
Face-Slapping System

Roland was just a normal college student living peacefully in an H-Grade City when he experienced his very first devastating heartbreak. He found out that his girlfriend of two years was cheating on him with the City Councilor’s son, she even embarrassed him in front of a lot of people. When Roland was already completely devastated and was already at his wits end, a virtual screen suddenly appeared in front of his eyes. [Requirements: Experience a devastating heartbreak(Completed)] [System bound!] [Congratulations for unlocking the Face-Slapping System!] Since then, Roland’s life has taken a complete turn. ************** ************** Discord Server: https://discord.gg/Db2ePntQRK Support the Author: Paypal: paypal.me/stiffstick12

StiffStick · 都市
248 Chs

Speculations, Finally Back

'Could it be that C-Grade Cities and above are home to extraordinary people?'

As he arrived at this thought, Roland thought that the possibilities were high. Although he did not know their reason for staying all at those C-Grade Cities, right now, Roland was not willing to find out yet.

He thought that his strength might not be enough yet, so he doesn't want to think too much about it, lest it would manifest to him.

As for the reason why Stacey did not know about the existence of the extraordinary, Roland could think of many reasons, such as her parents wanting to isolate her from harm for having curiosity towards these dangerous matters.

At this moment, Roland and Stacey still did not know that the 'hearsay' and guess actually contained the truth.