
15. Chapter 15

On Sunday, Carina has Travis and Vic over for brunch again. It goes much like the week before. Carina cooks and they eat and talk about gossip and just about anything that their teenage brains can think of.

Andrew answers the door. “Oh.” He didn’t think Maya was going to show up. “You’re late.”

“Can I come in?” Maya asks, a little out of breath.

Andrew steps to the side. “They’re in the dining room.” He lets Maya in and then closes the door.

“Did they eat already?”

Andrew nods. “Yeah.”

Maya hums and heads in the direction of the trio. She tries to control her breathing as she walks into the room, so it’s not so obvious that she ran here.

Vic is talking about something but stops when she sees Maya standing in the entryway. Carina is about to ask why she stopped when she notices that Travis and Vic are staring at something behind her.

“Andrea, if you are about to play a prank on me, I swear-“ She turns around expecting to see her brother, instead Maya is standing there. “You made it.” A smile splits her face, and she rushes up from her chair, goes over, wrapping her arms around Maya, lifting her off the ground, and spinning her around.

“How come we didn’t get that sort of exuberant greeting?” Travis pouts.

Vic makes sure she whispers so Carina or Maya don’t hear her. “Because Carina doesn’t want to get in your pants.”

Travis nods with a little smirk. “Fair enough.”

“Put me down.” Maya giggles.

“I’ve never heard her laugh like that.” Vic whispers.

Travis smiles, happy that Maya is happy. “Me either.”

Carina puts Maya’s feet back on the floor and takes a step back to appraise her. “Did you run here, bella?”

“I did.” She gives Carina a tight-lipped smile. “It was the only way.”

“Ah.” Carina nods, not liking the information but satisfied that Maya is here. “Come.” She takes Maya’s hand and leads her to the table. “Travis, Vic and I were just gossiping.”

“About?” Maya takes a seat.

“Is there anything I can get you?” Carina asks, standing next to Maya. “Juice, water? I’ll get water. Something to eat. Did you have breakfast? Or lunch? It’s lunchtime now.” Carina busies herself with getting Maya some water and a sandwich to eat.

“Didn’t you hear?” Vic asks Maya.

Maya clearly has no idea what Vic is referring to. “Didn’t I hear what?”

“That those rumors about the band director, Mr. Fischer, and Meredith Grey are true.”

“What rumors?” Maya takes the glass of water that Carina set in front of her on the table. “Thanks.”

Carina rubs her hand across Maya’s upper back. “You like turkey?”

Maya tips her head back, so she’s looking up at Carina. She smiles. “You don’t need to make me anything?”

“I’m making you a turkey sandwich.” Carina tells her and pats her hands against Maya’s cheeks before returning to the fridge and getting out the rest of the ingredients that she needs.

Vic almost can’t believe the ease with which Maya and Carina are floating around each other here. She hasn’t seen this at school. She knows it’s because they are in the privacy of Carina’s home, but it’s still surprising to see.

“That can’t be true.” Maya comments like she wasn’t just making heart eyes with Carina.

“Carina says it is.”

“Si.” Carina calls over her shoulder. “My friend, Jo- you know Jo. Jo Wilson. She’s in band. She called me this morning. Apparently, somebody reported it at the end of the day Friday. He was arrested yesterday afternoon, Mr. Fischer.”

“For what?” Maya wonders out loud.

“Having sex with a minor.”

“What?” Maya’s eyes go wide. “They were having sex?”

“Apparently.” Vic answers. “And everybody knew about it.” She waves a hand in the air. “Well, not knew about it but-“

Carina comes over with the sandwich. She sits down in the chair next to Maya and slides the plate in front of her. “Eat.” She whispers.

“Thank you.” Maya looks over and smiles in thanks.

“It sounds like- and this is what Jo said- so I’m just repeating it- but-“ Carina looks over at Travis and Vic. They already discussed this, and how crazy it is, before Maya showed up. “It sounds like everyone in band had suspicions. That she, Meredith, was the class pet. Pet? Teacher’s pet. Si. And she was always in the band room or in his office before school, at lunch, after school, and during her study hall period.”

“Weren’t there other kids around?” Maya asks. “Like this was all out in the open?”

“Yeah.” Travis says. “That’s why it’s so crazy.”

“I guess it didn’t cross a line. Or no one saw it crossing a line, until they went on their yearly band trip. They went down to LA. On a bus. And apparently, they were sitting next to each other the entire time. I think it was the choir teacher who finally put everything today during the trip when he saw how she was acting, like, touching him and stuff. And he’s the one who reported it.” Carina explains what was told to her.

“That is crazy.” Maya thinks everything over. “And they have all those little rooms, practice rooms, down by the band room. Do you think they took advantage of that?”

“I know last year they had to start locking them cuz kids were going in there and graffitiing the walls and smoking and stuff. But Mr. Fischer was the one doing the locking, he had the keys.” Travis has a friend that he’s not too close with that is in band. He’s heard stories too. “Matt said that they cracked down on anything other than using those rooms for choir or band practice.”

“How long has this been going on?” Maya looks between Vic and Travis.

Travis shrugs.

“Over a year.” Vic adds. “But that’s just what we heard.”

“So, they were like having a secret relationship in front of everyone’s eyes?” Maya almost can’t believe it.

“Yeah.” Carina confirms. “I’m sure more will come out in the following days, but I can’t imagine being her. I just wouldn’t come back to school. Who does that? He has a wife and two young boys.”

“You’re blaming her?” Maya asks. “He’s the adult. The blame is on him.”

“Would you get involved with a teacher?” Carina raises an eyebrow.

“That’s gross. Eww.” Maya shivers.

“Not the point. But I think the blame should be equally on both of them. It takes two to tango. Even though she’s sixteen. He’s the teacher and he’s going to take all the blame. He’ll be charged and go to jail. Have to register as a sex offender. He won’t ever be a teacher again. His whole life as he knows it is over. He’s wife will probably divorce him. And she gets off scot-free. Well, maybe not entirely because everyone at school knows what happened. And she has to live with that, but her whole life isn’t ruined.”

Vic narrows her eyes at Carina. “You seem to know a lot about it.”

Carina shrugs. “I watch a lot of true crime shows. You guys ever watch Law & Order: SVU?” Carina gets three shakes of the head in return. “Great show. You should watch it.” She gets back to the main topic. “I’m just saying both of them are to blame. As crazy and ridiculous as it is.” She lifts her coffee cup to her lips.

It’s quiet for a moment as everyone processes.

“I just can’t believe it.” Travis mumbles. “It sounds like something that you see on a tv show or the news.”

“I’m sure it will be on the news.” Carina adds.

“Yeah, but to happen at our school.” Travis shakes his head.

Vic sees the topic bringing their group down. She wants to bring that joy back that Maya had when Carina picked her up and spun her around. “Let’s talk about something more positive.”

“Si. While we are all here, I want to invite you all to my graduation party. It’s that day, after graduation. I drew the short straw with Addison and Andy. Their parties are the next weekend.”

“You coordinated your parties?” Vic chuckles.

“Yeah.” Carina rolls her eyes. It wasn’t her idea. “Addison said, we can’t have our parties overlapping.”

“What about everyone else?” Vic asks.

“Apparently, it doesn’t matter. Because our three were going to be the most epic parties. It didn’t matter if everyone else’s overlapped.” Carina scoffs at her own words.

Vic laughs. “Oh, man.”

“Look, I know my other friends can be shallow and self-absorbed. It’s the entitlement. It’s gets to their heads. But they’re not bad people.” Carina taps her fingers against her cup.

Travis huffs out a frustrated breath.

“What’s up, Travie?” Carina asks with a curious little grin.

“I would like to invite all of you to my graduation party as well.” Travis begins with, huffing dramatically again. “And I have one problem. I need someone to be my girlfriend.”

Vic laughs.

“Why are you laughing? This isn’t funny. I told my parents I had a girlfriend, and they expect her to be there.”

Vic leans over and wraps her hands around Travis’ bicep. “I’ll be your girlfriend, Trav.”

Travis scoffs. “You can’t be my girlfriend. My parents know you. They know we are best friend. You’re over at my house all the time.”

Vic pouts and sits up in her chair properly again. “Rude.”

“And Maya can’t be my girlfriend either. They know you too.” He nods at Maya.

Maya is just trying to eat her sandwich. “And that means I can’t be your fake girlfriend, just because they know who I am?” Maya questions. That doesn’t make any sense to her.

“Yes.” Travis folds his arms over his chest.

“Aren’t you gay?” Carina asks.

Everyone stares at Carina.

“It’s not advertised, but yes.” Travis says wearily. “But my parents don’t know that.”

“Oh. I’ll be your girlfriend then.” Carina volunteers.

“What?” Maya squawks from Carina’s side.

“You got a problem with that, bella?” She smirks at Maya.

Maya spits and sputters. “I just- you- what about-

“Don’t be jealous, Maya, that Travis made Carina his girlfriend before you did.” Vic jokes.

Maya turns a bright shade of red. “I don’t-“ She gets up. “I have to use the bathroom.”

Vic and Travis laugh.

Carina frowns. “That wasn’t very funny. You know she’s sensitive.”

“Is she?” Travis asks.

“Okay, fine.” Carina throws her hands in the air. “Don’t make fun of Maya.” She points between them and gets up. “I’ll be right back.”

“Do you have to go to the bathroom too?” Vic can’t help herself.

Carina gives her a look to tell her to knock it off before going to find Maya.

Carina knocks on the bathroom door.

“Come in.” Maya is sitting on the closed toilet lid.

“You alright?”

Maya nods. “I just don’t like- can’t we just be us?”

Carina shuts the door and leans back against it. “We can be.”

“Yeah, but everyone else wants us to be something else.”

Carina sighs. “I don’t think it’s that. And maybe there is this expectation, but I don’t think it matters. If you want me to be your girlfriend, I will be. If you don’t like that label, then I don’t have to be. I can just be Carina DeLuca super smart, super sexy Italiana.” She chuckles and does a little shoulder shimmy.

It gets a little smile out of Maya. “It feels like there’s a pressure there.”

“Hey.” Carina moves closer. “Don’t listen to Travis and Victoria. They don’t count. What counts is you and me. That’s it. Not them or anybody else.” She holds out her hand. Maya takes it and stands up. “Shall we go back?” Maya nods and follows Carina back to the dining room.

They come back hand in hand.

“So, where were we?” Carina asks.

“Well, my girlfriend-” Travis folds his hands together and sets them on top of the table. “-I suggest that you come over the day of my party early to be meet my parents.”

Carina chuckles. “Sounds good.” She pats her hand over Maya’s hand that is in hers. “Any other requests?”

“No.” Travis shakes his head. “That should do.”

“I have to figure out when my party is going to be but it’s probably not going to be much.” Vic’s parents are busy at the restaurant. The party might even be at the restaurant. “But you are all invited.” Vic adds. “There will be lots of good food though, that’s for sure.” She turns towards Maya. “When’s your party, Maya?”

“I don’t think I’m going to have one.” Maya looks down at her hands with the admission.

“Why not, bella?” Carina asks.

Maya looks over at her like she’s crazy. Like Carina didn’t endure her father’s wrath. Like she doesn’t know what he’s capable of. Maya doesn’t want anyone else around that.

“I don’t know. I just. Everyone else is having parties. Everyone will be busy.” Maya also doesn’t want anyone to feel obligated to come to a party at her house. She knows it’s probably not worth it. Her parents won’t invite any relatives like most people would. And the only friends Maya has are in this room. She’s rather spend a Sunday morning here with them; than have them come over to her house and have to worry the whole time that it will end in disaster.

The discussion dies down after that. No one really wanting to comment on Maya lack of a party.

Vic and Travis leave after a little while when Travis says he has to help his mother cook for her book club for the following day.

“When do you have to be home?” Carina asks as she closes the front door.

Maya grins at her quick turn around, the devilish smile on her face. She knows she should go home right now. That will lead to the least suspicion. But she thinks that she could stay most of the afternoon and then run home and tell her dad that she was out running and working out in the park all afternoon. When Maya left her house she told him she was going to the park.

“I can stay a while.” She tucks her lower lip into her mouth.

Carina grins, impossibly bigger. “Come on.” She grabs Maya by the hand and races up the stairs with her.

Somehow, Maya ends up sitting in Carina’s lap, legs bent at the knees on either side of Carina as they make out. The Italian sitting with her back to the headboard, her legs long and extended in front of her.

“You should come with me to Addison’s party. She has a pool.” Carina has been thinking about asking Maya since they were talking about graduation parties earlier.

Maya frowns, putting a little space between herself and Carina, leaning back on her heels.

“What?” Carina asks, taking in the sad expression on Maya’s face.

“I want to but-“

Carina sighs. “Can’t your dad make an exception? There are tons of graduation parties that you can go to. That we can go to together. This isn’t going to happen ever again.” She runs her hands up and down Maya’s arms.

Maya closes the distance between them again, pressing her lips roughly against Carina’s, thrusting her tongue into Carina’s mouth. Carina moans, slips a hand up under the bottom of Maya’s tank top, splaying her fingers out across Maya’s stomach.

“Take your shirt off.” Carina mumbles and tries to push Maya’s shirt up.

“What?” Maya is stunned, she pulls away from Carina’s face. “No. You take your shirt off.”

Carina laughs. “Okay.”

Maya watches with wide eyes as Carina reaches for the bottom of her long sleeve t-shirt and pulls it up, pulling her back from the headboard so she can tug the shirt over her head. Maya licks her lips, swallowing hard, as her eyes rake over the newly exposed skin. Carina doesn’t look like she does. Carina is all slim and slender, hardly any muscle but instead long arms and legs. Her eyes roam Carina’s chest, the brunette’s bra hiding her most private parts.

“You can touch.” Carian whispers as she watches Maya stare at her chest.

Maya shakes her head, shaking away her thoughts. She looks up, into brown eyes, trying to determine if Carina is telling the truth.

“Here.” Carina reaches for Maya’s hand. “I know you know what a boob feels like-“ She laughs and puts Maya’s hand on the side of her boob.

“Yeah.” Maya finds her voice. “But this is different.” Her thumb strokes over fabric but then slips across olive skin. A certain electricity travels through Maya’s hand, it shakes a little. She holds tighter to try to prevent the shaking. “Take my shirt off.” She tells Carina because she knows she’s not brave enough to do it herself.

“Are you sure?” Carina can see the doubt in Maya’s eyes but Maya nods. “Okay.” She reaches for the bottom of Maya’s tank top, she lifts it effortlessly. Maya lifts her arms and Carina pulls the shirt up enough for Maya to pull her arms and then head through. She leans in then and presses a kiss to Maya’s shoulder. “There.” She sets the shirt next to them on the bed.

They are making out again and Carina’s hands roam Maya’s upper body. Maya’s skin tingles everywhere that Carina touches. The touch always gentle, soft.

But then Carina reaches up and takes each of Maya’s breast in her hands, with a gentle squeeze. Maya pulls away at that. She shivers and crosses her arms over her chest.

“What’s wrong? What happened? I’m sorry. I thought-“

Maya shakes her head. Carina didn’t do anything wrong. It was just a surprise and Maya didn’t expect it. “I’ve never- I’ve never done this before. That’s all.”

“I know.” Carina licks her lips. “I know, Maya.” She reaches up and cups her hand around Maya’s left ear. “It’s okay. If you’re not comfortable we’ll stop.”

Maya sighs and hangs her head. “I’m messing this up, aren’t I?”

Carina grins. “No. Not at all.”

“I give you one idea and then I make you stop.” Maya just wishes she could stick to one thing, focus and figure out how this all works but then there’s sexy, amazing Carina and her thoughts jumble and she gets nervous and panics.

“And that’s perfectly okay. Consent is a real thing. And if you aren’t ready to go further than making out that’s okay.”

Maya hums and nods.

“But for the record, I’m enjoying this.” Carina smiles when Maya looks up. She nods a little for Maya. “You are hot, and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want to do more with you. You can’t tell, but if I were a guy you’d know just how turned on I am right now.” She looks down at their laps.

“Carina!” Maya blushes profusely.

Carina laughs. “You’re kinda sitting right on top of me.” She thrusts her hips up a little.

“I’m sorry to disappoint then.” Maya groans and moves to get out of Carina’s lap.

“Hey, hey, hey.” Carina grabs her by the wrist. “Where are you going? I never said I wanted you to move.”

Maya shakes her head.

“Hey, just look at me.” Carina asks softly. She’s kind of gotten the hang of this Maya thing now. She knows the girl needs plenty of words of encouragement, words of affirmation, and words of assurance.

“You are-“ Carina shakes her head. “Beautiful.”

“No, I’m not.” Maya folds her arms over her chest again. “I don’t look like you.”

Carina raises an eyebrow. “Is that what this is about?” She makes a tisk tisk noise with her tongue. “I don’t want you to look like me. You shouldn’t look like me. You should look like you.”

“But I’m not skinny.” Her dad has her on a special diet and Maya knows it’s to keep in shape and fuel her body, but she always feels like she should be skinny with this diet. Isn’t that what a diet is about? To lose weight, to be skinny.

Carina sighs. “This stupid society that we live in.” She taps her head back against the wall behind herself. “You’re beautiful just the way you are. So maybe you aren’t super skinny. But Maya you’ve got a great body. You’ve got an athlete’s body. You’ve got muscle and you’re built different. There’s nothing wrong with that.”

“But I’ve got big boobs, other athletes don’t have that.”

Carina laughs. “You might be right about that though.” She wraps her arms around Maya and pulls her into a hug. “How about we just lay here for a while?”

Maya hums. “Okay.”


Maya snakes her arms out and around behind Carina, wrapping around her. “You really think I’m beautiful?”

“The most beautiful.”

Maya shifts, her legs moving to lay down more next to Carina than on top of her. “You make me feel safe.” She whispers.

Carina hums and kisses the top of Maya’s head. “Good.” She rubs her hand up and down Maya’s back.

“Like this is a safe place. Like I can tell you things that I can’t tell anyone else.” Maya rests her head on Carina bare chest, her cheek pressed to skin. Somehow, to her, this is easier than touching boobs or having boobs touched. Maya shifts a little so she can run her index finger over the top edge on the cup of Carina’s bra. She watches her finger run back and forth, back and forth. It’s soothing.

Eventually Maya falls asleep.

She awakes in a panic. Seeing the time, Maya knows that she has to get home. “Where’s my shirt?” She pops up and out of bed, searching the room.

“Hey, slow down.” Carina holds out the shirt. “It’s right here.”

Maya takes her tank top and slips it on. “I have to go.”

“Hey.” Carina gets up. “Let me drive you.”

Maya shakes her head, fear in her eyes. “He thinks I’m working out all afternoon. At the park. I need to be sweaty when I get home.”

Carina laughs a little. “You’re so funny.”

Maya frowns.

“Okay. Fine.” Carina puts an arm around Maya and the walk out of the bedroom. They are walking down the hall when Carina hears her father’s voice.

“Carina, chi è quello?”  (who is that?)

“Ah, si, papa. This is my friend Maya.” She turns around to see her father standing in his bedroom doorway, facing them.

“She is just heading home. We had brunch earlier. And then we were hanging out a bit.” Carina explains.

“Dov'è la tua camicia?” (Where is your shirt?)

Maya tries to wiggle out of Carina’s grasp, but Carina holds her steady.

“Oh, I got some syrup on it. I took it off and haven’t put a new one on yet.” Carina hopes he doesn’t inquire more about it.

“Okay. I will be joining you and Andrea for dinner tonight. Be sure to have a shirt on for that.” Vincenzo says and ducks back into his room.

Carina hums. “So, that was my dad.”

“He seems-“ Maya doesn’t know what to say.

“Aloof?” Carina chuckles. “Come on. We gotta get you home.”

“I said I’m running.”

“I know. I’m coming with you. Let me just get a sports bra.”

“What?” Maya isn’t sure what to think.

Carina shrugs like it’s no big deal. “Yeah, I’ve got one down in the laundry.”

“No, you’re coming with me? It’s like two miles from here to my house.” She’s still trying to process.

“Well, if I collapse and die on the way, it’s on you.” Carina jokes.

Maya frowns. “Can you run that far?” She doesn’t mean it in a negative, disrespectful way. She just needs to make sure that Carina can.

“I would be offended if I didn’t know what you mean. You came to my game the other night.” They reach the laundry room. Carina sifts through a pile of clean clothes that sit on top of the dryer. “I have to remember to take these up to my room later.” She slips her regular bra off and then pulls her sports bra on over her head. She chances a look at Maya, but Maya’s eyes are trained on the floor. “Okay, let’s go.”

They walk through into the living room. “Andrea, I will be back before dinner.”


“Bye.” Carina says.

“Bye, Maya.” Andrew replies.

Carina laughs. “That kid.”

They get outside. The sun is shining, it’s a warm May day. Hopefully, the crappy rainy spring days are over. “Should we stretch?” Carina doesn’t know what Maya’s procedure is.


The girls take a few minutes to stretch.

“We can go at your pace.” Maya suggests. She still can’t wrap her mind around Carina running with her.

“Good, I don’t think I could run at your Olympic pace.” Carina stretches her arms over her head.

Maya watches her, a little distracted by the fact that Carina still doesn’t have a shirt on.

They start the run and Maya stay true to her word and let’s Carina set the pace. They run the sidewalks of the neighborhoods until they are a few blocks from Maya’s house. “Okay. Enough.” Carina slows to a walk. “I can’t-“ She pants.

Maya chuckles.

“Acqua. Need water.” She sticks her tongue out at Maya.

Maya, in an unlikely move, puts a hand on Carina’s back. “I’ll bring you some.”

Carina grins over at her with a dopey smile, still trying to catch her breath. “How are you barely winded?”

“Lots of practice. Lots of conditioning. Come on.” She presses that hand against Carina’s back, guiding her.

Maya stops them on the corner of her block. “Stay here.” She pouts. “Please.”

Carina nods sadly. Before she knows it, Maya runs off towards the house. She is back in about a minute with a bottle of water. “Here you go.” Maya hands over the water. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” She leans in and presses a quick kiss to Carina’s cheek.

Carina is a bit surprised but smiles happily. “I’ll see you in the morning.” She winks. “Thanks for this.” She waves the water at Maya as Maya backs away before turns to run back to her house.

Maya finishes her homework and heads downstairs for something to drink before she goes to bed. It’s late and everyone else is asleep. It took her forever to finish her homework because she kept getting distracted by thoughts of Carina. Thoughts of them, shirtless, in Carina’s bed. She doesn’t know how Carina does it, but she always has a knack of saying the exact right thing. The thing that Maya needs or wants to hear. She has spent plenty of time thinking about all the wonderful things Carina has said to her today.

She goes over with her glass of water and picks up the phone off of its cradle. Maya finds the basement door and goes downstairs. She lays on the couch with her water in one hand and the phone in the other. She dials the numbers that she has memorized.

“Hello.” Carina answers groggily. She doesn’t hear anyone on the other end of the call but knows that only a few people have this number. “Hello.” She clears her throat.

“Hi.” Maya whispers.

“Maya. Is something wrong? You should be sleeping.” Carina panics that something has happened for Maya to be calling her in the middle of the night.

“Did I wake you?” Maya runs her index finger over the rim of her glass.


“I was finishing my homework. It took me forever. You want to know why?” Maya tries to sound smooth.

Carina can hears the little bit of tease in Maya’s voice. “Why?”

“Because I was too busy thinking about you.” Maya whispers and bites on her lip. “Carina, you’re stuck in my head.”

Carina giggles. “Good.” She smirks. “Cuz I think about you a lot of the time too.”

Maya sighs. “I’m sorry about this afternoon.”

“What do you mean?”

“I was all over the place.”

“Maya, don’t worry about it. Believe it when I say that. I don’t want to pressure you into anything. That’s not me.” Carina knows she needs to get Maya to believe it.

“I want to, I just- haven’t.” Maya swallows down the lump in her throat.

“I know, bella.” Carina sits up in bed, leaning against the headboard and yawning.

“Did you make it home okay?” Maya has also been thinking about that.

“I walked half the way back but yes. Thanks for the water, by the way, I don’t think I would’ve made it otherwise. The ambulance would have to come and scrape my pancake of a body off the sidewalk.” Carina chuckles.

“That’s not funny.”

“Okay, sorry.” Carina isn’t sure what else to say. “I’m happy that you called.”

“But I woke you up.” Maya is still worried about it.

Carina laughs. “You did. But I think I can think of a few ways you can make it up to me.”

“Oh?” Maya likes this game.

“Yeah.” Carina grins. “Right now, I’m thinking. Lots of baci.”

“What’s that?” Maya thinks she might know.

“Kisses. Lots of kisses, Maya. And maybe letting me take you out on a date.” Carina ventures.

“Tell me how it would go.” Maya wants to hear what Carina’s perfect date would be.

“This summer.” Carina starts. She dosen’t need to think about it much. She’s fantasized plenty of times what they would do if they went on a date, or were able to spend an entire day together. “When we don’t have school. I would take you out on a Monday or Tuesday night.”


Carina nods even though Maya can’t see her. “Friday and Saturday nights are cliché.”

Maya chuckles a little. “Okay.”

“We could do something first. Like, I don’t know, mini golf. Or maybe something more sophisticated like go to a museum or aquarium or somewhere educational. And then we’ll have dinner. And then go for a walk in the park. I would hope to hold hands. Just enjoying the evening. We could go to a late movie after that or just go home and watch a movie together on the couch. And then I would bring you up to bed and-“

“Carina.” Maya warns, not wanting Carina to say something like have sex. For as much as Carina says she doesn’t want to put pressure on Maya, she sure talks a lot about sex.

“What? I was going to say tuck you into bed, and kiss you goodnight, and go back downstairs, and get a snack, and sleep on the couch.” Carina laughs.

“You’re awful.” Maya says, but chews on her lip.

“It doesn’t matter what we do, Maya. I just want to spend time with you and give you my undivided attention.”

“I don’t know how you do it, but you make me feel special.” The butterflies in Maya’s stomach are doing summersaults.

“Because you are.” Carina sighs. “Bambina, you should get to bed. As much as I would love talking to you all night. I know that’s not possible. I will see you in the morning.”

Maya whines. “Fine.”

Carina chuckles a little. “Goodnight.”

“Night.” Maya mumbles.