
eye of creation

In the majestic kingdom of Ashrone, a once powerful and prosperous nation, a grave tragedy unfolded - the untimely death of its beloved king. This catastrophic event not only plunged the kingdom into chaos and uncertainty but also created a dangerous power vacuum that various factions sought to exploit for their own gain. As political intrigue and clandestine manipulations ran rampant in the halls of power, some individuals resorted to devious and wicked means to secure their place at the top of the hierarchy. Smokescreens of deceit and shadows of treachery enveloped the kingdom, casting a dark shadow over its once glorious legacy. However, amidst the turmoil and darkness, a hero emerged from the most unlikely of places - a figure not born of noble blood, but of humble origins. This unassuming individual possessed a heart filled with courage, a mind sharpened by wisdom, and a spirit ignited by an unyielding sense of justice.

Mthokozisi_Mnguni · ファンタジー
20 Chs

chapter four

Charlotte stared fiercely at Edwin Gill, one of the triplets, as he chuckled in a mischievous tone. The earth magic he channeled caused his body to morph into a muddy appearance, emphasizing his connection to nature. With a taunting grin, he took measured steps closer to Charlotte, his very presence oozing confidence and power. "How curious you are," he remarked, his voice laced with amusement. "I bet it's eating you up, isn't it?"

Charlotte felt her own magic surge within her, a primal force resonating through her veins, causing her muscles to tense. Ignoring Edwin's jibes, she met his gaze with determination, her eyes alight with a fierce resolve. "I don't care if you have infinite abilities. As long as you can give me a challenge," she retorted defiantly. With a sudden exuberance, she bounced on her feet, a smirk playing on her lips, before letting out a war cry that echoed through the rocky battleground. "Fight me with all you have!"

As Charlotte propelled her fist, enveloped in crackling magic, towards Edwin, he effortlessly dodged her attacks with fluid movements that seemed almost unnatural. Each punch of hers seemed to pass through his form, causing breaks in the earth around them as the sheer potency of her magic manifested. Their battle transformed into a mesmerizing dance of dodges and strikes, showcasing the extraordinary powers they wielded.

Charlotte launched a powerful horizontal punch towards Edwin, her intent clear, but he exhibited an agility that defied human capability as he bent backward to evade her attack. In a swift movement, muddy hands materialized around Edwin's torso, launching a counterattack towards Charlotte. With an agile leap backward, she evaded the impending assault, her movements fluid and graceful even amidst the chaos of their duel.

Edwin, sensing the need for a change in strategy, shifted his elemental magic, transitioning from earth to water with seamless ease. "Water magic: Multiple Water Needle," he announced, summoning a barrage of sharp water needles aimed directly at Charlotte, a daunting display of his command over the elements.

In response, Charlotte's own magic surged to meet the challenge. With a resolute focus, she channeled her energy, summoning a powerful spell known as "Clap of the Gods." A deafening thunderclap reverberated through the rocky battleground, dispersing the multitude of water needles hurtling towards her, a testament to the sheer force of her magical prowess.


"These children have incredible abilities," Iruku said as he watched such a brilliant match. "What kind of monsters will they become in the future?" Iruku mused aloud, his eyes fixed on the young participants showcasing their remarkable powers.

"Specially Edward, to have an ascending ability that allows you to use all three elements," Iruku remarked, his voice filled with awe and admiration for the young boy's potential.

However, Hunter Blouet shook his head in disagreement. "He does not have an ascending ability," Hunter stated matter-of-factly, causing Iruku to raise an eyebrow in confusion.

"What do you mean by that?" Iruku inquired, eager to understand the nuances of the children's powers that he had been observing.

"Look at the way that he uses the three elements," Hunter explained, gesturing towards Edward who was focusing on the match, clearly exerting himself.

"He loses the ability of one element when he transitions to another," Hunter elucidated further, shedding light on the mechanics of Edward's unique ability.

"Mhh," a mysterious figure emerged from the shadows, his piercing purple gaze fixed on the unfolding battle. "His brother, Kane, possesses the ascending ability," the figure revealed, adding another layer of complexity to the situation.

Hunter glanced warily at Saethan Sunsworn, a smirk forming on the man's face as he observed the scene. Saethan's reputation as the squad captain of the viper squad preceded him, but his eccentric demeanor and unorthodox methods always managed to unsettle Hunter. It was as if Saethan was a mix between a brilliant scientist and a crazed magician.


"You know, we have been fighting for a while," Charlotte begins, her tone cool and confident. "But I haven't even used my elemental magic yet. What does that say about you?" Her eyes gleam with a challenge as she gazes at Edward, pushing him to his limits with her mere words.

Edward, feeling the weight of her statement, narrows his eyes in response. The implication of her words causing a flicker of doubt in his mind. "Are you saying I'm weak?" he retorts, the growl in his voice reflecting his frustration. He knows he's a formidable mage, but there's a seed of uncertainty planted by Charlotte's taunts.

Gritting his teeth, Edward summons his inner strength, igniting his fire magic to its peak. The strain of channeling multiple magical elements at once starts to take its toll on his body, but he pushes through, determined to prove his strength. With a fierce expression, he charges up his magic and bellows, "Fire magic: Hellfire!"

A cascade of intricate magic symbols materializes behind Edward, each one pulsating with raw power. They coalesce into hundreds of blazing magic balls that hurtle towards Charlotte with unstoppable momentum. The fiery projectiles close in on her, closing the distance at a terrifying speed.

As the fireballs explode in a spectacular display of heat and light, engulfing Charlotte in their fiery embrace, Edward collapses to his knees, panting heavily. The strain of unleashing such a powerful spell weighs heavily on his body, every muscle protesting against the magical exertion. Despite the searing pain coursing through him, a triumphant grin spreads across his face as he believes he has emerged victorious.

However, as the smoke begins to clear, a figure emerges from the dissipating flames. It's Charlotte, her body now covered in shimmering metal from head to toe. With each step she takes towards Edward, the metallic cladding emits a faint hum, a clear sign of her unfathomable power. Edward raises his head to meet her gaze, his expression a mix of shock and disbelief. How had she survived his ultimate attack unscathed?


On the other side of the battleground, Oliver and Henry stealthily infiltrated the opponents' camp, thanks to Henry's superior magic sensor abilities that surpassed those of others. As they crept through the shadows, Oliver could sense Henry's nerves as the magical energy from the other side grew stronger. The sounds of a fierce battle in progress echoed in their ears, adding to the tension.

"How many enemies are over there?" Oliver inquired, trying to assess the situation.

"Two of them," Henry replied, his voice filled with a mix of determination and fear.

Oliver paused, contemplating their next move. Remembering his mother's advice to never rush into battle without a plan, he began devising a strategy to take down their foes.

"I'll use my magic to flush them out, and you can use your thread magic to restrain them," Oliver suggested, hoping to catch their opponents off guard.

Henry nodded in agreement, ready to follow Oliver's lead. Oliver focused his energy, drawing upon his magical abilities as he took a deep breath and exhaled a stream of concentrated hot air.

"Fire magic: Soaring Heat Wave," Oliver incanted, releasing his spell towards the enemy camp.

Meanwhile, at the camp of the triplet brothers, Kane and Riley anxiously waited for their sibling to emerge victorious from the intense battle. Guilt gnawed at their hearts for sending their brother alone to face the enemy. Although born with magical talent, their frail bodies couldn't withstand the rigors of battle, a stark contrast to their fallen noble house of Thornwell.

Thornwell, once a prominent noble house of the Ashrone Kingdom, had dwindled in status after the Purity War, with only 14 noble houses remaining recognized out of the original 30. Their father had placed immense pressure on them to restore the family's honor, yet they had continually fallen short of his expectations. This final chance to prove themselves loomed large, knowing that failure would result in banishment from their once prestigious lineage.

Riley peered outside, straining to catch a glimpse of their returning brother. Kane lay nearby, shifting between consciousness and unconsciousness as he channeled his ascending ability to aid their sibling in battle.

Riley's surroundings suddenly started to feel warm, causing him to use his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead. "Man, it's getting really hot in here," he muttered, letting out a cough in the stifling air.

Across the cave, Kane began to stir from his dazed state, his eyes opening slowly. "Why is it so hot all of a sudden?" he mumbled, struggling to stand up and wobbling as he tried to move towards Riley. Concerned, Riley hurried over to his brother, offering a steadying hand to help him up.

"Let's get out of here," Riley suggested, his voice filled with urgency as he assisted Kane in making their way out of the cave. The heat seemed to intensify as they stepped outside, the oppressive warmth engulfing them both. Riley looked up and saw a shadow cast over him, blocking the sun's rays.

The shadow dissipated, revealing Oliver standing before them. Without warning, Oliver unleashed a powerful magic-infused punch, hitting Riley squarely in the stomach. The force of the blow caused Riley to double over in pain, struggling to catch his breath. Before he could recover, Oliver followed up with a spinning kick aimed at Riley's head, knocking him into unconsciousness.

Kane, witnessing the brutal attack on his brother, felt a surge of panic rising within him. He stumbled backward, landing hard on the ground as fear gripped his heart. As he cried out Riley's name, he saw strands of eerie blue magic swirling around him, weaving their way towards his body. The magic threads began to envelop him, their dark energy pulsing with an ominous power as they started to leech away his own magic.

As he passed out, he whispered, "Sorry, bro, we're weak."