
Eye of Shadow

A world for a stage and people for puppets, seldom do they free themselves from their forced destiny's. A journey of a 150 tears and 150 false redemptions. The truth once assumed concealed is the passing joy of another, or the mocking call of the many. They are followed by the world of old viewing upon them eternal judgement, and total alienation from their past inner and outer being.

wizard_zez · ファンタジー
179 Chs


Gallantly striding into the city on a white steed, he held in one hand a tosser rifle. Ilnor led a group of knights all wearing clean polished armor as they paraded through the city, as he passed by his soldiers in the back handed out sweets to children and sang holy chants.

"Victory, not just for me but for the Zotts family."

"The parade is nice, the kids keep trying to follow it."

A few people commented watching it all, they were in the Zotts family city. Ilnor was parading through town to show his victory and close relation with the family, it was a thank you for the aid. He did it for several hours making sure to see the whole city, then went to their family castle. Walking inside far less formerly, he hugged Issac in a friendly manner.

"Thanks to you, my position is secure and we are victorious."

"Oh no my friend, it was because of your willingness to go to great heights that you won we merely gave you a slight nudge."

The Zotts family wanted a close contact they could use in the church, an archbishop who felt he owed them was beyond ideal. They invested hard into his victory, even paying for his mountain adventure. They both happily chatted and sat down drinking while overlooking the city from a tower view.

"Where is Rohn, I must satisfy my end of the bargain with him."

"He is here, should I summon him?"

"Yes, I have this for him."

Ilnor held an official scroll in his hands, it was genuine. Issac quickly ordered someone bring Rohn over, he knew it was bound to happen.

"Also bring over your sister that he loves,you know the one."

Issac smiled, he liked where this was going already.

"No problem."

Rohn arrived first looking at the view first then at them confused. Ilnor stood up and began speaking seriously.

"Thanks to your great weapons, and sharing your knowledge I have come home a champion beyond any imagination. As promised, your hand in marriage to the princess is secure. You are now an honorary bishop without any power."

It was a social status, made for nobles to rank higher. It allowed someone in a distant city state to reach a respected level of status. Nobles would try hard to earn the churchs favor for it, it was not passed down but given to them for their own personal deeds. The scroll showed Rohn's full name despite him not saying it, and was signed by Ilnor and someone else.

"The pope himself signed it, he hopes that you can share all your knowledge in the future as well."

"Sure, not a problem!"

Rohn was smiling holding the scroll, he was pumped and didn't notice someone else entered the room. Issac smiled and gestured for them to get closer, and the person went up to him. Rohn looked up and saw the younger princess, she was in her early teens with her blond hair decorated with flowers. Rohn was puzzled why she was here, but the dots connected when he saw Ilnor's cunning smile.