
eye of creation

In the majestic kingdom of Ashrone, a once powerful and prosperous nation, a grave tragedy unfolded - the untimely death of its beloved king. This catastrophic event not only plunged the kingdom into chaos and uncertainty but also created a dangerous power vacuum that various factions sought to exploit for their own gain. As political intrigue and clandestine manipulations ran rampant in the halls of power, some individuals resorted to devious and wicked means to secure their place at the top of the hierarchy. Smokescreens of deceit and shadows of treachery enveloped the kingdom, casting a dark shadow over its once glorious legacy. However, amidst the turmoil and darkness, a hero emerged from the most unlikely of places - a figure not born of noble blood, but of humble origins. This unassuming individual possessed a heart filled with courage, a mind sharpened by wisdom, and a spirit ignited by an unyielding sense of justice.

Mthokozisi_Mnguni · ファンタジー
20 Chs

chapter nineteen

The day finally arrived for the sending off of the Blouet clan. The burial site was adorned with a sea of tender white roses, symbolizing innocence and purity. A somber atmosphere hung in the air as people from far and wide gathered to bid farewell to the noble clan. Tears flowed freely as the Blouet clan was unlike any other; they had always shown care and compassion for the common folk, earning the love and respect of many.

The knights of the Kingdom of Ashrone, known for their valor and loyalty, stood in solemn formation to pay their respects to the fallen clan. Among them was Oliver, a young and promising knight, accompanied by his close friends Henry and Charlotte. As Oliver walked, cradling a single white rose in his hand, he observed the sea of mourners, their grief palpable in the air. His gaze fell upon his squad leader, chatting with a fellow knight, Scott Gallio, amidst the crowd.

"It's pretty crowded," Henry remarked softly, his shy nature evident in his tone.

"Yeah, they were well-loved for nobles," Charlotte responded, her voice tinged with determination.

"To wipe out an entire clan, they must have been formidable indeed," Oliver mused, his eyes steely with resolve.

Charlotte clenched her fists in determination. "We will find those responsible and make them pay for their heinous act," she declared fiercely.

"Yeah, Commander Blouet was one of the best. We won't rest until we avenge his clan," Oliver affirmed, his jaw set with determination.

Henry, noticing a glimpse of a number "4" tattoo on Charlotte's arm, couldn't help but ask in surprise, "Wow, you have a tattoo?"

Quickly concealing her tattoo, Charlotte shot a look of warning at Henry, who exchanged a knowing glance with Oliver.

As the day progressed, tributes were paid to the Blouet clan, and the sky above began to shimmer with an eerie crimson hue. Suddenly, magical explosions erupted, wreaking havoc and destruction all around. The once serene gathering was plunged into chaos as buildings crumbled, and screams of terror filled the air.

The knights sprang into action, forming protective magical barriers to shield the civilians from harm. Strange symbols appeared on the ground, unleashing grotesque creatures that laid siege upon the unsuspecting crowd. Oliver swiftly dodged the lunging creatures, his fists infused with potent magic as he decimated his foes one by one. Yet, for every creature he felled, it seemed two more took its place, an unending horde descending upon the helpless populace.

A swirling water tornado swept through the chaos, drawing the creatures closer to Oliver until a mysterious figure materialized before him - Kisama, his squad leader.

"Go to the kingdom's castle, protect the royal bloodline, and rally the other knights. Consider this an S-rank mission," Kisama commanded Oliver, his voice unwavering.

With a determined nod, Oliver activated his power, the ground trembling beneath him as he raced towards the castle amidst the destruction that surrounded him. Kisama focused his magic, whispering an incantation, "Water Magic: Destructive Water Jet," unleashing a torrent of devastating water that tore through the creatures, rending them limb from limb as the streets ran red with a gruesome mixture of blood and water.


Oliver, a daring and skilled warrior, dashed through the bustling streets of the majestic Kingdom of Ashrone. His trusty sword gleamed in the sunlight as he effortlessly sliced through the monstrous creatures that dared to cross his path. The clanging of metal against flesh filled the air as he swiftly dispatched his foes with precision and grace.

As Oliver sprinted through the narrow alleys and cobbled streets, a towering ten-foot-tall monster suddenly loomed in his path. Its intimidating presence sent shivers down his spine, but Oliver stood his ground, his gaze unwavering as he tightened his grip on his sword. The monstrous creature locked eyes with him, its white orbs glowing with an eerie light, before unleashing a deafening roar that seemed to shake the very foundations of the kingdom.

Without hesitation, Oliver channeled the magic within him, empowering his legs with a burst of energy that propelled him towards the monstrous beast. As the creature swung its massive fist in a menacing arc towards him, Oliver ducked with lightning speed, evading the attack and swiftly slicing off one of its arms in a single fluid motion.

Seizing the opportunity, Oliver leaped onto the creature's back, his blade flashing as he expertly severed both of its Achilles tendons with lethal precision. The colossal monster crumpled to its knees, roaring in agony as Oliver prepared for the final strike. With a fierce determination burning in his eyes, he once again invoked his magic, this time focusing on his legs to propel himself high into the air.

As he somersaulted through the sky, gaining momentum with each rotation, Oliver brought his sword down in a deadly arc that cleanly severed the monster's head from its shoulders. The beast fell lifeless to the ground, its monstrous form twitching before finally lying still.

Standing amidst the carnage, Oliver knew that his battle was far from over. Glancing around, he saw more monsters closing in on his position, their twisted forms moving with unnatural speed towards him. Realizing the urgency of the situation, Oliver knew he had to reach the safety of the castle where the queen awaited his protection.

"I need to get to the castle," Oliver thought to himself, steeling his resolve as he charged his blade with the crackling flames of fire magic. With a swift incantation, he unleashed a powerful spell known as Fire Magic: Plasma Cutter, sending blazing arcs of energy slicing through the approaching horde of monsters with devastating efficiency.

As the creatures fell in his wake, Oliver continued his relentless advance towards the looming silhouette of the castle on the horizon.

Oliver yelled to the nearby knights, 'Let's move forward; the queen needs us.' The knights followed Oliver as they raced towards the kingdom's castle.


Minato was filled with a mix of anger and determination as he stood on top of one of the tallest buildings in the once peaceful kingdom of Ashrone. His eyes narrowed as he surveyed the chaos below, monstrous creatures wreaking havoc on the land he once swore to protect.

Amidst the destruction, a slow clap echoed through the air, and Minato turned to see Saethan, a sinister smile playing on his lips. "What a beautiful image, isn't it?" Saethan's words dripped with malice, sending a shiver down Minato's spine.

"Is this your doing?" Minato's voice was cold and accusatory, his hand tightening around the hilt of his sword.

Saethan chuckled softly, his gaze fixated on the chaos unfolding below. "Well, I can't take all the credit," he replied casually, as if watching a mere spectacle unfold before him.

"Why did you do this?" Minato's voice rose with anger. "We may not have always agreed, but we both wanted what was best for the kingdom. What changed?"

Saethan's smile widened, and he moved to the edge of the building, his expression morphing into something more sinister. "Well, nothing changed," he said in a low voice, sending a chill down Minato's spine. And then, with a swift motion, Saethan began tearing at his own flesh, revealing the true mastermind behind the chaos - Wendel.

"I have always despised this kingdom and those who serve it," Wendel's voice was laced with venom as he spoke, his eyes gleaming with malice.

Minato's shock was palpable as Wendel began to channel his dark magic, a sense of foreboding filling the air around them. "Don't concern yourself with what happens out there," Wendel said, nodding towards the chaos below. "Focus on how you will survive facing me."

In an instant, Wendel appeared beside Minato, his grip strong on Minato's shoulder, the two locked in a tense standoff. Minato's eyes bore into Wendel's, a silent challenge passing between them.

As the tension mounted, Wendel leaped back, a sword materializing dangerously close to Minato. With quick reflexes, Minato dodged the attack, his own sword drawn and ready for battle.

Wendel's arm ignited with fire as he conjured a barrage of fiery projectiles, sending them hurtling towards Minato. With precision and agility, Minato dodged each fireball, his sword slicing through the flames with expert skill.

With a fierce determination, Minato charged towards Wendel, their swords clashing in a flurry of steel. The two engaged in a deadly dance, each maneuvering to gain the upper hand in the heated battle.

In a bold move, Wendel caught Minato's sword with his bare hand, the blade expanding and slicing a deep cut into Wendel's neck. Blood trickled from the wound as Wendel leaped back, a look of both fury and amusement in his eyes.

"That was exciting, wasn't it?" Wendel taunted, his wound already beginning to heal before Minato's eyes.

"Where is Saethan?" Minato demanded, his gaze unwavering.

"Like a loyal dog, he follows his master's orders," Wendel chuckled darkly. "Shall we continue this dance of ours?"