
Eye of Shadow

A world for a stage and people for puppets, seldom do they free themselves from their forced destiny's. A journey of a 150 tears and 150 false redemptions. The truth once assumed concealed is the passing joy of another, or the mocking call of the many. They are followed by the world of old viewing upon them eternal judgement, and total alienation from their past inner and outer being.

wizard_zez · ファンタジー
179 Chs

Feeding NSFW

(Author's note 1, all NSFW chapters are skippable. These chapters can get very graphic, character development will still occur but it will be minimal. Anything skipped will be referenced later on but using far less vulgar descriptions.)

(Author's note 2, in all NSFW Vera uses she, and her for pronouns.)

(Mereth)"For the next three days you won't feed until we set up your first feeding."

(Vera)"Will I be okay? Not feeding for three days?"

Nodding, she was smiling happily at the question.

(Mereth)"Normally you will want to feed daily, but don't worry you can go months even without it. But for your first time it will be special, so you will be alright."

The next after not feeding Vera was feeling hot, and was often uncomfortable in her clothing pulling at it. Watching the changes happen Mereth told Quela to hurry and pick the partner already, the station was ready for Vera.

By the second day she was very sensitive to touch and was feeling hot non stop, but unable to understand she asked Mereth if she getting sick but she just smiled.

At the third day they still hadn't gotten a partner ready, but she was ready. She struggled to listen to necromancy class and kept feeling her body unable to figure out the cause.

(Quela)"I got the partner ready, bring her to the station."

(Mereth)"Finally, Vera looked ready to have sex with a corpse at this rate. She had no idea why but I kept her studying the male organ everyday, that naïve side is still so much fun."

Going to knock at Vera's door and getting no response she saw on her bed she was trying to play with herself, but it was crude and not working.

(Mereth)"Vera, I got you something you need follow me."

(Vera)"Ha, ha, ha for me? What is it?"

(Mereth)"Just follow behind me dear, it won't be long."

The two went to the third door in the living and went in the back where a black curtain was around a hole in the wall.

(Mereth)"Open your mouth and close your eyes, don't bite no matter what understand?"

(Vera)"Yeah, I get it already."

The smell coming from the hole and its surrounding made her excited but she controlled herself and opened her mouth with her eyes closed. She felt poke her face from the wall like a warm finger, confused she kept eyes closed but the smell drove her nuts.

(Mereth)"Put your mouth on that."

Putting a hand behind her head Mereth softly pushed her open mouth on it, and instantly once the precum was tasted she began to suck sloppily on it.

(Mereth)"That's right, suck it out…. Just like that, hey no peeking!"

She was going to open her eyes but Mereth put her hands on her eyes, and kept pushing her face on it keeping her from pulling out.

(Mereth)"Now, swallow don't spill any out or else! Good girl, just like that. You can open your eyes when you finish swallowing."

Swallowing eagerly it tasted familiar, recalling the white potion she realized was the source. Thinking of cow udders and milkers she thought and tried pull more out from the base like in the videos.

(Mereth)"Eager aren't we? I think you milked him dry though, you can give it a rest now."

Him? Her head was clear now and she opened her eyes slowly with her mouth deep in, at first it was just pube hair but looking at the familiar sight it was penis and a big one at that.

(Mereth)"Hey! Don't bite! I can see that expression, pull out slowly and gently!"

Yanking away Vera was trying to cough it out, but it was swallowed deep. She could only glance at the penis as it pulled inside the wall and disappeared, anguish and confliction filled Vera's heart.