
Eye of Shadow

A world for a stage and people for puppets, seldom do they free themselves from their forced destiny's. A journey of a 150 tears and 150 false redemptions. The truth once assumed concealed is the passing joy of another, or the mocking call of the many. They are followed by the world of old viewing upon them eternal judgement, and total alienation from their past inner and outer being.

wizard_zez · ファンタジー
179 Chs

Awkward Moment

The next few days Vera was studying necromancy like any other, but at night the bell always went off once.

It wasn't ever mentioned by Mereth or Quela so Vera thought it remained secret. After several days of doing that, he only thought of himself as a guy at day but during the night a girl.

(Mereth)"You should follow up on Gus's offer to study combat with him, it would keep you alive at war."

(Vera)"Okay, sounds good."

Nodding seriously, Mereth was certain Gus was perfect. Unlike Vera's friend Rick who wouldn't do anything to her Gus has already tried to.

(Mereth)"Before you go and start any combat training with him I will teach you the essentials every succubus knows. These methods will save your life more than once, and you must know them in the coming war."

Seriously nodding Vera was in the living room with Mereth, they were hanging out together like usual but got up for the special training .

(Mereth)"First the core essential, if a person was already in your vicinity and you are cornered you will surrender immediately. However, never ever do it to a female, they will not be charmed and will kill you there run instead."

(Vera)"That's it surrender? And run of its female?!"

Not changing her seriousness, Mereth began to lecture.

(Mereth)"Some people only specialise in close combat, and we as succubus don't out strength trained men only on some occasions can it happen but rather it can worsen the situation. If you already are being grabbed on, you won't win fighting them off so give in immediately."

(Vera)"You expect me to just give up, what kind of person do you think I am!"

(Mereth)"I never said that, listen until I finish! When you are at war you must maintain a distance even in close combat. Use a spear, not a knife ever or use something you can throw like an axe."

Catching on Vera was excited, and now was pumped for combat training again.

(Mereth)"Surrender the moment you get touched, even in non combat places. You won't fight them off on your own, so don't even try."

(Vera)"But what if I always carry my weapons"

Pondering at the question Mereth was genuinely considering it, but shook her head no.

(Mereth)"They would probably assume you wouldn't attack them, since succubus have too much of a reputation of surrendering. Also if they are already touching you, just let them finish and they will go away harmlessly."

(Vera)"Harmlessly, what do you mean?"

Confused at the answer it made no sense, wouldn't they after touching try to beat her up or something else.

(Mereth)"You recall what happened on the bench that day with Gus right?"

(Vera)"That, what exactly was that?"

Smiling with a sweet smile Mereth saw how easy it was to mold her, she didn't even resist the idea of surrendering too much.

(Mereth)"Just something harmless right? Just let them enjoy their time touching and they don't bother you."

(Vera)"I get it but it sounds wrong somehow, maybe but do they really?"

(Mereth)"Trust me, this is common here"