
Extremist Has A Devil Family

Zero was an extremist who once liked something will get that no matter how many obstacles he face. He was a true maniac, a true enthusiast. Now, a new world is opened to him in which there are supernaturals involved. He was turned into a devil and a husband of the devil princess. However, his story didn't end there as he had RH Null Blood. He got a devil family now. And he is an extremist. The story and Zero's new life has just begun. The new life to become the strongest existence. The existence that would make all other existences kneel because of his dominance and power.

Anima_4341 · ファンタジー
7 Chs

Chapter 6: A Good Princess

In a street where no one was present, only moonlight and street lights illuminated the street four women were walking.

One of them spoke with clear anger and disdain, "These men only think with their lower parts."

She had long red hair that reached her butt and rose pink eyes. She had pale white skin. She had a voluptuous figure. She had H-cup breast and a plump ass and thick thighs. She looked to be in her early 20s. She was 1.79 metres tall. Her name was Rose Blaze.

"You have already killed him, so stop acting like that, Rose." Another woman spoke.

She had long blonde hair that reached her waist with voilet eyes. She had pale white skin. She had average C-cup with big ass and thick thighs. Her ass was really big and also her thighs were thick. She was Voilet Micare. She was 1.81 metres tall.

"Still, ugh." Rose didn't know what to think anymore. She was very angry right now.

"Lady Rose, I think you have already give that scum his punishment. You should calm down. Don't waste your mind on those lowly bugs." Rose's maid spoke in a calm voice.

She had blonde hair with green eyes. She had pale white skin. She had a good figure. She reached 1.76 metres of height. Her name was Alice.

Voilet and her maid, Liana looked at Alice. They had a face that said, 'Does she have a mind?'

Seeing this, a vein popped on Rose's head and she shouted, "Shut up, you bitches. I do have a fucking mind."

"But we didn't say anything." Voilet spoke calmly. She had a cool and mature mind and and she knew how to deal with this childhood friend of hers.

"Ugh." Rose didn't say anything further and turned away to continue walking.

Voilet had a small imperceptible smile on her beautiful face. She knew how much of a short fuse Rose had and how to make her shut up.

Liana also smiled behind Voilet. She was an adult vampire and had been taking care of Voilet since her birth as Voilet's mother had been unable to take care of her for a certain reason. It wasn't because her mother hated Voilet or her mother was busy but it was because...

"Don't tell your mom about it, Rose." Voilet spoke seriously.

Rose nodded and spoke, "I know. I will not tell her."

Voilet nodded.

Rose then continued, "I am not an idiot."

This time, Voilet didn't nod. This made Rose furious and she spoke, "You bitch!"

Voilet laughed a bit. She really loved teasing her. But she was really serious about not telling her mother. She knew how Rose's mother destroyed half of Africa for a simple reason.

Voilet had a sad look on in her eyes as she spoke about Rose's mother. She remembered her mother.

This sadness in Voilet's eyes didn't escape Liana as she also got a bit sad.

She still remembered how Violet used to ask question about her mother.


Eleven Years ago when Voilet was 9 years of age.

In a garden filled with flowers, a little girl was talking to a mature lady in maid dress.

"Liana, Liana, where is mother? Why doesn't she come play with me?" A little girl with blonder hair spoke to her caretaker and also her maid.

Liana flashed a smile and spoke with a calm tone, "Your mother is currently on a mission."

"Which mission?" Little Voilet asked and tilted her head in a cute manner.

"Mission to save the devils. You know, there are many bad guys that have eyes on our things. So, she wants to protect them to keep her little princess safe. So, you have to be a good princess." Liana spoke and while she was speaking, her smile threatened to break a couple of times.

She thought, 'I am sorry, Lady Voilet. I just can't tell you.'

Little Voilet nodded her head cutely when she heard her maid.

"How can I become a good princess?" Little Voilet asked, confused about the process.

"Fufu, Lady Voilet, to become a good princess you have to first become a good lady, a good person and also a mature and kind person. A princess is someone who is beautiful, kind and mature and also brutal to her enemies. After all, after king and queen the person who has the most authority is princess." Liana spoke with a smile.

Little Voilet nodded her head and spoke in resolve, "I will become a good princess."

"Sure, you will, my lady." Liana spoke as she patted Little Voilet's head.


Liana looked at Voilet and thought, 'You really have become a good princess.'

Liana hadn't tell her about her mother yet. After all, if she came to knew, she might break and it was the last thing Liana wanted.

Voilet looked at Liana and flashed a gentle smile. She knew what was going on in Liana's head. She already had gotten a inkling about her mother. Even though, it ached her heart still she will do whatever to get to her. Voilet looked at the dark sky and closed her voilet eyes. She didn't blame Liana for not telling her about her mother because she knew it was right from a point of view.

"-let, -oilet, Voilet, bitch." Rose spoke in a loud voice that got Voilet to come out of her thoughts.

Voilet looked at her and seemingly of ignored her curses.

"Yes?" Voilet asked.

"Listen to me." Rose spoke as she walked on the empty street.

"Sorry, I got a bit distracted." Voilet spoke.

"Are you okay?" Rose spoke worriedly. Voilet smiled at her. Even though this 'Rose' have many sharp spikes and thorn, she still is a flower, after all.

"Did you finally get insane?"

Or not.

"..." This time a vein popped on Voilet's head.

"Pfft...HAHAHAHAHA~." Rose got back at her. She was really satisfied.

Voilet calmed down and didn't say anything in return.

She had trained herself to be mature since young age. She cannot be carried away like this.

Rose stopped laughing and spoke, "By the way, I heard you got a marriage offer."

".....Yeah, it was from the Archduke Family." Voilet spoke as she clenched her pale hands. Her eyes turned blood-red.

"For which son you were offered?" Rose asked as she had anger in her eyes.

"The eldest son." Voilet answered as her eyes turned Voilet again.

"That fucking arrogant bastard?" Rose asked.

Voilet nodded and didn't say anything.

They both knew that how much of arrogant and lazy that man was. He was an adult vampire. His family was one of the few vampire Archduke Families of Hellburn.

The reason they were offering marriage was because Voilet was one of seven flowers of Hellburn.

"Didn't he already have wives?" Rose asked

"Hmm. He wants me to be her concubine." Voilet nodded. Hearing her, Rose stopped.

Rose asked, "But they sent you a marriage offer, right?"

Voilet nodded and spoke, "That was just a facade. They only wanted me to become his concubine."

All four women's eyes turned blood-red. They stopped for a second but started walking again. The two maids followed their ladies.

Liana was really angry this time.

Rose was the same. Even though, she was like a delinquent, Voilet was her friend. And those, fucking bitched were playing with her friend.

Voilet and Rose had always been childhood friend. Even though, there were many people with same age as their but they didn't find any good friends. So, they were always together.

Voilet always helped her, but she can't do anything now. She didn't even know what her problem was.

Rose just sighed. She can't do anything. She told her mother and she said, "You shouldn't interfere in this. Just do your training."

Remembering her mother, she got a bit furious. That bitch was a spartan, always training her, so brutally.

She remembered her mother words.


"Become a strong woman, woman so strong that even gods wouldn't look down at you. Live like a queen, die like a queen. Whoever get in your way, destroy him, whoever hits you destroy him, just destroy whoever feel like a nuisance to you, after all this world is fucked up where only strong rules, only strong eats and lives like a king. And as for the weak, they are nothing more than slaves ready to be eaten."


Rose looked at Voilet and spoke, "Don't worry. Your problem will be solver soon." She tried to give her hope.

Voilet looked at her strangely and had a look that said, 'Is this Voilet or a doppelganger?'

A vein popped on her head as she spoke in spoke in a loud voice, "You bitch."

Voilet ignored her anger and spoke, "Did you watch the anime I recommend you?"

Rose got furious that she ignored her but she didn't say anything and spoke, "No."


"They are no fun."

"How they are no fun?"

"They are just not."

"There must be a reason."

"There isn't."

They spoke with each other as they walked in the night.