
Eye of Shadow

A world for a stage and people for puppets, seldom do they free themselves from their forced destiny's. A journey of a 150 tears and 150 false redemptions. The truth once assumed concealed is the passing joy of another, or the mocking call of the many. They are followed by the world of old viewing upon them eternal judgement, and total alienation from their past inner and outer being.

wizard_zez · ファンタジー
179 Chs


She stood in the center of the field of their camp, next to her was coincidentally the same pillory spot she was tied to not long ago. This time everyone was looking at her differently, she was waiting for everyone to gather before speaking.

"We will march soon to the entry of the mountains and hold a path, during that time I will lead you all! I know we had our past, but I want to move forward for all our survival."

"Who made you in charge?"

"Yea, shut up already and get on your knees!"

They weren't listening, they didn't care about her goal or mission. She knew the direction it was going so she let out her undead, and quickly they shut up when they saw how many.

"Either I execute you here or you obey me understood?! I will reward those who listen, you should know my rewards first hand already!"

They realized she was serious, but they also were glad she still would reward them. Afterall they all enjoyed a turn with her already, they knew how good it was. The base commander couldnt be seen in the mix, so she went back to talking to them all.

"I want you all to round up everything for digging in the ground, anything that we could use. We are going to make trenches to live in for the next year! So bring any supplies you can for construction, we might be stranded at this place."


"I don't want to go, it sounds like a pain."

"Yea, she should go with all her undead."

The group wasn't happy but began preparing like she order, she went to find the commander of the base. She didn't even know his name and she always called him master, however she couldn't find him anywhere. After spending all day working on getting these men ready, she knew she only had around two hundred soldiers.

"Good girlie, take it easy now."

"Yea just sit back, we can help you."

She was sitting down looking over everything while two of the people that were responsible for her slave training were fawning over her, she tried to chase them away but they kept coming back. They were very pushy and kept rubbing her back and speaking to her softly, it gave her the creeps.

"Get out already! I am not some slave, I am the leader of the base!"

"It's okay girlie, calm down."

"We just want you to relax, that's all."

She was angry and unable to kill them thanks to the blood mage, so they kept coming at her. She was so vexed at them she didn't care and tried to take her mind off it looking at the base nearby, the two smiled at each other when they saw her still drinking the drugged cup.

They were drugging her up again, and she didn't realize it because of their antics. They could tell the previous obedience training in her made her have reluctance to order them to go away, instead she pleaded to them to leave. The base commander never let go of the plan and was trying to finish it, she assumed he fled after she got into power.