya’s hair behind her ear, before cupping her hand around her ear, fingers against the back of Maya’s head behind her ear, her thumb rest at the front of the ear. She strokes over Maya’s ear with her thumb as she adds a little more pressure to their kiss.

Maya hums as Carina kisses her with fervor. She opens her mouth allowing access for Carina but not before slipping her tongue out and swiping against Carina’s lips.

Carina takes a shocked breath. She pulls back to look at Maya. Maya licks her lips. Which Carina doesn’t miss. “You’re a little devil.” She smirks and goes back in for more open mouthed kisses.

Maya grips at Carina’s waist, giving her a little squeeze, and then leaning away a little bit. Carina leans forward, trying to chase Maya’s lips as they leave hers.

“Is there, like, somewhere I can learn about sex?” All they were taught in school was about STD’s, pregnancy prevention, abstinence, and about consent. They did also go over the male and female reproductive systems; but that’s not really helpful for what Maya wants to know right now. It was all very mechanical. She wants to know about different things, like positions, and how to make someone feel good, where to touch other than the obvious places, things that she can do to enhance the experience.

“What do you mean?” Carina asks. Maya’s question comes out of nowhere.

But for Maya, it’s not out of nowhere. She’s been thinking a lot about it lately. “Other than from you.”

Carina gets offended. “What’s wrong with me?” She scoffs.

“Nothing.” Maya holds her hands up, palms out. “Nothing. I don’t want to have to ask you every little question I have. I feel like-”

“You could.”

“Yes. But I don’t want to have to. Aren’t there like books or something?” Maya wonders. She supposes there would be books.

“Porn?” Carina grins.

Maya looks down at her lap as her cheeks turn bright red. “I don’t think I could do that.”

“You could go online.” Carina throws out. She’s just trying to think of possibilities.

Maya’s eyes go wide, she snaps her head up to Carina. “Oh my god, no. You know where our computer is at home. Isn’t there like some informational literature somewhere?”

“Other than like medical text or dirty magazines, I don’t think so.” Carina thinks about it. She’s not really sure. Logically, there must be a source somewhere, but she doesn’t know where.

Maya folds her arms over her chest in displeasure. She feels like she wants to know more. She wants to learn more.

“I have an idea.” Carina glances over. She knows Maya’s going to have a reaction to what she’s about to say. She just doesn’t know what it will be, but she for sure wants to see it.


“You could, like-“ Carina shrugs. “-play with yourself.”

“What? No.” Maya’s eyes are wide. “I’m not doing that.”

“Why not?”

“Cuz.” Maya folds her arms over her chest. “It’s weird.”

“It’s not weird.” Carina tries to argue.

“Yes, it is.”

Carina tries another way, if Maya wants to learn, to explain it that way. “Then you’ll learn- you’ll learn what you like- things that are a turn on and things that aren’t.”

Maya stays silent. She wasn’t thinking about herself. She was thinking more about learning about another person. How to make another person feel good.

“Okay. Then I’ll just have to do it instead.” She wiggles her eyebrows at Maya.

“Oh?” Maya raises an eyebrow, a bit of a challenge.

“Si.” Carina reaches for Maya’s crossed arms, gently tugging them apart. She tucks her fingertips of her right hand into the collar of Maya’s shirt. “I also want to learn what you like and don’t like.”

“Oh!” Maya hadn’t thought of that. She didn’t take into consideration. The possibility of Carina wanting to know or learn too never crossed her mind. She takes a deep breath. Maybe she’s making too much out of this.

“Vieni qua.” Carina pulls Maya closer. “I’m not going to tell you what to do or what should or shouldn’t happen. But, if you’re okay with it, I want to be involved. Ya know?”

Maya nods, reaching up, wrapping her hand around Carina’s wrist. “I want to-“ Maya scrunches up her face. “I think I want that to-“ She swallows thickly. Maya is nervous talking about this stuff. “-with you. To get to know you like-“

“Sexually.” Carina finishes. And Maya nods. “Perfetto, bambina.”

“Is this weird?”

“Che cosa?”

“That we’re talking about all this?”

Carina considers the question. “Maybe. It hasn’t really been my experience before. I think most people just jump into sex, and I think that’s fine, but this is also okay. There aren’t any rules, Maya. It can literally go and be however you want it to be. However we want it to be.”

“Do I ask too many questions?” She’s starting to feel a little self-conscious about all this.

Carina laughs. “No.” She falls backwards on the bed.

Maya looks back at her for a second before joining her. “What’s so funny?”

“I come back and here you are asking all this stuff. Wanting to know more. Do more.” Carina rolls her head to the side to grin at Maya. “What have you been doing while I was gone?”

“What do you mean?” It’s Maya’s turn to ask.

Carina taps at Maya’s forehead. “Have you just been thinking about sex the whole time?”

“Oh.” Maya purses her lips. “Well, I did think about it a lot.”

Carina wants to know. “Like what?”

“Well, mostly just doing it again. And also, like, doing to you what you did to me.” She looks away from Carina after she voices what she wants.

“I will say one thing though-“

Maya frowns.

“You think too much.” Carina chuckles.

Maya rolls her eyes, knowing that Carina is right though. “No more thinking then.” She rolls over, swinging a leg over Carina, straddling her.

Carina bites her lip at the blonde above her. “Hello, bella.”

Maya smirks, settling against Carina’s hips.

Carina watches in awe as Maya pulls her shirt over her head. Her hands find Maya’s hips, palms slipping up her sides, grasping her around the ribcage. She strokes her thumbs along the underside of Maya’s bra. Her eyes shifting from Maya’s breasts to her eyes. “Take this off.” She whispers.

The blonde shakes her head lightly. “You just want to see me naked.”

“I mean- that’s the ultimate goal.” Carina smirks. “You’re very- I look forward to the day.” There’s not much of Maya’s torso that she hasn’t seen, but there’s just that little bit yet that eludes her.

Instead of doing what Carina wants, Maya does what she wants. She leans down, finding Carina’s lips with her own.

Carina’s hands slip around to caress supple breasts.

Maya moans into Carina’s mouth and Carina smirks into their kiss. She strokes her thumbs over Maya’s nipples and, even with the fabric in the way, it has Maya squirming against her.

Maya wonders about the feeling now and what it might feel like without a barrier between her skin and Carina’s hands. She sits up abruptly.

The sudden movement has Carina worried. “What-“

But Maya shakes her head, telling Carina it’s fine. She looks around the room quickly. It’s the middle of the afternoon, light as ever. She looks out the window. Carina’s window points at the side of the neighbor’s house. “Just a minute.” She gets off of Carina, off of the bed.

Carina sits up and watches Maya go over to the window and close the curtains. “Aww, bella.” She holds out her hand.

Maya walks back over, standing between Carina’s legs. “I don’t want to give anyone but you a show.” She reaches behind her back and pops the clasps on her bra, the material sagging forward.

Carina, in surprise, finds Maya’s eyes. “Can I?”

Maya bites her lip, nods.

Carina hands slip up Maya’s side, moving to her shoulders, thumbs hooking around the thin straps. She slowly slips her hands down Maya’s arms, removing the garment. Her eyes shift from Maya’s, watching as the she removes the item.

“Come here.” Carina puts her hands on Maya’s hips. She looks up but Maya isn’t looking at her. “Maya.” She whispers and Maya finally looks down. Carina gives her a look to ask if she’s alright. Maya nods. “Okay.” She pushes Maya backwards a step so she can stand up.

Carina pulls them together and presses a kiss to Maya’s forehead. She moves in lips down to her nose, leaving a light kiss there, and then moving to her lips. She reaches up, tilting Maya’s head a little so she can deepen the kiss. They stand there, pressed together, kissing breathlessly for a few moments before Carina nods over at the bed.

Maya watches Carina as she removes her shorts before slipping under the sheet, settling with her back against the headboard. “Will you sit in my lap?”

Maya takes a breath before climbing onto to the bed. She knows she’s not supposed to be thinking but she can’t help it. Her brain spins in circles about everything. She sits in Carina’s lap and Carina pulls the sheet and comforter up around Maya’s waist, around her legs.

“What are you doing?” Maya looks down and around them.

“Nothing.” Carina looks up and smiles when she’s finished tucking. “Kiss me.” She runs her hands up Maya’s back, pulling her closer so they can meet for a kiss. She’s purposefully not staring at Maya’s breasts, not bringing her attention to them with her eyes.

But that doesn’t mean she’s not going to use her other senses. She slips her hands around, gently holding Maya’s boobs in her hands for a moment before giving them a gentle squeeze. Maya presses herself against Carina’s hand, her hips, anywhere that they are touching.

She takes some time to play with Maya’s boobs as they share hungry kisses. Squeezing, stroking, rolling nipples between her fingertips as Maya grinds against her.

Maya, in a surprising move for Carina, snakes her hand between their bodies, slipping her fingertips into Carina’s undies. Carina tenses.

Maya smiles into the kiss before pulling away to check Carina’s face. “Is this okay?” She hasn’t moved her hand since she broke the underwear barrier.

“Definitely. I was just surprised.” Carina nods to add to her reply.

With a little smirk, Maya moves her hand, sinking further into Carina, feeling, exploring, comparing, contrasting. Fingers slip through wet folds, searching.

Carina lets out a shaky breath. “Maya.” She closes her eyes. It wouldn’t take much for Maya to get her off right now.

“You’re so slick.” Maya says in amazement.

Carina chuckles and rests her forehead against Maya’s shoulder. She slips her hands around Maya’s waist, holding onto her lightly. “D- don’t-

Maya’s fingers stop, worried that she’s done something wrong with the word don’t.

“Don’t tease.” Carina whispers shakily.

Maya nods, knowing what Carina means now. She slips her middle finger into Carina. She feels the shudder that runs through Carina’s body. She did that. She made Carina feel that. Maya takes a little pride in that, and it urges her on. She slips a second finger inside, but Carina shakes her forehead against Maya’s shoulder.

Carina’s hand wraps around Maya’s wrist quickly. She pulls her hand up, fingers out, guiding them to where she needs them. “There.” She moans as Maya’s fingers press against her clitoris.

“Oh right, the little man in the boat.” Maya mumbles, trying to concentrate.

Carina giggles. She wants to ask where Maya heard that, but can’t find the capacity to speak such a long sentence. Instead, she wraps her arms around Maya again, turning her face to press her nose against the side of Maya’s neck. If she didn’t know Maya was a novice, without a few tips, she wouldn’t have any clue. Carina is overwhelmed with what she feels right now. For Maya, about Maya, because of Maya.

It's a minute of Maya rubbing against her before Carina is coming undone, arching against Maya as she does so.

“That was really-“ Maya searches for the right word. “Hot.” She tilts her head to the side, thinking it over.

Carina groans, leaning back against the headboard. Her eyes wander Maya’s body as she recovers, taking in the blonde sitting in her lap lazily. “You’re next.”

Maya raises an eyebrow. She looks down at herself. She wants to cover her breasts with her hands but doesn’t. She lets Carina’s eyes appreciate. Maya, suddenly, sits back and moves to get up.


She puts a finger to Carina’s lips, shushing her. Carina watches curiously as Maya gets up, bends, and slips her shorts down her legs before getting back into bed and in Carina’s lap.

“Touch me-“ She finds Carina’s hand, interlocking their fingers. “Like that.” She kisses Carina then. Hot and wet, like she knows Carina likes it. Slipping her tongue into Carina’s mouth, she laps at Carina’s tongue, her teeth, anything she can reach and lick.

Carina untangles their hands. Maya’s hand finds her face and Carina reaches down with her right hand finding ‘the little man in the boat’.

Maya’s hands go to Carina’s shoulders as she rocks against Carina’s fingers. Carina stills her fingers, leaving them there, letting Maya do the work, rubbing herself against fingertips. Carina attaches her lips to Maya’s neck, kissing and sucking, licking over the spot where she leaves a mark. She knows Maya is going to yell at her for it later, but she can’t care right now. Her left hand is splayed out across Maya’s lower back, moving with her, encouraging her along.

Maya’s grinds down against Carina’s fingers, tipping her head back and pinching her eyes shut, trying to find just the right spot. And when she hits it, Maya presses closer. “Car-“

Carina moves her fingers, stroking a few swipes against Maya’s clit, getting her to come in an instant. Maya jerks forward, stilling, and then everything gets weak. “Woah.” She falls forward against Carina. “I have-“ she breathes heavily. “-weak legs.”

Carina grins, satisfied. “Good thing you weren’t standing then.”


Carina chuckles. “Yes, standing.” Maya leans back a little, looking at Carina. “Better than last time?” Carina asks.


Carina nods. Her right hand finding Maya’s breast, stroking her thumb over the nipple.

Maya jumps and pulls back, putting her hand over her breast. “That’s-“

Carina raises an eyebrow. “Sensitive.”


Carina laughs. “Sorry, bella.”

Maya sits back and then climbs out of Carina’s lap, moving to sit next to the brunette, with her back to the headboard too. Carina looks over at Maya. The blonde has a look of concentration on her face.

Maya doesn’t look over; she stares across the room. “Just two horny teenagers on a sex journey.” She observes in a monotone.

Carina laughs, breathy. “I love you.”

Maya’s eyes go wide and that’s when Carina hears the words she just said.