
Eye of Shadow

A world for a stage and people for puppets, seldom do they free themselves from their forced destiny's. A journey of a 150 tears and 150 false redemptions. The truth once assumed concealed is the passing joy of another, or the mocking call of the many. They are followed by the world of old viewing upon them eternal judgement, and total alienation from their past inner and outer being.

wizard_zez · ファンタジー
179 Chs


(Stanger1)"Put that over there, careful it's fragile!

Putting down a set of glass in box his labour was moving material in the workshop, it was hard work for everyone inside the shop but he didn't mind since it filled his life passion. Rohn was proud of the road he paved and how he did it alone in this world.

After arriving in this world like everyone else he was forced through the whole fiasco with CJ and the supplies, he wasn't involved with CJ but seeing how desperate people were for stepping over each other in that place made him sick. It was depressing to watch a child get robbed by an adult for a simple lunch, sick of them all he left their town and walked away for good.

After he left he hitch hiked on wagons to who knows where, eventually he reached a port city and somehow got on board a ship after teaching the crew a new boat tying technique knots he learned as a kid. It was thrilling to say the least, traveling while completely alone with nobody to stop him or no clue in destination.

(Rohn)"It is amazing how things just work out in life."

(Stranger2)"What was that boss?"

(Rohn)"Nothing, go get that material from the vendor we need it now!"

He was lucky enough to find another ride after disembarking from voyage, it was a walled off city he settled in after learning on the road of it. It was a city state that was busy trying to expand its commerce and industry since it was positioned well near active war zones.

Being one for risk he put together what he could and started selling anything he could, since he knew carpentry he made a good amount using more advanced techniques then they knew how. But he soon saw copy cats so he moved to other industries, and got into everything he could.

But what felt like a hopeless endeavor actually got him renowned credit as a persistent inventor, who may not always succeed but never gave up. He got a royal loan directly from the Zotts family that ruled the entire city for a little shop, and he tried his best to not disappoint them.

At first he tried showing off different techniques for storing foods, and got some mild praise from their family evaluator, sending him some decent revenue. But after he thought about what he could make, he decided to try making it anyway for fun.

It instantly put him into protection from the Zotts family and he was given an enormous budget to experiment more, he made a functioning hand grenade using simple gunpowder and his knowledge in making IED explosives. It was impact generated explosives, and they quickly began mass production without him needing to do anything.

(Rohn)"They really liked that one, it was just a stupid idea I recalled for fun too. The guns didn't receive such feedback though."