
Eyes: Earth Personality

Blurb: The novel contains allegories, symbolism, metaphors, imagery, and similes regarding how life is connected, and how the narrator's story tells the haunting yet beautiful tale of her life and how she fights. The narrator, Daisy, transforms and shares her story with her spiritual journey, and how she no longer recognizes the physical world. The collection "Eyes" explains how flawed humanity is and how because of the bad things people do, they face consequences unknown to the naked eye. The narrator's eyes are everywhere, even if she cannot physically see what is happening. The novel details the unusual phenomena that takes place when someone must be taught a lesson, and when their vices do not always work in their favor. Destruction takes place when people blame others for their actions, hurt others, and cannot stop the oddities thrown in the way. The narrator's eyes are always watching and may even hunt you. What will you do? Tags: #Goth, #Romanticism, #Spirituality, and #MagicalRealism. Written: 2020

PvpleMxn · ファンタジー
36 Chs

Stupid Blonde

Whenever I see this girl walk past me

Something that she holds resonates with me.

I've already asked why am I the chosen one?

So, this poem will encompass the reasons why Ken drives his Barbie throughout my town:


I'm everything people cannot be nor have,

I don't have people pretending that they like my identity

I can appreciate that I intimidate the sheep,

And these sheep make it obvious that they shiver whenever I peek.


I guess her friends, her boyfriend, and her family members tolerate her

This stupid blonde is such the storyteller

She catfishes but eats the tail,

I don't appreciate The Ladybug Complex:


You cannot pin me down like the perverted men

I'm not who you believe

Stop making me bleed,

You're a little leech.


I hope you find my beautiful poetry

As you'll know how I view thee.

I'm very mean,

I smirk while writing out my feelings.


If you ever read this rhyme

You'll realize you'll never be a dime

As you're pathetic and worthless

Your addiction takes over what's left.


You'll never get a refreshment,

I don't tolerate nonsense

You're so vain and petty,

Eat yourself and die, rot like the rest!


You're the blood-sucking disease,

The energy vampire that everyone lets drink

I'm so mean that I won't give you a chug,

You won't even eat:


How will you get your vanity-feed?


People like you wonder why I'm so mean

Understand that you make me angry

Stop obsessing over my pretty wings,

Because I'll mirror your energy and ruin your destiny.


Tell me how this shall end,

Nothing you choose will make me your friend,

You're a fiend, a lonely weed,

This is the part where you beg and scream.