
Eye of Shadow

A world for a stage and people for puppets, seldom do they free themselves from their forced destiny's. A journey of a 150 tears and 150 false redemptions. The truth once assumed concealed is the passing joy of another, or the mocking call of the many. They are followed by the world of old viewing upon them eternal judgement, and total alienation from their past inner and outer being.

wizard_zez · ファンタジー
179 Chs

Royal Hammer

(Issac)"I would like to present to you the Royal Hammer as we call it!"

The tent was yanked away behind him, in its place was a fixed on the floor 100-ton cannon that was black. It was a front loader, and it still used black powder.

(Noble2)"My god!"

(Noble3)"That size, would it destroy the mountain?!"

Compared to the small cannons his knights were firing for their display, it was like the world of difference. One was on wheels and could be moved, this one was a massive hulk of metal that looked deadly.

(Issac)"Please close your eyes, and cover your ears for this grand display!"

He waved his hand down, and it fired. It slammed down into the mountain, they picked a spot that was holding a large portion of the cliff off the wall. So it was far more impactful than first thought, the earth felt like it shook a little from it.

(Issac)"This weapon can defend you and your loved ones from any enemy, but you cannot take it to battle easily. It must be mounted to the floor, like we have done here!"

He showed it off, walking around with nobles.

They all signed to purchase ten of them, as it was limited for ten each. The techniques on gunpowder were sold to them with their first cannon, and any information Rohn knew about it was shared openly.

Later that day going back home on the carriage he was looking through Rohns proposals, he gave him a notebook filled with ideas to be built. Issac just had to pick which one he wanted, everything he knew was written down. From basic steam engines, to how a radio signal worked.

(Issac)"He claimed to me that he never invented it all, he just learned it in a far distant land. We should begin war preparations against this land, if they can reach us with Rohn they can reach us with their armies."

His head of knights was sitting near him listening diligently, he was dead serious.

(Head knight)"Should we torture Rohn for information on them?"

(Issac)"No, Rohn gave his everything including this book too."

He held up another one, it was made by Rohn by his request. It was everything the modern world used for the military he knew about. How it functioned, how it was made was also put into it with his best ability. It was a nearly several hundred page book, made just for him.

(Issac)"The things called airports are terrifying, if we let them build one here we would be slaughtered helplessly as they rain bombs on us. But they can also build them in distant lands, he says, and attack from there to here."

(Head Knight)"What should we do then?"

(Issac)"We slaughter all who dare to build one, no matter the place. We must build one for ourself too, so we can rain bombs on them instead!"

He was well aware of the issues of flight now, he had Rohn sit with his top scholars of the family to explain it in detail. They knew it needed a certain level of force to push and maintain it, the amount was unknown. They knew it needed wings that were sloped by why exactly they didn't, but they trusted Rohn since he never tried to hide it.