
Eye of Shadow

A world for a stage and people for puppets, seldom do they free themselves from their forced destiny's. A journey of a 150 tears and 150 false redemptions. The truth once assumed concealed is the passing joy of another, or the mocking call of the many. They are followed by the world of old viewing upon them eternal judgement, and total alienation from their past inner and outer being.

wizard_zez · ファンタジー
179 Chs

The line


"Get in!"

They had to duck inside cavities when the enemy got near, they were throwing grenades into the trenches. They didn't always explode immediately, some took a few seconds. The enemy would toss one into the trench and jump in alone.


A bandit looking guy jumped out of a cavity smashing an axe into the neck of a man who jumped in alone, while the enemy jumped in alone the entire trench was stuffed waiting for them. The grenades they hoped to clear them out, instead failed, even exploding at times in their own hands.

Vera quickly made new undead out of dead body she grabbed, she hacked off each finger quickly making a full undead each out of them. She sent them charging at soldiers with grenades tackling them, with the sudden impact they would both explode. She realized the grenade carriers had bags on their waist, where they would pull them out.

"Shoot the ones with the waist bags! Throw rocks at them only!"

With her new order, a rock smashed into one near a trench about to throw a grenade when it hit him. A big explosion happened, both him and the soldiers near him were dead with some screaming on the floor. Impact grenades made from highly volatile black powder were basically suicide, either the detonator would go off from a impact or the black powder would.

The enemy started slowing down, they started shouting at each other seeing the gruesome battle. They tried to shoot into the trenches but they had to get very close to do so, the few that tried got killed quickly. A long spear was used to stab at people near the trench while arrows shot at people going to aim at them.

"We aren't paid enough for this, I am leaving!"

"Yea, the hell kind of job is this!"

"You can't leave I paid you all!"

"You get in the damn trenches then fat boy!"

Arguing was loud and clear, something was going on but Vera was too focused on holding the frontline. The shouts started going away, and soon the trench turned quiet again. The enemy stopped, they pulled back for whatever reason.

"Get in the bunkers! Bring the wounded, we will probably get shelled soon!"

Vera tirelessly made more undead, she raised another hundred and sent them around the frontline trench. The enemy left a bloody battlefield, with some of their wounded left behind. She sent a few undead to drag them back, meanwhile everyone got ready to be shelled.