
Eye of Shadow

A world for a stage and people for puppets, seldom do they free themselves from their forced destiny's. A journey of a 150 tears and 150 false redemptions. The truth once assumed concealed is the passing joy of another, or the mocking call of the many. They are followed by the world of old viewing upon them eternal judgement, and total alienation from their past inner and outer being.

wizard_zez · ファンタジー
179 Chs


After getting Vera set up Gus showed Vera basic positions for blocking, attacking and dodging, all new to Vera who never tried a spear beforehand.

(Gus)"That is better, now do as I say got it?"


(Gus)"Block this!"

The sword stopped just short of the stomach, it was a slow steady swing that showed its direction in the arc in went. But Gus had to stop it, Vera didn't stop the blow at all using the block.

(Gus)"Your reaction is too slow, we got to train you from the scratch."

(Gus)"Block! Do it again!"

(Gus)"Now dodge, no the other way!"

(Gus)"Your attacks couldn't keep you safe from a stray dog, put more weight into it!"

It was hard training that last for the full remaining hour, Gus wasn't giving any breaks as sweat kept beating down on Vera. It was hard but very rewarding, Vera could feel the improvement genuinely from the training.

Walking back Vera bumped into Mereth who was coming toward the apprentice training hall, and saw the worry on her face.

(Mereth)"They spotted the cult's army, we have an emergency meeting now we must get to. Follow me."

Walking into the meeting room together Vera was stumbling hard from the high heels and exhaustion, so she sat in the back on a chair against the wall.

(Mereth)"They are closing in, in less then six days we will be forced to confront them. I advise we move to attack first, they are in unfamiliar terrain."

The dark knight senior was leading the discussion again, without Gus by his side chair for apprentice. The Senior blood mage was also discussing but Vera noticed that Rick was absent for some reason, and so were many other apprentices.

(Blood Mage)"No, we cannot afford a failed offensive right now. We should force them into a bottleneck that appear closer to the fortress then finish them off."

(Dark Knight senior)"But what if they have information of the area, they won't be fooled into it easily."

(Blood Mage)"We can trust our informants would have reported they had such people knowledgeable of the local land, these stupid cults can't grasp anything other than smash what they see."

The official leader Monroe Phillip was panicking previously, until Mereth started comforting him whisper who knows what into his ear. Nobody bothered with the two, as the senior dark knight and senior blood mage decided the war plan together.

(Dark knight senior)"That settles it, in three days we march to war. Until then we will destroy any paths that don't bottleneck, they will be slaughtered like rats."