
Eye of Shadow

A world for a stage and people for puppets, seldom do they free themselves from their forced destiny's. A journey of a 150 tears and 150 false redemptions. The truth once assumed concealed is the passing joy of another, or the mocking call of the many. They are followed by the world of old viewing upon them eternal judgement, and total alienation from their past inner and outer being.

wizard_zez · ファンタジー
179 Chs


His hands were covered in blood, with unsteady hands he kept trying but everytime it was the same answer!

(Mereth)"It's off, again. You need a break, come on, wash your hands and get something to drink."

Walking up the sink that was near the chalkboard he kept trying to get the blood off but it was stuck leaving red marks on his hands, the sensation of cutting flesh was still vivid in his mind. It was so easy to cut, just looking at the skin of his hands as he was cleaning made it feel like they could tear at just a little tear.

(Mereth)"Here drink, you still have yet to get used to it."

(Vorruck)"How, how do you get used to cutting flesh."

Sighing she handed him a cup as drank it trying to flush his mind out of the place, to somewhere else. It didn't taste like water, and looking into it was milk but he shrugged it off and kept drinking.

(Mereth)"Everyone has that natural limit, the point of cutting another person is naturally past it. But through repeated exposure to death, and war in general you get used to it."

(Vorruck)"I think I get it, so just don't stop?"

Nodding she walked back over to the corpse, the upper body was completely covered in failed drawn sigils and the blood covered it, making a gorey sight. But as the one responsible he didn't feel too disgusted, instead he felt frustration looking at all the failures.

After resting for a bit he finished his drink and picked back up the odd knife and began to cut down the lower body, he gave it his all focusing more on getting it right then the fact it was a corpse he was working on.

(Mereth)"Stop, it's lunch, let's get something to eat."

(Vorruck)"Alright, my wrist feel tired doing this non-stop."

Washing his hands with the cold water didn't really make them any cleaner, the red blood stained them and his fingernails had dried blood underneath them from touching the body. Exiting the room exhausted he sat back down at the same table with Mereth, they ate the same sweets again for lunch with milk again. He was too tired and hungry to care what it was he was going to eat, just something edible was fine.

(Mereth)"You need to use your full arm when you cut, not your wrist for everything."

(Vorruck)"I understand teacher"

He just sat listening to her give advice as he kept eating, she piled sweets on his plate again even when he devoured them all.

Afterwards he got back in the room with the corpse and kept trying to cut the sigil into it. But even after he did cut all over it he still hadn't gotten it yet, so they flipped it over to start again.

(Mereth)"The depth in your cuts are correct now, it's just you need more stable hands to make it work. We can stop now for today if you want to."

(Vorruck)"No, I'll get it this time."

After spending hours on it all day he got it, it was drawn on the right arm tricep with extremely detailed lines.

(Mereth)"Now funnel your dark energy into it, slowly otherwise the corpse will explode."

The corpse began to make movements slowly as he kept pushing in dark energy into it.

(Mereth)"Give it the command to stand, you don't need to explain too deeply to it. The corpse can access basic action memory's, but not complex ones."

After giving the command it pushed itself out and gradually stood and faced Mereth and Vorruck.

It was a rough site, bloody cuts all over the body like it was some crazy ritual.

Both fear and pride filled him as he looked, it reminded him of that fateful zombie that chased him away that time.