
Frescia's household

Aigo was the second son of Sir. Frescia. Their resemblance was so uncanny that people call him the "Reincarnation of Frescia" He has full curly hair, a pair of beautiful dark eyes, thin body and attractive set of teeth. He was perfect.

His older brother Ellis doesn't look as good as Aigo but he doesn't care either. He didn't receive enough attention from people the way they shower it on his younger brother, even from his own father. He always wished his mom was alive to maybe share a genuine motherly love with him. Although, that's not the case with Ma Scholastica. She is the mother of Sir. Frescia, a fine rich woman who took Ellis as her own son and cherish him dearly.

Sir. Frescia sat at his balcony with Judah theasong, his personal guard and friend eating grape and figs and drinking wine. He watched over his land and properties from the Altitude of his tower and smiled over his achievement of a man in his late 50's..

He is an Entrepreneur who deals on Fabric and metals. Due to the competition in his homeland he made a trip across the sea to a foreign land with other entrepreneurs, A large mass of land was sold to them by the Rulers of Norland. He lost his wife to pneumonia and have to take care of his two sons alone but Ellis his first son was thick skinned and instead of manhandling him, he sent Ellis to his mother when he was 8 and took care of Aigo, whom he deemed precious in his tower. He has 30 maids and hundreds of workers in his factory and donate money to the locals seasonally..

"If I die today, I would die happy knowing that I achieved all these in life and also happy to pass them to my offspring", he claims.. Judah smiled and confirms "indeed, but are you sure your children can hold onto these achievements without losing it to the locals?". Sir frescia became quiet while thinking loud, he was thinking about his two sons.. he thought about Ellis, his first son. "He's almost 25 now, he can handle my properties with your help, Judah". drops his glass of wine. " I took an oath to always stand by you till death and that means anything that bears your name, my good sir" Judah reassures.

Meanwhile, Aigo is in the garden with his childhood sweetheart "Isoen". She's exceptionally beautiful and her father was one of the entrepreneurs Sir. Frescia brought to "Norland". Aigo and Isoen has a special romance that looks like a perfect fairy love story, everybody knows they're in love and so has it been.

Aigo came close to her from behind, smelt her hair and softly said "You're my woman every day, every season, during crisis, during merriment, in sickness and good health till death do us part" kissing her head.

Isoen who was staring at the sun, turn around to him and say"You're my Man everyday, every season, during crisis, during merriment, in sickness and good health till death do us part" and they both kissed while the sun which is setting in the east stood distantly at them watching them with a rich red smile, the birds of the gardens flew above them in admiration and the butterflies circled them in approval but they were not alone in the garden because there was a third party and he doesn't look happy. It was Ellis.