
F&H Termina: casual chaos

A average guy gets his wish of going to another world only the world he got was one of the cruellest ever existed

Abyssal_Muse · ゲーム
1 Chs

Life sucks so I left



fuck fuck fuck 

* bang 

I can feel it, I can hear it, bullets whizzing past and slamming into trees around me filled with malintent and very much trying to turn my head into a popped ballon.

"Come out "

"don't make it any harder than it needs to you're a dead man no matter what I must honour the festival... "

 you might be wondering how I got into this predicament and running through the woods like a b horror movie protag. 

it started years ago even before my current state.

I was a normal kid in my early days growing up hating school, vegetables and acting rebellious against my split-up parents, but I had a normal upbringing never too rich or poor just somewhere shifting between the two that being said life was monotonous and the people around me were all good people but that school of thought was common learning to differentiate between the more genuine were the real skill that I wished that I learned earlier, several regretful things could've been avoided then. (you are toughened up and have 25 extra body points but suffers paranoia)

suddenly monotony and shallowness went hand in hand in everyday life where only grey existed, I asked questions I didn't care for the answer to and acted happy in a group I felt no real connection at it was a time where it was fuzzy and a time that can only be described as going through a mist filled road directionless, liminal.

That is high school a miniature society where life goes on regardless of how an individual may have felt Afterall the personal can't become the mass' problems that's simply being obnoxious, this is where the premise of society ingrained itself upon me as a deep fundamental understanding of the different human behaviours. (you learned skill advanced psychoanalysis)

but what does this have anything to do with me? nothing much only raised more questions to what that meant for me or my future, so I looked for an out anything to break the monotony and delved out of reality and into fiction whether it's an adventure filled fantasy a gritty dark horror shows or a serious dystopian future, sinking deeper into a hole that I never realised I was falling deeper in.

in that lowest point of life, I was fresh out of high school and moved out at the first chance I got 

fell deeper into anime, games, media of different genres while attending university making friends using a facade of someone who's pretending to be respectful, mature and down to earth guy who seems to have it all figured out a shining figure and enlightening to those who have yet found their way in life in a way it was a guilty pleasure of mine to appear as such.(You learned skill friendly aura)

but only the exact opposite was true in the dorm I called home a small room that contained a bed a wardrobe and a pc setup were a place where countless hours I spent in media games and other things sinking myself into a deeper and deeper abyss.

at this low point I had truly sunk to the bottom where the silt and dirt would lay in calm lakes or dams while those from above only see the crystal-clear waters my visions have become murky unclear and lost what was the purpose of life?

to some this was totally living the life they dreamed to waste away into nothingness but for me who dreads monotony it was a torture that hurt more than anything else.

It was then that life truly changed something in my mind just snaped and suddenly i felt i had been sleeping all my life and suddenly woke up.

"yo Asher it's me miles, you done this week's assessment yet man?" miles was someone in university i had met though he acts friendly our relationship as friends goes only as far as someone who you'd greet or work together but that's all.

"it's done man finally after hours of hard work" 

"For real man glad we got it done though"

"that's true feels great to not have to worry about due assessments"

"Amen to that Asher bro" "by the way I'm thinking drinks with our friends to celebrate you in?"

"Nah man got more stuff to do sorry"

" Come on Asher you do this every time man come drink with us even just once "

I contemplated for a while but ultimately decided to go to maintain my image 

"Alright then when is it?"

"Wait for real you actually agreed? holy shit"

"don't make it sound like I'm some kinda hermit, asshole"

" yeah, yeah whatever 8:45 pm at the indigo bar see you there man".

Tired I hopped on bed to rest my eyes only sleep never came so internally as soon as I climbed in bed I hopped back up and sat before my computer and booted up fear and hunger termina.

I finished the game on multiple occasions trying out each character different playstyles, lore of the game and personal history of each character. to say I was obsessed with this game would be an understatement the world of the game entrances me like an enchantress to the way the game is played very much like its predecessor the dungeon-based story testing the minds and luck of a person to make the process of playing both frustrating and deeply rewarding. The places that it shines most is the problem-solving mechanics that goes from frustrating to enlightening when you achieve new knowledge to interact with new things in this world.

I noticed the familiar face of marina popped up holding a dagger first and looked to my replica steel knife and behind her the city of Prehevil and of course the face of the moon and trickster god Rher. (you have gained combat knife)

only the continue button was missing...

there's no options for setting nor any of the usual options when loading in 

this is weird...



I chose to quit out and try to restart it only...

'You can't quit Afterall because I said so and I want the same thing as you ;)'

what is this, how can this be what is all this the game is... talking to me?

' But I don't think you'd want to quit anyways, Afterall your life'

I knew where whatever this thing was going to say, and I hated it 

' Monotonous? don't you think?'

'wouldn't you like to escape somewhere even if that place was hell?'

 'How about you press that <NEW GAME> and find out what it means?'

I... didn't know how to think ... what to say

but I knew anywhere was better than 'here'

so, I shook the metaphorical devil's hand, and the world went dark and in that moment my mind finally awoke from trudging into the murky depth of my world. (you are given 'smartphone', and skinbible-****)

(warning you have attracted the attention of the gods of this world and will be observed carefully by several)

The screeching of metal wakes me and I open my eyes 

Infront of me was the couch like red seat and beyond that further away in another row of seat

was a Japanese man in a business suit calmly dozing off with his suitcase besides him.

I blinked

I was in fear and hunger and my mind was empty.

first chapter done really did alot of character building on Asher's life similar to how you get a breif overview of a character's life in fear and hunger original and termina but since it has real life elements it's slightly different and longer.

Abyssal_Musecreators' thoughts